Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Page 346
Fjöldi skráðra afbrota hjá lögreglustjóraembættum 2002-2004
Number of offenses registered by the police 2002—2004
Allt landið Whole country1 Fjöldi Number
Afbrot á 10.000 íbúa Per 10,000 inh. Fjöldi Number Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital region Outside Capital region
Samtals brot 2002 Total offences 2002 3.445,2 99.070 61.043 38.027
Samtals brot 2003 Total offences 2003 3.080,9 89.121 51.434 37.522
Samtals brot 2004 Total offences 2004 2.972,3 86.967 50.826 36.003
Brot gegn valdstjórnmni Offences againstpublic auth. 2002 4,1 118 72 46
2003 8,3 241 144 96
2004 3,7 108 76 32
Skjalafals Forgery 2002 17,8 513 380 133
2003 11,8 340 255 80
2004 10,6 309 207 98
Kynferðisbrot Sexual offences 2002 11,3 324 191 133
2003 12,4 359 239 119
2004 9,5 277 162 115
Líkamsmeiðingar Assaults 2002 46,3 1.330 876 454
2003 45,1 1.304 869 435
2004 41,0 1.199 756 440
Brot gegn friðhelgi einkalífs Offences againstpers. liberty 2002 26,4 758 536 222
2003 30,2 874 610 261
2004 25,1 734 505 228
Auðgunarbrot Offences of acquisition 2002 394,0 11.330 9.290 2.040
2003 347,1 10.041 7.985 2.022
2004 332,1 9.716 7.921 1.778
Eignaspjöll Offences againstproperty 2002 144,0 4.141 2.948 1.193
2003 134,2 3.883 2.708 1.175
2004 120,9 3.536 2.545 991
Nytjastuldur Unlawful use of motor vehicles 2002 19,7 566 468 98
2003 14,2 412 320 92
2004 15,0 438 352 86
Fíkniefnabrot Drug crimes 2002 34,6 994 677 317
2003 47,9 1.385 905 480
2004 57,1 1.671 1.077 592
Afengislög Alcoholic beverages Act 2002 69,0 1.984 1.442 542
2003 69,5 2.009 1.482 527
2004 49,8 1.456 1.059 397
Umferðarlagabrot Traffic offences 2002 2.558,5 73.573 42.565 31.008
2003 2.230,1 64.510 34.322 30.186
Öll önnur brot Other offences 2002 119,6 3.439 1.598 1.841
2003 130,1 3.763 1.595 2.049
2004 119,3 3.490 1.614 1.738
Árið 2002 eru 199 mál frátalin og 165 árið 2003. Þetta eru mál sem eru óstaðsett eftir lögregluumdæmum og fellur meirihluti þeirra undir flokkinn „Öll
önnur brot“ og eru skráð hjá Ríkislögreglustjóra og Ríkissaksóknara. 199 cases are excluded in 2002 and 165 in 2003. These cases cannot be assigned to
individual police jurisdictions and most of them fall within the category “other offences ” and are registerd by the National Commissioner of Police and
the Office of the Prosecutor General.
Heimild Source: Ríkislögreglustjóri. The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police.