Landshagir - 01.11.2009, Page 267
Lánakerfið. Reikningar og útlánaflokkun 2004–2008
Accounts of the credit system 2004–200816.5
eignir Assets
Útlán og verðbréfaeign Loans and bonds 2.646.479 3.468.708 4.543.327 5.576.817 7.705.125
Bankakerfið Banking system 1.416.670 2.138.250 2.784.301 3.666.327 5.187.649
Ýmis lánafyrirtæki Miscellaneous credit undertakings 634.143 686.790 820.802 848.365 1.083.295
lífeyrissjóðir Pension funds 732.751 881.527 1.032.338 1.182.278 1.254.394
tryggingarfélög Insurance companies 66.925 91.211 81.557 43.927 56.015
verðbréfa- og fjárfestingasjóðir Mutual and investment funds 256.522 307.818 409.408 603.813 600.803
Útlönd Foreign sector 1.606.222 2.837.911 5.021.585 6.871.451 9.579.575
lánasjóðir ríkisins State lending funds 320.761 284.652 375.738 331.438 702.516
Millisamtala Subtotal, gross 5.033.994 7.228.159 10.525.729 13.547.599 18.464.247
frá dragast innbyrðis viðskipti Less inter-institutional lending -2.387.515 -3.759.451 -5.982.402 -7.970.782 -10.759.122
Eignir = skuldir Assets = liabilities 2.646.479 3.468.708 4.543.327 5.576.817 7.705.125
skuldir Liabilities
Innlendar skuldir lánakerfisins
Domestic liabilities of the credit system 1.918.411 2.487.004 3.059.904 3.752.599 6.049.484
innlán og seðlar Notes and deposits 468.997 597.003 717.925 1.025.355 1.154.910
verðbréf Securities 296.112 323.633 465.187 857.907 1.221.312
tryggingarsjóður Insurance indemnity fund 50.676 50.558 56.798 61.115 69.552
lífeyrissjóðir Pension funds 964.596 1.190.038 1.483.772 1.652.241 1.753.868
eigið fé lánastofnana Capital of financial institutions 378.907 650.319 870.144 1.162.218 1.351.578
annað, nettó Other, net -240.877 -324.547 -533.922 -1.006.237 498.264
Erlendar skuldir, nettó Foreign credit 728.068 981.704 1.483.423 1.824.218 1.655.641
erlend lán Foreign loans 1.606.222 2.837.911 5.021.585 6.871.451 9.579.575
Stuttar kröfur á útlönd Short-term claims on foreigners -312.895 -623.588 -1.496.507 -1.372.160 -2.248.202
erlend verðbréfaeign innlendra aðila
Foreign market securities owned by residents -374.202 -695.628 -1.172.600 -1.671.525 -2.221.587
erlend útlán Foreign lending -191.057 -536.991 -869.055 -2.003.548 -3.454.145
útlánaflokkun2 Lending by borrowers2
eignir Assets
Útlán alls Total lending 2.646.479 3.468.708 4.543.327 5.576.817 7.705.125
Ríkissjóður og ríkisstofnanir Central government 197.705 77.162 33.025 76.306 148.417
Bæjar- og sveitarfélög Municipalities 118.794 102.199 111.741 116.696 149.611
atvinnuvegir Enterprises 1.452.936 2.205.708 3.075.146 3.836.908 5.516.723
Heimili Households 877.044 1.083.639 1.323.415 1.546.907 1.890.374
Skýringar Notes: Með lánakerfi er átt við bankakerfi, ýmis lánafyrirtæki, lífeyrissjóði, lánasjóði ríkisins, tryggingafélög, verðbréfa- og fjárfestingasjóði og
útlönd. Included are the Central Bank, deposit money banks, mortgage departments of commercial and savings banks, investment credit funds, other state
lending funds, pension funds, insurance companies, leasing companies, mutual funds and foreign sector.
1 Staða í lok september 2008. At the end of September 2008.
2 Útlánaflokkun að nokkru leyti áætluð. Data partly estimated.
Heimild Source: Seðlabanki íslands. Central Bank of Iceland.
Staða í árslok, milljónir króna Million ISK at the end of year 2004 2005 2006 2007 20081