Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.04.2017, Page 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.04.2017, Page 36
Art Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Pull Up Your Socks! Artists and athletes batting for the same team Words: Eli Petzold Photo: Varvara Lozenko As last month’s DesignMarch put the freshest ideas in Icelandic design on display, artists Tanja Levý and Loji Höskuldsson pre- sented a project inspired by a field that may seem at odds with the world of art and design. In their playful new clothing collection Upp með sokkana (“Pull up your socks”), Tanja and Loji—who both have backgrounds in design and sports—combined seemingly dis- parate domains, designing out- fits for a hypothetical Icelandic national team of sports and arts. The inspiration for the col- laboration came while Tanja and Loji were watching the open- ing ceremony of the most recent Olympic Games. “During the last Olympics, we were watching the national teams walk into the stadium wearing fancy clothes, and the Icelandic team walked out in tracksuits,” Loji recalls. “We’d read an article about the de- signers working on the national team outfits for each country,” adds Tanja. “There wasn’t anything special for Iceland, so we wanted to take on the project.” The other athletes’ outfits spoke to the spirit of their respective nations. Tanja and Loji wanted to design a collection of sportswear that similarly spoke to the Icelan- dic ethos. “We don’t want to work with the flag or nationalism,” ex- plains Tanja. “We were inspired by mundane elements of Icelandic life. The jackets have the arrows that you see on the wind forecast. And they’re made of reflective ma- terial, so you’ll be safe when run- ning during the dark winter days.” For their line of swimwear, the designers took inspiration from brauðterta, a “sandwich cake” made of bread, shrimp, mayon- naise, vegetables, and ham. “I don’t like the taste, but it looks like an art piece,” says Tanja. Normcore & health goth As it stands, the collection is mostly comprised of generic sportswear—tracksuits, sweat- pants, headbands and the like. However, the duo are eager to de- sign costumes that fit the needs of specific sports: basketball, handball, football, perhaps even a judo kit. “I’d love to design shorts for Gunnar Nelson,” Loji jokes. The pair do have one celeb- rity collaborator. Athlete Ólafur Stefánsson reached out to Tanja and Loji after they cited him as a muse in an interview. A member of the handball team that took the silver in the 2008 Olympics, Ólafur is beloved not only for his athletic prowess, but also for his philosophical, creative outlook on life—an engaged, interdisci- plinary attitude that Tanja and Loji think encapsulates their own endeavour. Ólafur met with the duo and provided useful, theo- retical insight into the project. “He added us on Facebook,” says Loji. “That was one of the best moments in my life. We gave him a jacket with his name on it.” In addition to portraying the national spirit in their collection, Tanja and Loji hope to break down the perceived barrier between arts and athletics. With recent trends such as normcore and health goth enshrining the pedestrian char- acter of sportswear, the designers are excited to see this division shrink. “Lately, you’re seeing art students in sports shoes; not in Converse shoes any- more,” Loji says. As they see it, the collection need not be for athletes alone. Rather, anytime Icelanders represent the nation abroad, they could wear this uniform—perhaps singer Svala Björgvinsdóttir, this year’s Eurovision contestant, or artist Egill Sæbjörnsson, who is representing Iceland at the Ven- ice Biennale. “We’re all on the same team, right?” Tanja smiles. SHARE: “We’re all on the same team, right?” & MORE VISIT KÓPAVOGUR CULTURE HOUSES AND EXPERIENCE MANY FACES OF NATURE & E N JO Y LI V E C LA SS IC A L M U SI C N át tú ru fr æ ði st of a Kó p av o g s N at ur al H is to ry M us eu m o f Kó p av o g ur Sa lu ri nn C o nc er t H al l Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum Bókasafn Kópavogs Kópavogur Public Library Sundlaug Kópavogs Kopavogur Thermal Pool Kópavogskirkja Kopavogur Church Hamraborg 4–6 Kópavogur Bus 1 & 4 Open 11:30-22:00 saegreif inn. is Geirsgata 8 • 101 Reykjavík • Tel. 553 1500 • An absolute must-try! Saegreifinn restaurant (Sea Baron) is like none other in Iceland; a world famous lobster soup and a diverse fish selection. Stúdíó Ólafur Elíasson Open until 9pm on Thursdays Marshallhúsið | Grandagarður 20


Reykjavík Grapevine

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