Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.07.2017, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.07.2017, Blaðsíða 20
In late June, Icelandair reported that it had laid off 20% of its pilots. A few weeks later, it reported an 11% increase in passengers from the same time last year. What gives? Ever since the economic collapse of 2008, people have been steeling themselves for the next one. “This is just like 2007,” is a mantra heard often now, ten years later. Almost nobody saw that one coming. But is another one upon us? Boom and bust The boom years of the early 2000s were driven by the banks, and everyone wanted a share in them. Until they all went bust. Now, everyone wants to build a hotel or own an airline or, more modestly, start renting out on Airbnb. Nineteen new hotels are being planned in Reykjavík alone—two of which will be bigger than the largest hotel currently operating in the city. It’s no secret that the Icelandic econ- omy, after the last boom and bust, was saved by tourism. In 2010, there were around 500,000 visitors to Iceland— roughly the same as in previous years. Last year, there were 1.8 million. The number has been growing by 15% to 20% to 30% a year, achieving a 40% increase over 2015-2016. This has led to the króna getting ever stronger. That’s not great news for the tourism industry, as it makes everything here more expensive. According to the latest figures this month, only Bermuda and a few cities in Switzerland are now more expensive than Reykjavík. So: does this mean the tourists will stay away? Boom and boom? Not really. At least not yet. Not only are they still coming, but according to Icelan- dair, there are 11% more tourists this year. So, what’s the problem? It’s probably this. Last autumn, Ís- landsbanki, one of the major banks (re- member those guys?), projected a 35% increase in tourists this year. That got the hotel builders build- ing, and Icelandair hir- ing. So, even if the sec- tor is still growing, it’s less of an increase than Íslandsbanki projected. For those prone to over- investing based on faulty forecasts, this can lead to economic collapse. So far, so familiar. The tourist trade in Iceland is alive and well. It is even subsidised by favourable tax policies. Not only does it bring a lot of foreign currency into the country—real money this time, not imaginary banking figures—it also allows a lot of cultural things to exist that a small country could not otherwise support, including this magazine. Faulty forecasts But it is not to be taken for granted— nor even desirable—that tourism will continue to increase exponentially. We can make a decent living out of two mil- lion tourists a year (yes, including this magazine). That’s a lot of visitors for a country of 340,000. But insisting, and expecting, that it will continue to grow at breakneck speed will only bring about the downturn that everyone so fears when forecasts fail. It sounds like we’ve been here before. In early 2006, the banking system came un- der severe strain, and just barely avoided total meltdown. The lesson that could have been learned was about the need to down- size, or at least to check growth to a sustainable rate. Instead, the decision was made to open Icesave accounts for foreign de- positors to take care of cash flow problems, and not listen to criticism. After all, they’d managed to survive—and business would continue to boom, right up until 2008, that is. The mini-crisis in the tourism in- dustry today could be seen as a similar test—as something to learn from, and a moment to seriously consider where we go from here. Maybe this time will be different. Or maybe not. Crisis? What Crisis? The Icelandic tourism industry teeters CULTURE Words: Valur Gunnarsson Photo: Art Bicnick & Archives SHOW ME THE MONEY: The 5,000 ISK Note Until the mid-to-late 19th centu- ry, most financial transactions in Iceland were conducted in vaðmál (homespun wool). However, since 1922, Iceland has issued its own currency, the króna. Iceland never being the best at economic stabil- ity, the króna has lost significant value every decade since, and in 1981 we decided to cut a couple of zeros from it, introducing the cur- rent króna. So, let’s meet the… 5,000 króna bill The 5,000 króna bill was intro- duced in 1986, the same year as the Chernobyl disaster and the first episode of ‘The Oprah Win- frey Show’. In a bluish-green tint, the obverse presents the likeness of Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir—famous seamstress and notorious godly groupie extraordinaire—while the reverse shows her teaching some girls how to embroider. To our deep misfortune, there is no picture of Ragnheiður cajoling clergy on the bill, though in her lifetime the Icelandic icon was way more famous for bedding bishops than sewing. Iceland is progres- sive, for sure, but not yet enough so progressive as to have pornography on their currency. Perhaps one day. So, what’s it worth? At current interest rates, 5,000 króna corresponds to around $49, €43, and £38. Though there is no McDonald's in Iceland and there- fore I can’t really use the Big Mac index, the Icelandic Big Mac-equiv- alent would be Metro’s “Heimsbor- gari,” which you can pick up for a cool 1,549 ISK. For reference, a US Big Mac goes for around $5, and therefore 5,000 ISK would garner you around ten of these bad boys in America. In Iceland though, you could only get three and a third for the same price. While this sucks for those trying to get a deal, perhaps this could be one of the reasons Ice- landers are so svelte and attractive. Yup, thanks absurdly low purchas- ing power. We’re hot. But hungry. HJC 20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2017 Tourism has blossomed during recent years. The tourist trade in Iceland is alive and well. It’s even subsidised by favourable tax policies “It is no secret that the economy, after the last boom and bust, was saved by tourism.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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