Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Síða 278

Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Síða 278
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál 19.11 Bótaþegar eftir kyni og bótagreiðslur vegna félagslegrar aðstoðar 2004 Benefits and recipients ofsocial assistance benefits by sex 2004 Fjöldi bótaþega 1. des. Bótagreiðslur í millj. kr. Recipients 1 December Benefits in million ISK Samtals Karlar Konur Samtals Karlar Konur Total Males Females Total Males Females Mæðra- og feðralaun Single parent’s allowances1 3.517 127 3.390 291 10 281 Umönnunargreiðslur v/fatlaðra og sjúkra barna Carer 's ullowance for carers o/sick and disabled children 1.978 236 1.742 907 103 804 Maka- og umönnunarbætur Spouse’s and carer's benefits 107 18 89 70 13 57 Makabætur v/ellilífeyris Spouse 's benefits for retirementpensioners 18 - 18 13 1 12 Makabætur v/örorkulífeyris Spouse 's benefitsfor disability pensioners 59 15 44 35 9 26 Makabætur v/endurhæfmgarlífeyris Spouse 's benefits for rehab. pensioners - - - 2 1 1 Umönnunarbætur v/ellilífeyris Carer 's benefits for retirement pensioners 19 2 17 11 1 10 Umönnunarbætur v/örorkulífeyris Carer 's benefits for disability pensioners 11 1 10 9 1 8 Umönnunarbætur v/endurhæfingarlífeyris Carer ’s benefits for rehab. pensioners - - - - ~ - Dánarbætur Death benefits 184 33 151 45 12 33 Ekkju- ekklabætur, 6 mánaða Paid 6 months 81 20 61 28 9 19 Ekkju- ekklabætur, 12 mánaða Paid 12 months 31 11 20 8 3 5 Ekkjulífeyrir Basicpension, widows only 62 - 62 7 - 7 Dánarbætur 12-48 mánaða Paid 12-48 months 10 2 8 2 0 2 Endurhæfingarlífeyrir Rehabilitation pension 739 255 484 784 276 508 Lífeyrir Basic pension 739 255 484 223 79 144 Aldurstengd örorkuuppbót 732 252 480 100 32 68 Tekjutrygging Income supplement 680 235 445 374 134 240 Tekjutryggingarauki Extra income supplement 369 131 238 87 31 56 Barnalífeyrir vegna menntunar Childpension/education 395 180 215 97 46 51 Heimilisuppbót Householdsupplement 11.571 3.559 8.012 2.239 685 1.554 v/ellilífeyris (sjóm. meðt.) for retirement pensioners 7.775 2.186 5.589 1.458 407 1.051 v/örorkulífeyris for disability pensioners 3.573 1.324 2.249 723 265 458 v/endurhæfingarlífeyris for rehabilitation pensioners 223 49 174 58 13 45 Frekari uppbætur Additionalpension supplement 6.123 2.368 3.755 668 287 381 v/ellilífeyris (sjóm. meðt.) for retirementpensioners 3.823 1.321 2.502 368 131 237 v/örorkulífeyris for disability pensioners 2.254 1.020 1.234 291 150 141 v/endurhæfmgalífeyris for rehabilitation pensioners 46 27 19 9 6 3 Uppbætur v/reksturs bifreiðar Petrol allowance 6.578 3.235 3.343 637 316 321 v/ellilífeyris for retirementpensioners 4.031 2.210 1.821 387 214 173 v/örorkulífeyris for disability pensioners 2.523 1.017 1.506 247 101 146 v/örorkustyrkþega for recipients of disabil. allowance 23 7 16 3 1 2 v/endurhæfingalífeyris for rehabilitation pensioners 1 1 - 0 0 - Uppbætur v/bifreiðakaupa Car-purchasing grants2 875 401 474 343 155 188 v/ellilífeyris for retirement pensioners 236 137 99 93 52 41 v/örorkulífeyris for disabilitypensioners 604 247 357 236 96 140 v/örorkustyrks for recipients of disabil. allowance 11 3 8 4 1 3 v/endurhæfmgarlífeyris for rehabilitation pensioners 3 3 - 1 1 - v/umönnunargreiðslna for recipients of carer 's benefits and allowances 21 11 10 9 4 5 Annað Other Meðlög Child maintenance3 10.771 448 10.323 2.913 110 2.802 1 Fjöldi bama á framfæri mæðra 7.693 og 286 á framfæri feðra. 7,693 children supported by their mothers, and 286 by their fathers. 2 Bótaþegar allt árið 2004. Recipients during 2004. 3 Meðlög teljast ekki til bóta almannatrygginga, heldur annast Tryggingastofnun milligöngu greiðslna. Meðlög vegna menntunar em meðtalin. Karlar fengu meðlag með 415 bömum og konur með 14.228 bömum. Þá var greitt meðlag vegna menntunar til 122 ungra karla og 162 ungra kvenna. Child maintenance is not a social security benefit although the S.S.I. serves as an intermediary forpayments. Child maintenance due to education is included. Children supported through child maintenance were 415 on behalf of men and 14.228 on behalf of women. In addition 122 young men and 162 young women were supported because of education. Heimild Source: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins. State Social Security Institute. 270
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