Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Blaðsíða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Blaðsíða 58
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 02 — 2017 56 The Golden Circle is the Icelan- dic travel standard. Like ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ as a Christmas movie, or that golden magical brew we call beer as the drink of choice when meeting friends, the reason for its stature is obvi- ous—it’s the best way to soak up the maximum amount of beau- tiful nature and Icelandic his- tory in the minimum amount of time. On the day we went, the cir- cumstances were quite special. All tours had been held up for two days, as Iceland had been going through a storm, so the tour providers were transport- ing three days worth of travel- lers around the circuit. As a na- tive, I hadn’t travelled this route for quite a few years, and it had changed quite a bit since my last round. It ’s a testament to the dedication of Iceland’s tourism stakeholders that even in the ex- treme circumstances of that day all my fellow travellers seemed to fully enjoy themselves, bar one. Extreme sport Our tour began an hour late, be- cause of bus problems, but the passengers didn’t seem to mind. The weather was still quite ex- treme w ith heav y w inds and rain in the morning, so the drive to Þingvellir wasn’t so much about the dramatic landscape as the dramatic weather. Being a grumpy Icelander, I decided to give Þingvellir a miss. I sat with my laptop in the lovely new visi- tor centre at the edge of the park while the wind howled and the sightseers flew across the land- scape. Back in the bus, one of us—a New Zealander, if I read the ac- cent cor re c t ly— compla i ne d that he was ill-prepared for the conditions, and his pants al l wet from the rainstorm. He ad- mitted that he’d rather be on a sunny beach, but he loved his girlfriend and she’d been very excited about going to Iceland. The others seemed happy with hav ing their leisurely strol l turned into an extreme sport. Some had never before experi- enced this type of weather. The storm peaked at Geysir, the natural phenomenon where pressure builds up underground before regularly shooting out a metres-high stream of hot wa- ter. I’m not a geology nerd, so I can’t precisely describe the process—sue me. The weather was crazy while we watched the “ejaculation” (as our poet slash photographer described it) hit the powerful wind. This was truly a sight to behold, hear and feel. The rumbling in the ground and the smell of sulphur, the wind politely but firmly push- ing against the onlookers. As we were leaving, the weather calmed down, and the air was fresh and new. Iceland waterfall Gullfoss (loosely translated as “golden waterfall”) was as beau- tif u l as ever. Some theorise that language evolves with the meaning it is given at any given time. If this is the case, Gull- foss should be renamed “Iceland Waterfall,” as Kim Kardashian renamed it to her ten gazillion Instagram followers, who prob- ably now know it as such. But I digress. Our last stop was the Secret Lagoon. This decades-old swim- ming pool was converted into a tourist destination a few years ago. It doesn’t look or feel like a modern swimming pool in any way—it’s a large lake, square-ish in shape, with walls built from slabs of raw stone. We could feel the three-day build-up of travel- lers, all descending at the same time. I felt a sense of trepidation seeing the mass of people con- gregating at the reception and changing room building, but my worries were alleviated. The fa- cilities and staff smoothly han- dled even a freak day like this, w ith minimal waiting times to enter. The pool comfortably held this stampede of people. I found myself a quiet corner and gazed at the travellers, listen- ing in to their languages, see- ing their different postures and body languages. The area looked interesting, with a decrepit hut, a steaming river, some nearby hills, and other things to inves- tigate. But I was more than con- tent to sit in the steaming water, perusing the crowd and reflect- ing on the day. SHARE & VIEW GALLERY: Storms & Stampedes Words SVEINBJÖRN PÁLSSON Photos ART BICNICK A grumpy Icelander does The Golden Circle Trip provided by Arctic Adventures - How to get there Book a tour or take Route One North, Route 36, then follow signs for Þingvellir, Geyser & Gulfoss.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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