Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 15.05.1990, Qupperneq 287
S veitarsjóðareikningar 1982-1984
Tabel 9. Local government expenditure pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1982-1984
ISK at current prices
Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
Whole Capital
1982 country region >3000 1000-3000 400-999 <400
Total expenditure, gross 16,389 17,049 17,022 19,000 15,322 10,150
Operational outlays, net 10,295 11,405 9,979 10,561 8,284 6,357
Service revenue 1,251 715 1,821 2,476 2,319 1,041
Gross investment 4,843 4,929 5,222 5,963 4,719 2,752
Expenditure by function 16,389 17,049 17,022 19,000 15,322 10,1>0
Administration 880 708 1,019 1,287 1,255 847
Social security 2,668 3,298 2,444 2,281 1,720 955
Health 1,844 2,868 560 1,098 605 383
Education 2,525 2,113 3,079 2,690 2,474 3,526
Culture and recreation 1,745 1,891 2,432 1,719 1,166 378
Sanitary affairs 533 625 583 524 340 137
Road construction and affairs 2,294 2,525 2,315 2,670 2,338 731
Interest 1,251 715 1,821 2,476 2,319 1,041
Otherexpenditure 2,649 2,307 2,769 4,255 3,106 2,153
Total expenditure, gross 26,585 27,584 26,107 30,342 28,364 17,282
Operational outlays, net 17,549 19,306 17,377 17,593 14,481 10,976
Service revenue 2,059 1,115 3,053 3,960 4,420 1,713
Gross investment 6,977 7,163 5,677 8,789 9,463 4,593
Expenditure bv function 26,585 27,584 26,107 30,342 28,364 17,282
Administration 1,321 933 1,625 2,166 2,190 1,336
Social security 4,524 5,358 4,455 3,745 3,742 1,828
Health 3,155 4,781 932 2,065 1,545 695
Education 4,048 3,446 4,598 4,357 4,373 5,646
Culture and recreation 2,698 2,846 3,584 2,940 2,288 604
Sanitary affairs 912 1,052 987 924 615 274
Road construction and affairs 3,790 4,704 2,720 4,004 2,957 1,204
Interest 2,059 1,115 3,053 3,960 4,420 1,713
Otherexpenditure 4,077 3,349 4,152 6,179 6,233 3,983
Total expenditure, gross 32,778 34,035 32,285 37,073 34,141 21,639
Operational outlays, net 22,842 25,217 22,171 22,224 19,641 14,478
Service revenue 1,622 803 2,219 3,239 3,935 1,653
Gross investment 8,314 8,015 7,895 11,610 10,565 5,508
Expenditure by function 32,778 34,035 32,285 37,073 34,141 21,639
Administration 1,706 1,232 1,921 2,611 3,098 1,927
Social security 6,291 7,751 5,848 4,676 4,342 2,523
Health 3,724 5,655 1,072 2,476 1.345 877
Education 4,977 4,263 6,086 5,601 4,956 6,218
Culture and recreation 3,745 3,921 5,192 4,231 2,595 783
Sanitary affairs 1,129 1,251 1,298 1,271 762 315
Road construction and affairs 4,382 5,133 3,658 4,416 4,250 1,736
Interest 1,622 803 2,219 3,239 3,935 1,653
Otherexpenditure 5,204 4,027 4,990 8,551 8,857 5,606