Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.03.2018, Blaðsíða 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.03.2018, Blaðsíða 21
21The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 04 — 2018 On social evils Guðfinna often talks about the neces- sity of working and staying busy, but never in a negative tone. She enjoys what she does, and it’s that twinkle in her eyes that betrays the passion and excitement she feels while talking about working and going back to university. Her talent has been rewarded with an abundance of projects, and she rejoices at the trust people put in her. But as time goes by she is less inclined to see her endless drive as something praise- worthy. “Icelanders are suckers for people who are hard-working and it’s prob- lematic. That’s the ultimate compli- ment here, you know?” she explains. “But I’ve often had this dilemma where I know I’ve overworked myself and so I tried to edit more what I was doing and have days off but that's tricky." After a series of traumas that drained her out, Guðfinna experienced a system break- down. "It was surreal to feel defeated." After managing projects, study- ing and having a child, as well as experiencing a series of breakdowns, Guðfinna realised she couldn’t go on pretending she was made of steel. But the issue of how to defeat social pres- sure still stands. “I am used to being hard-working and handing everything in on time—and to admit that you can’t do that for some time is really hard. You can feel defeated,” she explains. “This is a real issue in Iceland because it’s such a big part of our culture—the praise of being hard-working. But it’s a true social evil. When you’re working independently, projects come in and you can’t really control them—but at the same time, it’s so expensive to live here that you have to work constantly. You have to take the projects to survive, so how do you last in this field? This can’t happen so often that people crash completely.” Finding purpose Right now, Guðfinna is working on healing and doing things she loves, but she knows this is a privilege. Others are not so lucky. In a world that has suddenly begun to move at a faster pace, Guðfinna has been blessed with the knowledge that designers must find ways to survive through collabora- tion, community, and mutual support. Although the job can be isolating, designers don’t live in a vacuum—on the contrary, their place is within soci- ety, and their purpose can be to help their community grow from all angles. Guðfinna is doing just that. Although she began her career by designing wool pieces for her fashion label, she lent her skills to the widest variety of projects during the past 15 years. She went from creating an exhi- bition of children books to designing indoor spaces; from designing food products and shops to finding ways to protect the environment. In addi- tion, she is managing to juggle being a teacher at the Iceland Academy of Arts and studying for a new university degree in landscape architecture. “The key is to look at the purpose of design in a way that changes all the time,” Guðfinna says. “I think it can be completely different each time I work so that the purpose of me being a designer is one today but it was another one some years ago, and something different in the future.” Fighting for the environment Purpose and passion are indeed what drives Guðfinna’s work. Fifteen years ago, when she began working on Vík Prjónsdóttir with four other design- ers, the idea was to take wool—which had been out of fashion for years—and make it relevant again. As they felt that the Icelandic wool had poten- tial, they created opportunities for it to be valued. Later, she worked with Brynhildur Pálsdóttir on exploiting the poten- tial of Icelandic clay. When she felt the need to show the importance of design in food production, she went on to work with local farms to create food products and, in the case of her latest project with Erpsstaðir, even an entire store that plans to sell Skyr ice cold and straight from a machine, like fro-yo. Now, however, her heart and sense of purpose lie in the environ- ment, whether it’s landscape planning or the pressing issue of plastic pollution. “I would really like to see Icelandic food producers make a bold environmental move when it comes to their packaging. Microplastic has polluted all oceans and in many coun- tries, it’s already in the drinking water,” Guðfinna explains. “Thankfully there are a lot of creative people already working on this, but a great responsi- bility lies with producers and design- ers, who have to find ways to stop using virgin plastic in their production in favour of biodegradable materials.” Guðfinna is aware that she can’t change things on her own, but as a designer, she is conscious of what kind of materials she should and shouldn’t use in her products, so that plastic fibres aren’t flushed into the oceans directly from our washing machines. Governments and politicians, however, play the most important role in the fight for the environment. In a country that is slowly moving away from its pledge to respect the Paris Agreement, too little is being done to lighten the impact Iceland has on the environment. Compared to other European countries, Icelandic munici- palities are behind even when it comes to recycling. Guðfinna, however, is one step ahead. “Today it’s all about the circular economy where the creation of waste is being avoided altogether and the resources are being kept in use for as long as possible,” she adds. “It’s really challenging but a linear econ- omy—as in make, use, dispose—is just not acceptable anymore.” Swapping roles and finding inspiration Expanding her range of vision when it comes to design has also helped her along her adventure as a teacher. Guðfinna has worked both for her alma mater, the Iceland Academy of Arts, and for the Reykjavík School of Visual Arts, but despite her invaluable experience as a designer, her position as a teacher doesn’t pressure Guðfinna into being a mentor. Instead, she exercises her influence discreetly when it comes to environmental matters, looking at her relationships with current and former students as exciting collaborations. “It’s a privilege to get to know them all and see what they’re thinking about,” she explains. “Through teach- ing, I’ve gotten to know so many people who are doing great things and who really inspires me, like the students in textile design in the School of Visual Arts. They are now working with wool, sketching straight into the materials and collaborating with the knitting factory and the design store Epal for Design March.” Guðfinna admits that swapping roles and being both a student and a teacher on the same day can be daunt- ing and chaotic, but she loves it none- theless. She’s one of those people for whom the creative dialogue is a source of energy and inspiration, and while she likes her work as an independent professional, she cherishes all her collaborations even more. Even so, bursting out of the design bubble in Reykjavík and focusing on her studies in Hvanneyri felt like a breath of fresh air. “Of course, part of going into these studies was to have more possibilities work-wise, but then it also felt refresh- ing to be in a different crowd,” she admits with a laugh. A healing garden for the future It’s clear that the environment has a special place in Guðfinna’s heart, and it’s no wonder that her initial plan to go back to university for just a semes- ter ended up stretching to an entire Bachelor of Science. “I wanted to add something different to my product design degree, so I decided to open up the scale,” she explains. “Dealing with product design, you’re often working on a domestic scale, but here you’re working in public spaces, outdoors. I’m really interested in designing a public space that people can just use —where they don’t have to buy an entrance or buy a product. This area has a lot of potential and there are so many possi- bilities that we haven’t explored, both in Reykjavík and in the countryside.” As of late, Guðfinna has been lend- ing her landscape knowledge to the municipality by organising the Forest Games in Heiðmörk, just outside of town—a project she is really excited about. However, she has a more ambi- tious baby climbing out the cradle. As part of her graduation project, Guðfinna is designing a healing garden for the National Hospital Landspíta- linn as a safe haven from the pain and sorrow that can often permeate the pristine halls of the institution. Although Guðfinna hasn’t got much time to work on this project, she hopes to walk the paths of the garden in person in the near future. “I have been spending quite a lot of time at the hospital for the past three years for various reasons so I’ve done some field work,” she explains, smil- ing. “I really believe that this idea could make a difference for patients, fami- lies, and even the staff.” No designer is an island It’s this kind of mindset that sets forward-thinking designers like Guðfinna apart from the rest. With her down-to-earth attitude and a curious soul driven by a desire to experiment and create, Guðfinna unconsciously plays an important role in the future of design—both as a role model for young students and as a designer of the future. By opening up to possi- bilities and branching out to different creative fields, she reclaims design as a necessary driving force within the local territory. It’s up to Icelan- dic professionals like her to lead the way when it comes to revolutionis- ing the cultural perception of local design, and securing its place within the community. As I walk with her through the wool factory where her iconic scarves and pelts are produced, I look at her interacting with respect and admira- tion with the factory workers. Finally, I understand what she meant when she talked about the value of her work rela- tionships and creative collaborations. “As a designer that’s what I love: you’re good in some things, but when you are collaborating with other experts you learn so much from them. This dialogue is so important for the design process,” Guðfinna finishes. “Most of my work needs this dialogue. It’s the key to the process, and to be able to be in that dialogue with so many professions, that’s really what gives me such huge inspiration.” “The key is to look at the purpose of design in a way that changes all the time.” “I would really like to see Icelandic food producers make a bold envi- ronmental move when it comes to their packaging.” Vik Prjónsdóttir's "Verndarvængir" blanket Skyrkonfekt, using the unique Icelandic yoghurt for confectionary
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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