Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Blaðsíða 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Blaðsíða 25
25The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2017 “Composing is my main thing, but it’s aw- fully difficult and problematic. I’m always reevaluating until I say, ‘Fuck this all to hell, I’m just gonna paint dicks.’” This Is My Shit Páll Ivan walks us through the album Words: Páll Ivan least objecting less to it—and he still finds the process therapeutic. “It’s a strange state to be in,” he fi- nises. “To experience a total state of pointlessness while simultaneously having a strong urge or need to create something and produce some kind of output. It’s creation without any pur- pose or justification, but it turns out that it helps. If you create, you are prob- ably alive. The evidence of my aliveness has started to surround me in the form of shitty paintings, stupid songs, un- comfortable positive comments and enquiries about this evidence. So, may- be I am alive after all. Probably not... but maybe.” The album’s title is the closest analogy to this music; it’s stuff that comes out of me, fairly involuntarily, at semi-reg- ular intervals. I like shit. <3 Farðu á námskeið I had just taken a group-CBT class, which I found remark- ably ineffective. The song is just, “Take a course/class, and learn how to think like someone who feels good,” and then my negativity, depression and anxiety saying, “I don’t want to, I hate group things, etc. Leave me alone.” I’m not sure what I was going for with this one—some kind of mix of dif- ferent cheesy sounds that feels a bit loungy. And refusing to sing in tune. Tinder on the toilet Well, swiping through Tinder on the toilet… we’ve all done it, and if you haven’t, you should. The ultimate manifesta- tion of contemporary detachment. FML. (Kylie Minogue’s ‘Can't Get You Out Of My Head’ was the inspiration for this one. Obviously.) 4th time blood Anxiously experimenting with sado/maso things and find- ing to my surprise a combination of slapstick/existential comedy and deep intimacy. I really dislike this song—the sound and feel of it just makes my skin crawl. But it had to be done. Halló vinur I just thought I would make a Halloween song. My son used to love it, not so much anymore. Spaceship I have a difficult relationship with rap. I never hear or un- derstand lyrics, and I am almost completely unable to re- member words. I have no idea what this is about, but I tried to make a pop song that was more gritty-sounding than the others. I quite like this one. Expanding I have to take the bus a lot, and I can’t stand it. Mundane/ pedestrian hate can be very powerful, dark and silly. I usually use many layers of sound in these pop songs, but this one is deliberately kept simple, with few but big sounds. Ógeðslega Namanamalagið No words, no content. Just a disgusting song. Like someone touching you when you don’t want them to. I like this one. Taktu lyf (“Take medicine”) This is one of my favorites. Crazy Daisy I think all the songs have the same tempo. This one is a little faster. I tried a different horrible way of singing. There is no excuse for this song I'm afraid. Don’t like it. Atvinnuleysi fyrir alla (“Unemployment for everyone”) My friend Lommi wrote the lyrics! A glorious ode to unem- ployment and laziness! Michael Jackson was the inspiration for this one. Another favorite of mine. Voffi er oft einn heima (“Doggy is often home alone”) He’s sad and lonely but is accepting his fate. I was testing whether chords are important, or not, in pop music. They are not. I’m not sure why it’s on the album, but it’s there any- way. So… Yeah. Sick sweet smell An acquaintance of mine sometimes has a sick sweet smell in his apartment. The smell of masturbation and leftovers. You know the smell. Thought I’d put it into a delightful little song. The sound of it comes from me being impressed by how bassy a lot of pop music can be. I’ve been trying to teach myself mixing so this was a little part of my “learn more about compressors” theme. Actually most of the songs in- volve some kind of experiment with some production/mix- ing technique, which I suck at. I'm getting better I think. I hope… Llama Alpaca I just love Llamas and Alpacas! I want one! No, two! It was made with Garageband presets. I still didn’t have a micro- phone. Why not. Who cares? Haeyiou I wish I just made music like this. Why can’t I? Shit, okay... I'm going to, from now on. It’s fun to pretend to be a big strong man. I can’t even grow a beard. FML. I don’t listen to a lot of music but Spaghetti Western stuff is something I keep coming back to again and again. Some of his paintings
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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