Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrárnúmerum - 01.05.2003, Side 16
Utanrfkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum 2002
Tafla I. Útflutningur og innflutningur eftir tollköflum árið 2002 (frh.)
Table I. Exports and imports by HS-chapters in 2002 (cont.)
Nettóþyngd í tonnum Þyngd Weight
I þús. kr. Útflutningur Innflutningur
Exports Imports
64 Skófatnaður.............................................................
65 Höfuðfatnaður...........................................................
66 Regnhlífar, stafir, svipur o.þ.h........................................
67 Fjaðrir, dúnn og vörur úr þeim, gerviblóm og vörur úr mannshári.........
68 Vörur úr steini, gipsefni, sementi o.þ.h................................
69 Leirvörur...............................................................
70 Gler og glervörur.......................................................
71 Perlur, eðalsteinar og góðmálmar; skartgripir, glysvamingur og mynt.....
72 Jám og stál.............................................................
73 Vömr úr járni og stáli..................................................
74 Kopar og koparvörur.....................................................
75 Nikkill og nikkilvörur..................................................
76 Á1 og álvörur...........................................................
78 Blý og blývömr..........................................................
79 Sink og sinkvömr........................................................
80 Tin og tinvörur.........................................................
81 Aðrir ódýrir málmar og vömr úr þeim ....................................
82 Verkfæri og áhöld úr ódýmm málmi........................................
83 Ymsar vömr úr ódýmm málmi...............................................
84 Vélar og tæki, þ.m.t. vinnuvélar........................................
85 Rafbúnaður og rafmagnstæki, þ.m.t. tölvur, segulmiðlar o.þ.h............
86 Jám- og sporbrautir.....................................................
87 Ökutæki.................................................................
88 Loftför og hlutar í þau.................................................
89 Skip, bátar og önnur fljótandi mannvirki................................
90 Ljósmynda- og kvikmyndavörur, tæki til mælinga, prófunar, optískra nota o.fl.
91 Klukkurogúr.............................................................
92 Hljóðfæri.................................................................
93 Vopn og skotfæri........................................................
94 Húsgögn, húsbúnaður o.fl................................................
95 Leikföng, spil og íþróttavömr...........................................
96 Ymsar vömr..............................................................
97 Listaverk, safnmunir og fomgripir.......................................
99 Uppboðsvömr og endursendar vömr............................................
40,9 615,2
1,3 99,6
- 11,1
0,0 77,9
2,703,3 13.294,2
45,4 8.330,1
49,5 8.275,5
2,7 53,1
152.250,4 32.875,9
831,4 28.523,2
417,9 412,3
- 0,8
289.070,5 26.960,4
1,0 105,5
48,9 179,4
9,0 3,4
0,0 189,2
1,3 834,7
2,6 1.600,2
3.579,4 16.619,7
783,5 146.667,6
- 1.602,7
538,2 16.441,0
6,2 131,3
11.421,6 11.589,5
182,8 803,5
0,2 40,4
0.3 100,8
0,0 73,6
16,8 16.697,4
2,0 1.652,5
5,7 468,8
3,4 3,0
1.565,8 418,8
Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum 2002
Verðmæti Value Net weight in tonnes
Útflutningur Innflutning ar Imports
Fob-verð Fob-verð Cif-verð
Exports Fob-value Fob-value Cif-value
7.179 1.331.765 1.434.476 Footwear 64
7.445 166.469 187.679 Headgear and parts thereof 65
- 8.790 10.14' Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, whips etc. 66
204 63.567 71.322 Articles of feathers, down and human hair; artificial flowers 67
152.095 609.780 717.255 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, mica or similar materials 68
651 831.623 960.341 Ceramic products 69
6.345 945.761 1.099.347 Glass and glassware 70
16.827 363.745 383.070 Pearls, prec. stones, and metals; articles thereof; imit. jewellery; coins 71
5.266.513 1.513.291 1.708.975 Iron and steel 72
332.128 4.857.654 5.394.837 Articles of iron and steel 73
26.817 296.253 320.878 Copper and articles thereof 74
_ 1.182 1.363 Nickel and articles thereof 75
39.220.857 4.833.748 5.083.954 Aluminium and articles thereof 76
29 8.961 10.216 Lead and articles thereof 78
2.475 24.359 27.316 Zinc and articles thereof 79
862 4.085 4.616 Tin and articles thereof 80
53 46.093 48.694 Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof 81
11.960 958.276 1.040.013 Tools, implements, cultery, etc. of base metal 82
1.231 942.146 1.038.108 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 83
5.054.871 20.633.027 21.970.098 Machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof 84
156.418 19.215.440 20.417.158 El. machinery and equip., incl. computers and software etc. 85
- 99.702 117.128 Railway or tramway locomotives and parts thereof 86
182.145 11.598.642 12.443.190 Road vehicles 87
74.265 8.156.789 8.196.892 Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof 88
2.658.901 3.954.036 4.326.935 Ships, boats and floating structures 89
3.331.184 5.647.123 5.937.031 Photographic equip.; optical, measuring and medical instruments etc. 90
4.414 185.133 198.154 Clocks and watches and parts thereof 91
2.002 177.470 198.785 Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 92
575 60.333 65.942 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 93
20.645 5.620.508 6.322.616 Fumiture; fumishings, etc. 94
2.686 1.518.177 1.672.316 Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof 95
2.043 496.852 546.736 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 96
144.713 12.682 14.013 Works of art, collectors'pieces and antiques 97
1.908.312 348.260 363.189 Retumed goods and auction goods 99