Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.08.2017, Blaðsíða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.08.2017, Blaðsíða 30
Best Of Reykjavík For your mind, your body and your wallet 30The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 15 — 2017 SELECTION FROM BEST OF REYKJAVÍK 2017 Best and Longest Happy Hour Bravó Laugavegur 22 Bravó! For having the longest happy hour in Reykjavík. Nine hours to be exact—exactly the amount of time it would take to watch all three extended edition of ‘The Hobbit’. What a day! Yes, from 11:00 to 20:00, you can enjoy a 700-900 ISK beer, 900 ISK glass of wine, and a 800 ISK shot of Brennivín in a cozy room filled with throw pillows and artsy people chat- tin’ away. It’s any cheap alco- hol-lovers’ dream. Best Vegan Lunch: Garðurinn (Ecstasy’s Heart Garden) Garðurinn (Ecstasy’s Heart Garden) Kaffihúsið Garðurinn offers a diverse menu of cosy filling vegan food. Their menu chang- es daily, but always contains a gluten-free vegan soup option. With a homey vibe and a great outdoor area, this place is per- fect for a quiet lunch—and you might find yourself here for much longer than planned. Get to know Iceland “My dad hates this stuff with a vengeance, I love it. This is the biggest splinter in my fam- ily. Oh bitter nectar.” CITY GUIDE Sveinbjörn’s guide to Reykjavík Coffee Words Sveinbjörn Pálsson Photos Art Bicnick First things first - there’s no such thing as “best” when it comes to coffee advice. People have differ- ent palates and different needs, so really, this guide isn’t so much about finding coffee for you as it is finding you and then getting you some nice coffee. But this is totally fine, as you’re probably in Iceland to find yourself anyway. So. Who are you? The first question is how preoccupied you are with taste. If you’re a big taste snob like me, you’re gonna want to visit one of the speciality coffee places. There are three places that stand out, that represent three different eras in coffee. Italian Coffee First you have the classic Ital- ian coffee. This is the dark roast, bitter thick brew that hits your palate in a sharp but pleasing way. The king of the crop in Ital- ian style coffee is Kaffifélagið on Skólavörðustígur, but most of the smaller vendors go for this style. Bismút on Hverfisgata is a new contender in dark roast, a sparse minimalist standing-room place. Third Wave / Scandinavian Coffee In recent years a new style of cof- fee making has come forth. It’s all about roasting the coffee lightly, so it’s less bitter and burnt, and leaves more of the taste of the beans behind. While Italian cof- fee is all about consistency, mix- ing together reliable sources of beans to make a trusty tasting coffee that’s the same year after year, Third Wave is about variety. Single-origin coffee means beans from one farm. They are lightly roasted so they taste different ev- ery time. There are slight nuances between farms, regions, plants and so on. Also, since you can re- ally taste the beans, you can be sure you’re only getting the best. This makes for a very pricy cof- fee if you buy beans or powder to take home, as this type of coffee needs to be completely unadulter- ated first rate stuff. Also this can mean that you might get a cup that tastes pretty weird. It’s more sour than bitter, so the espresso can be a bit much as well. My dad hates this stuff with a vengeance, I love it. This is the biggest splinter in my family. Oh, bitter nectar. Reykjavík Roasters is the flag- bearer for the Third Wave, in the North Atlantic ocean. Pallett in Hafnarfjörður is also a popu- lar place for this cup, especially among British journalists. Transitional style This term I cribbed from type- face history. I have no idea if it’s a real thing. I really just made it up to describe Kaffitár in Bankas- træti. It sits somewhere snugly between the Italian and Scandina- vian styles, darker than the fruity Scandinavian tones, but not quite the deep aroma of Italian. African Not sure if this is a thing. Well, it is now. This is a super dark brew, or burnt, really, to my weak-ass pal- ate. I think my dad would like this one, many of my friends swear by it. I don’t. The place of legend for this style of coffee is Café Haiti, a place with a slightly corny decor, and a good selection of cakes, or in other words, a relaxing, unpre- tentious space. And the service is lovely and friendly, and it never seems very crowded. American mega-franchise style huge cups of industrial coffee I didn’t know this was a thing, but my friend told me she misses the American mega-cups of Star- bucks, with their bland taste and huge selection of sweet flavours. If this is what you’re hankering for, Dunkin’ Donuts is the only game in town. Their bagels are also a steal, and tasty too. A solid latté If you’re looking for a pretty great latté and consistency, Te & Kaffi is the place to go. They’re all over the place and they’ll do you Starbucks- like frappos, but their regular cof- fee drinks are much better than what you’d expect from a chain, certainly a few steps above Star- bucks, Costa, Segafredo and the like. Just an Espresso for me, please Most people that are into espres- sos go for the Italian variety, as the Scandinavian light roast can get pretty sour. Kaffifélagið and Bismút are popular spots for espresso. Pumpkin spice latté frappuccino with extra sprinkles Te & Kaffi is the best at “speciality orders”. By the way, I ordered the vaunted “Pumpkin Spice Latté” the other day, years after hearing Americans buzz about this drink of legend. Did you know that it’s just a regular latté plus sugar and cinnamon? And most cafés have cinnamon, that you can just get for free. Don’t get a pumpkin spice latté! Just ask for some cinnamon and sugar. Or better yet, grow the fuck up and stop diluting your coffee with sweeteners like an overgrown toddler. Wean off the sweets. No time like the present. You can do it, we believe in you! I’m just looking for the best ambiance If you’re a bit of an arty type, es- pecially of the younger genera- tion, you’ll probably like Stofan. If you’re looking for a place to camp out with your laptop, Te & Kaffi is solid. Babalú on Skólavörðustígur, and its neighbour C is for Cookie on Óðinstorg are popular with the free-er spirits. The young hip kids camp out at Prikið in the af- ternoons. Kaffibarinn’s afternoon crowd is 50/50 guidebook tour- ists looking for Damon Albarn, and DJs taking a break from the day job. And if you’re looking for somewhere where you can wash your clothes or stash your scream- ing children while you have a sly latté, the basement at Laundromat is your place. If you’re still trying to make up your mind after this, you should probably just have a Red Bull. Reykjavík Roasters, the coffee snob ground zero Bismut, the artful minimalists SUPER JEEP DAY TOURS FROM REYKJAVÍK ICELANDROVERS.IS • INFO@ICELANDROVERS.IS • TEL: +354 587 9999 VIÐURKENND FERÐAÞJÓNUSTA CERTIFIED TRAVEL SERVICE SILVER-CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL UMHVERFISFLOKKUN THE NEW LEGEND NEW VERSIONS OF THE ICELANDIC HOT DOG INGÓLFSTORG
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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