Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Blaðsíða 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Blaðsíða 10
Words HALLDÓR ARMAND Photo ART BICNICK Share this article: GPV.IS/ARM2 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 02 — 2017 10 History speaks from the lips of Presi- dent Trump. It is the crude and truthful voice of human mayhem and we should listen closely. The man is her beloved agent, a dedicated distributor of confu- sion and fury, a Hegelian incarnation of the nameless laws and mysteries at the heart of our existence. I was waiting for him to say torture was “fantastic” or ‘amazing” but he chose to assert that torture “absolutely works.” This was his first interview as president, a shining planet of orange on television, and the verdict is already here. Torture works. Fuck your idiotic progress, there’s no right side of me. Your dream is but a shadow. Your life is only a story, told by an idiot, signifying nothing. This is his- tory’s yawning Shakespearean message now, waking up from her latest sleep of decades. And is the Clown of Clowns correct? Of course he is. Don’t ask the Guardian or the New York Times or Vox. Ask the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans. Ask the ghosts of civilization. Coercion is one of his- tory’s catchiest melodies. Time is the ultimate stressor. Its currents carry away redundant ideas, things and pas- sions. Repetition is the filter of history. And human life is the eternal return of horrors. Did we really think it was over because we loved goodness? The horrific carnage of the 20th cen- tury ended peacefully with the marriage of liberal values and market capitalism. It was consummated before the altar of progress. One of the compromises made was the ban on torture. We didn’t include a ban on torture in all major in- ternational legal agreements because it doesn’t work. The Geneva Conventions weren’t negotiated in the aftermath of the Second World War because torture doesn’t work. The United Nations Con- vention against Torture doesn’t have 160 state parties because some academics have so conveniently concluded that tor- ture doesn’t work. We have these things precisely because Trump is correct here. However, let's not be naive. This kind of debate is intellectual bullshit at best. Torture is not a washing machine. It is not something that simply either works or not and nothing in between. Torture has various faces and multiple ends. But of course violence can get you what you fucking want! That’s why it is a recur- rent theme of history. That’s why we need infinitely complex legal instru- ments to try to prevent it. The same goes for all other human rights. Nobody who believes in and is ready to fight for freedom of speech does so because he also believes censorship doesn’t work. The core myth behind hu- man rights in the Western world is that we choose to believe that means don’t justify ends. What works is not neces- sarily right. Something can be wrong precisely because it works too well. At least that’s what we used to believe. The marriage might be over now. There’s blood on the kitchen floor. Keep listen- ing to the Prophet of Chaos for clues. There’s so much truth in his lies. Tonight I will picture myself in a cold room at a black site, lying on my back, hands tied. Darkness and a small lamp. A man wearing a white shirt covering my face with a cloth. A bland face, a Red Bull, a cigarette burning in his mouth. And here comes the water now, cascading from an old plastic bottle in his hand, at- tacking my breath, burning my lungs. Tell me the truth, he screams. Can truth save me? What is truth? Did Khalid Sheikh Mohammed contemplate this when they waterboarded him for the fourteenth time? Will Pilate’s famous question con- quer my mind just before consciousness escapes me? Is it a question that troubles the Prophet as well? I don’t think Christ will be there to an- swer me with silence. Let’s not forget they tortured and killed him for speak- ing the truth, not for concealing it. There’s probably a philosophical di- mension to all this. Humans torture, always they have, always they will, be- cause deep down they understand that truth and suffering are inherent in each other. OPINION Torture Works “Torture has various faces and multiple ends. But of course violence can get you what you fucking want! That’s why it is a recurrent theme of history. That’s why we need infinitely complex legal instruments to try to prevent it” “The Supreme Court Values Hitler's Reputa- tion at ISK 200” On January 6th 1934, famous Ice- landic author Þórbergur Þórðar- son wrote an article in the now defunct daily paper Alþýðublaðið. Its headline, “Kvalarlosti nazista,” roughly translates as “Nazi Sa- dism.” In the article, Þórbergur said many a negative thing about Hitler and his henchmen, such as the fact that just after Hitler and his party came to power, prison camps in Germany were rife with “suffering and torture, that even the Inquisition itself would be hor- rified by, if it could slide its eyes over these nearly 800 years of eter- nity which lie between Lucius III and the sadist in the German chan- cellor's chair.” The German Consul to Iceland sued Þórbergur for this statement on behalf of the German Reich, and on October 31st 1934, the Supreme Court of Iceland sentenced Þór- bergur to pay a fine of 200 ISK— around 80,000 ISK at today’s rates. That day, the same daily paper printed that “The Supreme Court has valued Hitler’s reputation at 200 ISK.” It has since plummeted. Back to the future On January 31st 2017, Pirate Party MP Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir said that “what the President of the USA has done in his first few days in office is fascist.” Interviewed on February 1st 2017, Independence Party MP Óli Björn Kárason said that although he disagreed with Donald Trump’s immigration and refugee policies, he thought it inappropriate for MPs to call Trump, a democratically elected head of state, a fascist (Ed: Do you know who else was a democrati- cally elected head of state?). This time around, the US Embassy has yet to press charges. JTS BLAST FROM THE PAST Open 11:30-22:00 saegreif inn. is Geirsgata 8 • 101 Reykjavík • Tel. 553 1500 • An absolute must-try! Saegreifinn restaurant (Sea Baron) is like none other in Iceland; a world famous lobster soup and a diverse fish selection. 483-1000 • 5 minutes from Eyrarbakki at the Ölfusá bridge open daily 11:00-21:00 483-3330 • 10 minutes from Selfoss Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki open daily 11:30-22:00 Traveling the south coast or Golden Circle?Reykjavík Eyrarbakki Keavík International Airport Vík
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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