Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrárnúmerum - 01.04.1998, Blaðsíða 16
Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum 1997
Tafla I. Útflutningur og innflutningur eftir tollköflum árið 1997 (frh.)
Table I. Exports and imports by HS-chapters in 1997 (cont.)
Nettóþyngd í tonnum
í þús. kr.
64 Skófatnaður.............................................................
65 Höfiiðfatnaður..........................................................
66 Regnhlífar, stafir, svipur o.þ.h........................................
67 Fjaðrir, dúnn og vörur úr þeim, gerviblóm og vörur úr mannshári.........
68 Vörur úr steini, gipsefni, sementi o.þ.h................................
69 Leirvörur...............................................................
70 Gler og glervörur.......................................................
71 Perlur, eðalsteinar og góðmálmar; skartgripir, glysvamingur og mynt.....
72 Jám og stál.............................................................
73 Vömr úr jámi og stáli...................................................
74 Kopar og koparvörur.....................................................
75 Nikkill og nikkilvörur..................................................
76 Á1 og álvömr............................................................
78 Blý og blývömr..........................................................
79 Sink og sinkvömr........................................................
80 Tin og tinvömr.............................................................
81 Aðrir ódýrir málmar og vömr úr þeim........................................
82 yerkfæri og áhöld úr ódýmm málmi........................................
83 Ymsar vömr úr ódýmm málmi...............................................
84 Vélar og tæki, þ.m.t. vinnuvélar........................................
85 Rafbúnaður og rafmagnstæki, þ.m.t. tölvur, segulmiðlar o.þ.h............
86 Jám- og sporbrautir.....................................................
87 Ökutæki.................................................................
88 Loftför og hlutar í þau.................................................
89 Skip, bátar og önnur fljótandi mannvirki................................
90 Ljósmynda- og kvikmyndavömr, tæki til mælinga, prófunar, optískra nota o.fl.
91 Klukkurogúr.............................................................
92 Hljóðfæri...............................................................
93 Vopn og skotfæri........................................................
94 Hús’gögn, húsbúnaður o.fl...............................................
95 Leikfong, spil og íþróttavömr...........................................
96 Ymsarvömr...............................................................
97 Listaverk, safnmunir og fomgripir.......................................
99 Uppboðsvörur og endursendar vömr..........................................
Þyngd Weight
Útflutningur Innflutningur
Exports Imports
2,2 651,9
1,5 83,2
0,3 7,7
4.819,2 8.103,0
4,8 6.724,9
36,2 6.398,4
0,0 22,6
102.410,1 39.225,5
874,7 29.910,4
293,8 352,0
124.490,6 5.865,3
209,8 181,9
87,4 271,3
- 5,0
- 306,7
3,8 715,0
1,2 1.523,5
969,6 23.296,5
339,8 81.823,6
6,0 832,5
139,6 24.611,8
74,7 39,3
7.584,1 8.665,6
41,7 608,3
0,1 47,0
0,0 74,9
- 82,7
109,5 15.400,8
5,6 1.239,5
0,3 488,6
0,1 4,2
652,4 564,3
Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum 1997
Verðmæti Value Net weight in tonnes
Útflutningur Fob-verð Exports Fob-value Innflutningur lmports Thousand ISK
Fob-verð Fob-value Cif-verð Cif-value
3.626 1.181.067 1.281.013 Footwear 64
5.113 138.464 154.876 Headgear and parts thereof 65
15 4.305 5.039 Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, whips etc 66
- 29.513 33.257 Articles of feathers, down and human hair; artificialflowers 67
180.249 362.468 424.868 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, mica or similar materials 68
319 590.045 682.539 Ceramic products 69
8.560 600.826 704.298 Glass and glassware 70
95 262.911 276.302 Pearls, prec. stones, and metals; articles thereof; imit. jewellery; coins 71
3.923.126 1.621.972 1.859.546 Iron and steel 72
245.852 4.332.867 4.802.373 Articles of iron and steel 73
17.118 216.595 233.297 Copper and articles thereof. 74
- 3.822 4.083 Nickel and articles thereof 75
15.798.734 1.619.902 1.755.898 A/uminium and articles thereof 76
1.503 12.229 13.903 Lead and articles thereof. 78
4.011 32.851 36.646 Zinc and articles thereof 79
- 4.574 5.167 Tin and articles thereof 80
- 79.030 82.838 Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof 81
3.984 802.939 865.632 Tools, implements, cultery, etc. of base metal 82
2.745 798.146 875.489 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 83
1.898.358 19.312.197 20.600.506 Machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof 84
45.207 15.158.326 16.004.962 El. machinery and equip., incl. computers and software etc 85
315 99.501 115.282 Railway or tramway locomotives andparts thereof 86
30.115 12.788.041 13.885.432 Road vehicles 87
2.664.087 606.293 622.292 Aircraft, spacecraft, andparts thereof 88
2.640.471 2.998.167 3.109.955 Ships, boats andfloating structures 89
480.371 3.386.113 3.562.747 Photographic equip.; optical, measuring and medical instruments etc 90
2.656 177.506 189.574 Clocks and watches andparts thereof. 91
34 146.964 160.108 Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 92
- 41.473 45.585 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 93
31.759 3.934.122 4.471.237 Furniture; furnishings, etc 94
1.032 972.718 1.089.110 Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof 95
1.299 452.520 495.688 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 96
88.251 11.887 13.270 Works of art, collectors 'pieces and antiques 97
527.400 195.726 210.601 Returned goods and auction goods 99