Landshagir - 01.11.2009, Side 223
Fjármunamyndun 2004–2008
Gross fixed capital formation by kind of activity and type of good 2004–200813.9
verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Million ISK at current prices
a. atvinnugreinaskipting Classification by ownership branch
1 landbúnaður og dýraveiðar Agriculture, hunting and related service activities 2.625 4.846 5.579 5.358 4.401
2 Skógrækt, skógarhögg og þjónusta
Forestry, logging and related service activities 1.077 1.248 1.248 1.362 1.286
5 fiskveiðar Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms 4.868 2.177 1.954 1.035 1.208
14 námugröftur annarra hráefna Other mining and quarrying 84 2 104 80 28
15 Matvæla- og drykkjarvöruiðnaður
Manufacture of food products and beverages 3.251 2.736 5.587 5.528 3.690
17–19 textíl-, fata og leðuriðnaður
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather -495 -189 -911 99 112
20 trjáiðnaður Manufacture of wood and of production of wood and cork -4 135 237 286 260
21 Pappírsiðnaður og útgáfustarfsemi
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products 753 2.121 -568 -171 -357
24 efnaiðnaður Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products -328 1.172 1.355 170 58
25 Gúmmí- og plastvöruframleiðsla Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 390 -96 -880 101 70
26 Gler-, leir- og steinefnaiðnaður
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 713 1.965 1.738 769 789
27 framleiðsla málma Manufacture of basic metals 7.595 46.668 62.657 36.186 24.938
28 Málmsmíði og viðgerðir
Manufacture of metal products except machinery and equipment 121 739 477 1.180 1.141
29 vélsmíði og vélaviðgerðir Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 87 203 100 190 171
30–33 Rafmagns- og rafeindaiðnaður Manufacture of office machinery, computers,
electrical machinery and apparatus 17 -90 104 100 96
34–35 framleiðsla samgöngutækja Manufacture of motor vehicles and
other transport equipment 339 635 497 657 693
36–37 Húsgagnaiðnaður og annar ótalinn iðnaður Manufacture of furniture;
manufacturing n.e.c. 221 635 639 139 147
40–41 Rafmagns-, gas-, hita - og vatnsveitur
Electricity, gas steam and hot water supply 34.850 50.058 74.587 66.048 67.888
45 Byggingarstarfsemi og mannvirkjagerð Construction 9.917 11.857 16.771 16.513 14.658
50–52 verslun og ýmis viðgerðarþjónusta Retail and wholesale 7.309 8.136 5.686 6.698 6.228
55 Hótel- og veitingahúsarekstur Hotels and restaurants 2.520 4.549 3.233 3.066 2.854
60 Samgöngur á landi; flutningur með leiðslum
Land transport; transport via pipelines 1.567 2.334 2.190 2.153 1.648
61 Samgöngur á sjó og vatnaleiðum Water transport 126 15 104 365 133
62 flugsamgöngur Air transport 5.162 4.117 26.634 -15.166 -10.564
63 flutningar, ferðaskrifstofur o.þ.h. Supporting and auxiliary transport
activties; activities of travel agencies 6.653 7.099 8.481 10.317 6.693
64 fjarskiptaþjónusta Post and telecommunications 4.478 5.901 6.016 10.561 16.321
65–68 fjármálaþjónusta, vátryggingar og önnur fjármálastarfsemi
Financial intermediation and insurance 3.928 2.375 10.248 10.465 7.535
70 Sala og rekstur fasteigna Real estate activities 17.011 21.673 22.873 27.454 33.971
71–72 Ýmis leigustarfsemi og tölvuþjónusta Renting of machinery;
computer & related activities 2.435 1.829 2.162 1.499 2.202
73 Rannsóknir og þróunarstarf Research and development 564 -293 1.054 2.690 2.302
74 Önnur viðskipti og sérhæfð þjónusta Other business activities 3.603 5.924 11.405 14.638 11.013
80 fræðslustarfsemi Education 53 443 162 161 139
85 Heilbrigðis- og félagsþjónusta Health and social work 803 1.404 1.587 2.448 2.206
90–91 Önnur samfélagsþjónusta Sewage and refuse disposal and activities
of membership organisation n.e.c. 2.247 2.730 603 538 538
92 tómstunda-, menninga- og íþróttastarfsemi Recreational, cultural and
sporting activities 2.612 2.157 2.158 2.276 2.070
93 Önnur persónuleg þjónusta Other service activities 360 155 830 910 758
97–98 engin starfsemi og ótilgreind starfsemi No activity and unclassified activity 2.849 3.741 3.840 4.594 3.665
Atvinnuvegir alls Business sector investment 130.361 201.114 280.540 221.297 210.986
Íbúðarhús, alls Residential construction 50.626 58.466 74.480 90.600 80.903
75 Starfsemi hins opinbera Public works and buildings 37.490 31.815 42.611 54.656 65.458
75.1 vegir og brýr Roads and bridges 10.609 8.060 9.463 12.119 20.808
75.2 Götur og holræsi Streets and sewers 7.450 7.418 11.598 13.770 14.237
2004 2005 2006 20071 20081