Landshagir - 01.11.2012, Page 19
List of tables
18 Social security
18.1 funding of social security pension schemes and social assistance benefits 1999–2011 341
18.2 funding of occupational injury insurance 1999–2011 341
18.3 Social security and social assistance benefits expenditure 2007–2011 342
18.4 Benefits and recipients of social security benefits 2009–2011 343
18.5 Benefits and recipients of social assistance benefits 2009–2011 344
18.6 Benefits and recipients of social security benefits by sex 2011 345
18.7 Benefits and recipients of social assistance benefits by sex 2011 346
18.8 Unreduced social security benefits and social assistance benefits 2009–2011 347
18.9 Social security benefits and social assistance benefits 2012 348
18.10 Social security health insurance by type of expenditure 2010–2011 349
18.11 accidents reported to the State Social Security institute 1996–2011 350
18.12 Unemployment insurance fund 2007–2011 350
18.13 Unemployment benefits 2006–2012 351
18.14 Recipients and payments in relation to maternity/paternity leave 2006–2011 352
18.15 average length of maternity/paternity leave per parent by birthyear of child 2005–2011 353
19 Education
19.1 education expenditure 2007–2011 358
19.2 Personnel in pre-primary schools in december 2011 359
19.3 Pre-primary schools and number of children enrolled, by age 2007–2011 360
19.4 daily attendance of children in pre-primary schools as percent of age groups 2007–2011 361
19.5 Pupils in compulsory schools by district and grades, autumn 1992–2011 362
19.6 Personnel in compulsory schools, autumn 2011 363
19.7 Students by level and field of study, programme orientation and sex, autumn
2010 and 2011 364
19.8 Students by level and field of study, programme orientation and age, autumn
2010 and 2011 366
19.9 Students by level and field of study, programme orientation and domicile, autumn 2011 368
19.10 icelandic students abroad by sex, age and field of study, autumn 2010 and 2011 370
19.11 Students at post-secondary, non-tertiary level and tertiary level of education
by degree 2007–2011 372
19.12 enrolment rates of age cohorts 16–29 years, autumn 2010 and 2011 373
19.13 enrolment rates of age cohorts 16–29 years in iceland, by students' domicile, autumn
2010 and 2011 374
19.14 Students passing matriculation examination 1999–2010 376
19.15 Students passing matriculation examination by age and domicile 2009/2010 377
19.16 Graduations by level, field of study and sex 2008–2010 378
19.17 Graduations by diploma and sex 2008–2010 379
19.18 Graduated students by level, age and sex 2008–2010 380
19.19 Graduated students by level, domicile and sex 2008–2010 381
19.20 Personnel in schools at the upper secondary level in november 2010 382
19.21 Personnel in schools at the tertiary level in november 2010 384
19.22 Population 25–64 years by educational attainment, sex and residence 2005–2011 386
19.23 Population 25–64 years by educational attainment, sex and age 2005–2011 387
20 Cultural activities and research
20.1 Books published by subject 2005–2010 393
20.2 Periodicals, newspapers and other papers published 2005–2010 394
20.3 Periodicals by subject 2006–2010 395
20.4 Radio programme services 1998–2011 396
20.5 Radio broadcasting time in hours 2000–2011 396