Landshagir - 01.11.2012, Qupperneq 233
Prices and consumption
12.16 Meðalneysla á heimili á ári eftir heimilisgerð 2008–2010
Average household expenditure by type of household 2008–2010
coicoP-flokkur#COICOP group Hjón/ Hjón/
verðlag 2010#At 2010 prices ein- sambýlis- sambýlis- einstæðir Önnur
hleypir fólk án fólk með foreldrar heimilis-
One- barna börn Single- gerð
person Couples Couples parent Other
alls house- without with house- house-
Total holds children children holds holds
Neysluútgjöld alls, kr.#Total expenditure, ISK 5.302.474 3.142.535 5.996.342 7.169.800 4.510.654 6.643.243
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 745.583 404.910 756.662 1.086.329 626.768 1.002.521
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 183.592 149.312 200.902 210.744 146.605 241.740
03 föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 303.163 180.493 285.689 432.384 328.889 308.651
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#Housing, water, electricity, etc. 1.333.524 947.989 1.546.289 1.620.984 1.078.031 1.751.304
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#
Furnishing and household equipment 295.030 193.468 311.623 407.287 223.317 320.578
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 202.444 121.973 255.058 250.491 202.163 242.165
07 ferðir og flutningar#Transport 798.499 303.513 1.135.248 1.150.529 542.475 1.088.148
08 Póstur og sími#Communications 179.312 133.654 184.881 209.187 206.686 222.901
09 tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 633.892 362.531 779.615 859.695 470.379 763.309
10 Menntun#Education 55.096 24.561* 30.432 83.620 88.274 104.648
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Hotels, cafés and restaurants 231.909 146.608 187.512 340.288 247.046 237.565
12 aðrar vörur og þjónusta#
Miscellaneous goods and services 340.431 173.523 322.431 518.260 350.021 359.713
Hlutfallsleg skipting#Percentage breakdown
Neysluútgjöld alls#Total expenditure 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 14,1 12,9 12,6 15,2 13,9 15,1
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 3,5 4,8 3,4 2,9 3,3 3,6
03 föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 5,7 5,7 4,8 6,0 7,3 4,6
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#Housing, water, electricity, etc. 25,1 30,2 25,8 22,6 23,9 26,4
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#
Furnishing and household equipment 5,6 6,2 5,2 5,7 5,0 4,8
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 3,8 3,9 4,3 3,5 4,5 3,6
07 ferðir og flutningar#Transport 15,1 9,7 18,9 16,0 12,0 16,4
08 Póstur og sími#Communications 3,4 4,3 3,1 2,9 4,6 3,4
09 tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 12,0 11,5 13,0 12,0 10,4 11,5
10 Menntun#Education 1,0 0,8* 0,5 1,2 2,0 1,6
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Hotels, cafés and restaurants 4,4 4,7 3,1 4,7 5,5 3,6
12 aðrar vörur og þjónusta#
Miscellaneous goods and services 6,4 5,5 5,4 7,2 7,8 5,4
fjöldi heimila#Number of households 1.861 639 343 613 170 96
Meðaltalsfjöldi í heimili#
Average number of persons in households 2,41 1,00 2,00 3,88 2,59 3,51
þ.a. fullorðnir#thereof adults 1,60 1,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 2,63
þ.a. börn#thereof children 0,81 0,00 0,00 1,88 1,59 0,88
neyslueiningar skv. oecd#OECD equivalent scale 1,89 1,00 1,70 2,78 1,94 2,70
neyslueiningar skv. eS#Eurostat equivalent scale 1,61 1,00 1,50 2,21 1,63 2,20
Meðalútgjöld á neyslueiningu oecd#
Average expenditure by OECD equivalent scale 2.803.895 3.142.535 3.527.260 2.575.806 2.321.657 2.463.148
Meðalútgjöld á neyslueiningu eurostat#
Average expenditure by Eurostat equivalent scale 3.294.758 3.142.535 3.997.561 3.248.030 2.774.409 3.025.256
@ tölur merktar með stjörnu (*) hafa staðalskekkju frá meðaltali meiri en 20%.#Numbers with an asterisk (*) have standard error of mean >20%.