Landshagir - 01.11.2009, Side 271
Lánaflokkun ýmissa lánafyrirtækja 2004–2008
Sectoral breakdown of miscellaneous credit undertaking 2004–200816.10
Löng erlend lán 2004–2008
Long-term foreign debt 2004–200816.11
Útlán alls Total lending 527.852 533.494 664.494 647.713 821.869
Ríkissjóður og ríkisstofnanir Central government 23 177 337 371 518
Bæjar- og sveitarfélög Local government 31.911 38.705 45.803 54.069 81.715
Fjármálastofnanir Financial institutions 175 90 155 1.057 2.015
Fyrirtæki alls Enterprises, total 82.662 108.358 180.032 146.032 204.793
landbúnaður Agriculture 2.482 489 501 431 711
Sjávarútvegur Fisheries 4.668 3.530 4.082 3.356 6.598
verslun Commerce 5.739 6.552 14.388 5.140 7.598
iðnaður Manufacturing 2.522 2.265 2.364 2.602 4.416
Byggingarstarfsemi og mannvirkjagerð
Building contractors and construction of residential 12.660 17.470 34.458 45.977 29.773
Samgöngur Communications 300 3.206 648 726 549
Raforkumál Electric power 83 6 24 24 30
Þjónustustarfsemi Services 45.784 64.631 112.408 75.233 143.064
eignarhaldsfélög Holding companies • • • • 9.836
annað, óflokkað Miscellaneous and unclassified 8.424 10.209 11.161 12.545 2.219
Erlendir aðilar Foreign sector 12.390 33.855 51.539 5.697 5.174
Íbúðarlán til einstaklinga Housing loans to households 400.692 352.309 386.628 440.488 527.655
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Heimild Source: Seðlabanki íslands. Central Bank of Iceland.
Löng erlend lán alls Long-term foreign debt, total 1.256.607 2.322.378 4.050.232 4.182.326 7.694.485
Hið opinbera General government 166.944 108.459 191.418 167.276 348.777
Ríkissjóður Treasury 126.595 93.607 175.682 154.690 317.430
Sveitarfélög Municipalities 40.349 14.852 15.736 12.586 31.347
innlánsstofnanir Deposit money banks 937.426 1.959.105 3.408.185 3.454.752 6.385.080
aðrar lánastofnanir Other loan institutions 9.047 28.192 50.365 52.898 116.363
atvinnufyrirtæki Industries 145.627 226.745 400.264 507.400 844.265
Gengi Bandaríkjadals U.S. Dollar exchange rate 61,04 63,53 71,83 62,00 120,87
erlend lán sem hlutfall af:2 Total debt as percentage of:2
vergri landsframleiðslu GDP 135,3 226,2 346,7 321,4 521,1
Útflutningstekjum Export revenue 620,9 1.194,9 1.668,5 1.370,8 1.648,1
Greiðslubyrði sem hlutfall af útflutningstekjum
Debt service burden as percentage of export revenue 102,9 145,5 186,5 410,9 260,7
afborganir Amortization 89,3 120,5 134,6 348,4 198,4
vaxtagreiðslur Interest 13,6 25,1 51,9 62,5 62,3
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
2 Skuldahlutfall miðast við skuldastöðu í lok tímabils sem hlutfall af landsframleiðslu ársins á gengi hvers tíma. The debt ratio is measured as the ratio of
annual GDP at current exchange rate against the total debt at the end of the period.
Heimild Source: Seðlabanki íslands. Central Bank of Iceland.
Staða í árslok, milljónir króna Million ISK at the end of year 2004 2005 2006 2007 20081
Staða í árslok, milljónir króna Million ISK at the end of year 2004 2005 2006 2007 20081