Landshagir - 01.11.2009, Síða 386
disposable income 211, 213–214
dissolutions 78–79
dissolved partnerships 76
district courts 362–363
divorces 73–75, 79–80
drugs consumption 304
ducks 142
duration of marriage 75
dwellings 164–165
eUR, average selling rates 272
earnings 109–112, 114–121
ecclesiastic marriages 69
economic activity 98–99, 111, 116–117, 120–121, 131–132
education levels 94, 97
educational expenditure 384
education 319–344
elections 367–375
electricity 156–157
emission 32–36
employed 92–94
employees 191
employment 98–100
end of marriages 73
energy use 157
energy 154–159
enrolment 325, 334–335
enterprises 130–132, 190
exchange rate 273
expenditure 208–214
exports 192, 232–245
external trade 232, 234–248
factor income 219
family status 52
fatal accidents 315
fertility 84–85
fertilizer 136
field crops 136
films 351–352
final consumption expenditure 221–222
financial accounts 231
first child 83
first stage of tertiary education 337–339, 344
fish catch 143–145, 148–151
fishing boats 152
fishing gear 148
fishing vessels 152, 172
fishing 143–153
flatfish 144–151
food consumption 138
food expenditure 208–212
food products 161–163
foreign citizens 55–56
foreign trade 234–235, 238
freight transport 174–175
frozen at sea 150–151
fuel 155
GdP 215–217, 382
Geese 142
General elections 367–371
General government aggregates 249
General government finance 251
General government, financial assets 257
Geothermal energy 154–155
Gliders 173
Gonorrhoea 292
Government final consumption 215–217, 222
Government revenue 255
Graduation level 335–339, 344
Grammar schools 323–324
Greenhouse gas 33
Gross domestic Product 215–219
Gross fixed capital formation 215–217, 223–230
Gross income 123
Gulls 142
Hiv-infected 292
Health affairs, expenditure 277–281
Health affairs 274–281, 287–304
Health expenditure 384
Health insurance 313–314
Health personnel 287
Helicopters 173
Hens 137
Home-help support 282
Horse meat 138
Horses 137
Hotels and guesthouses 168–171
Hours of work 101–102
Household consumption expenditure 212
Housing 164–165
Hunting 142
Hydro energy 154–155
ict goods 191–192
ict sector 190–191
ict 183–192
iPod/MP3 183
icelandic Stock exchange 270
icelandic citizenship 57
imports 191, 232–238, 246–248
income components 219
income distribution 127–129
income supplement 311
income 123–129, 213–214
index, building cost 204
index, consumer price 197