Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.10.2018, Page 28

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.10.2018, Page 28
LAUGALÆ KUR KL ETT AGA RÐAR BANKASTR. AUSTUR- STRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA VESTURGATARÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA TÚNGATA MARARG. KIRKJU SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA GRANDAVEGUR LÁG H O LTSVEG U R HÁVALLAGATA HOLTSG. ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍÐIM ELUR GRENIM ELUR Æ G ISÍÐ A FORN HAG I DU NH AG I AR AG AT A O D DA G AT A HAGAM ELURMELHAGI NESHAGI HO FS VA LLA GA TA KAP LAS KJÓ LSV EGU R MEI STA RAV ELL IR ÁLA GRA NDI EIÐ SGR AN DI AR ST ÍG UR BR Æ ÐR AB OR G FRA MN ESV EGU R SEL JAV EGU R ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA RÐ URF ISK ISL ÓÐ H Ó LM A SLÓ Ð TJ AR N AR G AT A SU Ð U RG AT A LJ Ó SV AL LA G AT A H Ó LA VA LL AG . AÐ AL ST R. SÆ M U N DA RG AT A BI RK IM EL UR FU RU M EL UR ES PIM EL UR Æ G IS G AT A ST ÝR IM AN N AS TÍ G U R G AR Ð AS TR Æ TI GRETTISGATA FR AK KA ST ÍG U R NJA RÐ AR GA TA NJ AR ÐA RG AT A N AU TH Ó LSV EG U R FLUG VALL ARVE GUR M EN N TAVEG U R VA TN SS TÍ GU R KL AP PA R- S TÍ G U R BE RG ST AÐ AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU V EG U R PÓ ST H Ú SS TR Æ TI LÆ KJ AR GA TA IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG AT A ÞÓ RSGATA VONARSTRÆTI LO KASTÍGUR BAL DU RSG ATA BR AG AG ATA VI TA ST ÍG U R BA RÓ N SS TÍ G U R SN O RR AB RA U T SN O RR AB RA U T BA RÓ NS STÍ GU R SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR LA U FÁ S V EG U R LAUFÁSVEGUR FJÖLNISVEGUR FREYJUGATA SÓ LEYJARG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSMÝRARVEGUR ÞORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚ STAÐ AVEGU R SUÐURHLÍÐ HRINGBRAUT SU Ð U RG AT A HRINGBRAUT H RIN G BR AU T BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA EGILSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆ BRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR D AL BR AU T KA M BS VE G U R H JA LL AV EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LAN G H O LTSVEG U R EF ST AS U N D EFSTASU N D VESTURGARÐAR KLETTAGARÐAR VATNAGARÐAR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGART ÚN BRÍETARTÚN HÁTÚN MIÐTÚN SAMTÚN SÓLTÚN HÁ TÚ N SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIGU R HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR HR ÍS AT EI GU R LA UG AR NE SV EG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR VE ST U RB RÚ N AU STU RBRÚ N RE YK JA V EG U R LAUGARÁSVEGUR SUNNUVEGUR SKIPASU N D HO LTA VEG UR ENGJAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR GNOÐARVOGUR LJÓSHEIM AR ÁL FH EI M AR G O Ð H EI M AR SÓ LH EI M AR SKEIFAN G RE N SÁ SV EG U R SUÐURLANDSBRAUT ÁRM ÚLI ÁRMÚ LI SÍÐUM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI HÁALEITISBRAUTSAFAM ÝRI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ SKAFTAHLÍÐ ÚTHLÍÐ SKÓ GARHLÍÐ ESKIHLÍÐ BARMAHLÍÐ STIGAHLÍÐ MÁVAHLÍÐ GRÆNAHLÍÐ DRÁPUHLÍÐ HAMRAHLÍÐ VES TUR HLÍÐ BLÖNDUHLÍÐ HÖRGSHLÍÐ H Á A H LÍ Ð AUTARH N Ó AT Ú N LA N G AH LÍ Ð ST AK KA H LÍ Ð ST AK KA H LÍ Ð ST IG AH LÍ Ð RE YK JA H LÍ Ð KR IN G LU M ÝR AR BR AU T K R IN G LU M ÝR A R B R A U T ÁL FT AM ÝR I LÁ G M Ú LI H ALLARM Ú LI K R IN G LU M ÝR A R B R A U T R AU Ð AR ÁR ST ÍG U R R AU Ð A R Á RS TÍ G U R ÞV ER H O LT M JÖ LN IS H . Á SH O LT ST Ú FH . TR A Ð A RH . G U N N AR SB RA U T N Ó AT Ú N K AT RÍ N A RT Ú N I ÞÓ RU N N A RT Ú N STÓRHOLT M EÐALHOLT STANGARHOLT TÓ M ASARH AG I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI KVISTH AG I H JARÐARHAGI STRÆTI SKÓLABRÚ LAUGAVEGUR BR OLT HRINGBRAUT N A U TH Ó LS VE GU R SKIPHOLT VESTU RVA LLAG ATA MÝRARGATA HAFNARSTRÆTI NÝLENDUGATA BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Hólavalla- garður Cemetary Austur völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Terminal Eagle Air Terminal Hlemmur Food Hall Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Landsspítali Hospital Laugar- dalslaug Swimming Pool Laugardalur Park Sigurjón Art Museum Viðey ferry Domestic Zoo & Family Park Botannical Gardens Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugar- dalshöll Sports Arena Ásmundarsafn Indoor Skating Rink City Hall Hallgríms- kirkja ChurchLista- safn Einars National Theatre The Culture House Bíó ParadísMain Tourist Info Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Marshall House Saga Museum Harpa Concert Hall Nauthólsvík Beach Perlan Reykjavík University Kjarvalsstaðir Museum Hljóm- skála- garður Park Vestur- bæjarlaug Swimming Pool National Gallery Aurora Reykjavik I H G F E D C B A 1 2 Dining 1. Snaps Þórsgata 1 Snaps is a beloved casual-chic bistro with a forget-you’re-in-Reykjavík vibe thanks to its lush greenery and warm lighting. On a grey day, nothing beats sitting by the greenhouse walls with their excellent moules frites. Did we mention they make a stellar creme brulée as well? A true keeper. 2. Block Burger Skólavörðustígur 8 Block Burger is an office favourite. You can see their white paper to- go bags stacked on writers’ desks. Modelled heavily on the American chain Shake Shack in presentation, Block is reasonably priced (for Reykjavík) and has quick service. It’s a lunchtime spot worth checking out. 3. Ísbúðin Valdís Grandagarður 21 Valdis is perhaps Reykjavik’s most beloved ice cream parlour. All their ice cream is made in-house every morning. If you like liquorice, try their Turkish Pepper flavour: it looks like liquid cement, but it’s one of their most popular offerings. Valdis doesn’t have much seating, so get your ice cream to go and enjoy it in a parked car – Icelandic style. 4. Hannesarholt Grundarstígur 10 Hannesarholt was officially opened to the public in 2013, and it serves as a reminder of what Iceland used to be. The beautiful building hosts exhibits, concerts, and a fabulous vegan-friendly menu that uses local produce. Don’t miss the salmon either—it’s cooked to perfection. 5. Brauð & Co. Frakkastígur 16 Brauð & Co. burst onto the bakery scene in 101 Reykjavík. Regulars swear by their “snuður”—cinnamon bread rolls smothered with a sugary glaze. They take it a step further and stuff the classics with blueberries and whatnot, eliciting inappropriate satisfied moans. Get there early to snatch a warm one. 6. Dill Hverfisgata 12 If you’re a gourmand looking for a memorable meal when in Reykjavík, The Map H G Get the bigger, more detailed version of The Reykjavík Grapevine City Map at your nearest hotel or guesthouse, with selections from our Best-Of awards, vital info, downtown bus stops and a wider view of the city. Dill has to top your list. Dill showcases the best of Iceland with seasonal menus, paying homage to the island’s bounty, executed with all the tweezer precision of modern cuisine. Don’t even think twice about splurging for the seven-course menu—it’s the only way to do it. 7. Hverfisgata 12 Hverfisgata 12 The “Nameless Pizza Place” at Hverfisgata 12 has been pushing that doughy envelope with topping combinations that ’ l l leave you scratching your head at f irst and rubbing your belly later. Try the beetroot pizza or the soya mushroom, sausage and pickled chilli number, and make a night of it with some excellent cocktails from the bar. 8. Ramen Momo Tryggvagata 16 Iceland’s first and only Ramen bar has upped their broth game with a silky slick Tonkotsu. They have a choice of noodles and broths catering to food intolerances and fads, and a popular ‘Ramen of the Month’. We suggest getting the Ramen Tonkotsu with their perfectly cooked soy cured eggs. 9. The Fish Company Vesturgata 2a Fiskfélagið has been steadfastly dishing out some of the best seafood in Iceland. Don’t try too hard to make sense of the ingredient/country mashup—just focus on the food. Our former food editor described it as “fish so buttery, it must be on laxatives.” Yum. 10. Ali Baba Veltusund 3b This spot has often been awarded Grapevine’s “Best Late Night Bite.” Needless to say, it ’s the perfect place to satisfy pregnancy cravings, splitting hangovers and midnight binges. We recommend the lamb kofte wrap: it’s to die for. Drinking 11. Dillon Whiskey Bar Laugavegur 30 A mix between grunge and classy, D i l lon W hiskey Bar dominates their little stretch of Laugavegur. Crammed most nights with rockers, metalheads and tourists looking for a place to mumble AC/DC songs into their beer, Dillon boasts a wide selection of over 100 whiskies and hosts some of Iceland’s best hard rock bands on the weekends. 12. Kiki Queer Bar Laugavegur 22 If you're looking for Kiki, walk until you see the building that is entirely rainbow. The only dedicated queer bar in Iceland, Kiki is beloved by all the local gays, lesbians and in- betweens. There, find drag shows, queer concerts, and hot sweaty dance floors every weekend night. They also have glitter shots for 500 ISK. 13. Stofan Vesturgata 3 When the name of the place literally translates to “the living room,” it’s pretty much expected to be a very cosy place to kick back with some late-afternoon, early-evening drinks. All their beers and wines on happy hour from 4pm until 8pm, and it’s a lovely central location with a dim basement and an airy first floor. 14. Kaffibarinn Bergstaðastræti 1 With a saloon-like atmosphere in the daytime, when dogs and kids run around amongst the diehard local crowd and groups of confused tourists, Kaffibarinn turns into an all- out party during the small hours of the weekend. Whether you’re holiday day-drinking or getting messy, it never fails to amuse. 15. Gaukurinn Tryggvagata 22 If you prefer your music grungy, raw and weird, then Gaukurinn is your place. With dim lights, leather sofas and a gender neutral bathroom, it’s become the perfect hangout for the unorthodox Reykjavíkingar, so if you’re looking for like-minded peeps to drink with, here you go. 16. Mikkeller & Friends Hverfisgata 12 Another great spot for beer-tasting, this place has a unique and constantly rotating selection of beers from Mikkeller and other carefully picked craft breweries, knowledgeable bartenders, antique-chic décor, and it’s located upstairs from Hverfisgata 12, so you get good weekend DJs, fancy bar snacks and pizzas. 17. Slippbarinn Mýrargata 2 This standard go-to bar for cocktails holds its own as far as the mixing game goes, with a unique menu and highly skilled bartenders to shake them up. The bar itself is a beautifully designed space with a gorgeous view, right in the Old Harbour. 18. The Pedersen Suite Ingólfsstræti 7A This rooftop bar is located on the top of the cavernous Gamla Bíó theatre. It has loads of seating with soft furniture to luxuriate on, a view across the harbour, cocktails, and all the sun you could wish for. Shopping 19. Kolaportið Tryggvagata 19 Kolaportið is a huge indoor flea m a r ke t t h a t t a ke s p l a c e o n weekends. It’s filled with stalls selling bric-a-brac, secondhand clothes, 3 Downtown & Harbour District 17 GOTT restaurant, Hafnarstræti 17 101 Reykjavík, Iceland Tel; +354 514 6868TM GOOD VALUE GOOD FOOD D „The Coziest Coffee House in Town“ Týsgata 8 • 101 Reykjavík C Party Every Night. Cocktails! Live Music. Live Sports Coverage 50 different kinds of beer. Kitchen open from 11.00. Ribs - Burgers. Chicken Wings! AUSTURSTRAETI 8 • REYKJAVIK E E L E G A N T P R E M I S E S I N T H E H E A R T O F R E Y K J A V I K B R E A K F A S T a n d B R U N C H L U N C H a n d D I N N E R M E N U L O C A L a n d F O R E I G N D I S H E S H A P P Y H O U R D A I LY 1 5 - 1 8 : 0 0 B A N K A S T R Æ T I 7 A - 1 0 1 R E Y K J AV Í K - T E L . 5 6 2 3 2 3 2 A Local gastro pub & café Craft food & beer - Speciality coffee & tea Next to national swimming pool Open daily 9am - 11pm B 25 25 23


Reykjavík Grapevine

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