Landshagir - 01.11.2012, Blaðsíða 335
Health and social protection
17.27 Legur, legudagar og meðallegutími á sjúkrahúsum eftir kyni 2000–2009
Discharges, bed-days and average length of stay in hospitals by sex 2000–2009
legur legudagar Meðallegutími (dagar)
Discharges Bed-days Average length of stay (days)
alls karlar konur alls karlar konur alls karlar konur
Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females
2000 51.586 21.310 30.276 323.009 142.688 180.320 6,3 6,7 6,0
2001 52.003 22.535 29.468 305.203 139.044 166.139 5,9 6,2 5,6
2002 52.875 21.379 31.496 289.177 123.631 165.544 5,5 5,8 5,3
2003 48.082 19.040 29.042 282.365 120.409 161.956 5,9 6,3 5,6
2004 49.227 20.046 29.181 279.033 123.551 155.482 5,7 6,2 5,3
2005 49.767 20.185 29.582 285.223 125.647 159.576 5,7 6,2 5,4
2006 47.852 19.906 27.946 281.836 124.633 157.203 5,9 6,3 5,6
2007 47.212 19.989 27.223 277.149 123.166 153.983 5,9 6,2 5,7
2008 48.199 20.353 27.846 288.565 129.067 159.498 6,0 6,3 5,7
2009 46.595 19.363 27.232 269.498 123.108 146.387 5,8 6,4 5,4
Fjöldi á 1.000 íbúa#
Number per 1,000
2000 183 151 216 1.149 1.014 1.284 • • •
2001 182 158 207 1.071 974 1.168 • • •
2002 184 149 219 1.006 859 1.152 • • •
2003 166 132 201 976 832 1.120 • • •
2004 168 137 200 954 842 1.066 • • •
2005 168 136 201 964 846 1.082 • • •
2006 157 129 186 926 808 1.048 • • •
2007 152 126 178 890 775 1.010 • • •
2008 151 125 178 904 791 1.021 • • •
2009 146 120 173 844 762 928 • • •
@ tölurnar eiga við starfsemi á legudeildum vefrænna deilda og geðdeilda sjúkrahúsa. allar legur undir 90 dögum eru taldar með. nýburar eru með-
taldir. talnaefni í töflu breytt frá áður birtum tölum vegna endurskoðunar vistunarskrár í lok árs 2010.#Figures cover discharges from somatic and
psychiatric in-patient wards in hospitals. Included are all discharges with a length of stay of <90 days. Neonates are included. Figures changed from previ-
ous publication due to revision of the Patient Registry at end of year 2010.
5 embætti landlæknis.#Directorate of Health.
14,4% íbúa landsins 15–79 ára reykja daglega
14.4% of 15–79 year old Icelanders are daily smokers
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