Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 8
The Reykjavík G rapevine Best of Iceland 2019 8 For a small country, Iceland is actu- ally pretty big, as you’ve maybe dis- covered in planning a trip around this island, with its roads winding around fjords, through all-but-impassable moun- tain passes, along the edge of rocky cliffs, to far-flung f ishing villages, h i d d e n hot pots, and bar- ren beaches. And with every small blue or yellow sign you drive past—in a language you can’t read, signaling a place you’ve nev- er heard of, accessible via a muddy and rutted rural track—the question naturally arises: What did I just miss? Well, we’re glad you asked. For our Best of Iceland special issue, we at The Reykjavík Grapevine con- vened panels of experts—artists and musicians, tourism and hospitali- ty workers—ready to opine on the natural and man-made highlights of Iceland’s five regions. The pan- ellists made impassioned and often surprising cases for their favourite spots; we debated, we bargained; we weighed options carefully, we followed our hearts; we consulted a local völva, or seeress; we put a GPS tracker on a raven and monitored its flight. Much of that last sentence is true. Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find. MA THE AWARDS How We Picked The Winners FIND EVERY GOOD THING IN REYKJAVÍK! Grab a copy of Best Of Reykjavík THE GUIDE-GUIDE Look For These Stickers Out There In The Wide World You'll find these stickers of recom- mendation, which we’ve handed out to this year’s win- ners, on your way around the country. They indicate your best option, whatever you're looking for in the far-flung corners of Iceland. We at the Grapevine know what's best! Look Out For These Badges In The Magazine ALERT! When you see this red badge, this route, hike or attraction is totally inaccessible for large parts of the winter (often roughly considered to be No- vember-April). Don’t travel without checking for info via and checking in with local tourist information services. SEEK LOCAL INFO A yellow badge means that an establishment’s open- ing hours might be sporadic; that a tour compa- ny may offer seasonal alternatives; or that hiking routes and nature sites may be closed due to ad- verse conditions. Check in advance for info from the locals who know. Complimentary Wi-Fi at selected N1 service stations Tank up at N1 on your way around Iceland With 95 locations around Iceland, N1 is always nearby. Find your nearest location and plan your trip at Iceland’s No. 1 Stop COFFEE & DONUT Treat yourself! burger & fries Classic comfort food Meat soup Traditional Icelandic meal Buy prepaid fuel cards and fill up on the go! - WOOLEN SWEATERS  KNITTED BY LOCALS - Stop b y on your j ourne y throug h Sout h Icelan d! An authentic family-owned local store filled with handmade products and Icelandic souvenirs to bring home to loved ones COME AND DISCOVER UNA Loca l Product   Austurveg i 4 ,   860 Hvolsvö l lur A Little Piece of Iceland Come and enjoy the cozy atmosphere, lovely Icelandic music and good prices! +354 544 5455 unaloca lproduct unaloca lproduct
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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