Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 50
The Reykjavík G rapevine Best of Iceland 2019 50 BEST OF ICELAND 2019 East If west is the best, east is a... feast? Best Accommodation Wilderness Centre Fljótsdalur Ever wondered how it would be to live like Icelanders of yore? Well, you can experience it at the Wilderness Center. They offer authentic old- style accommodation that sends you back in time—whether you want to become a landowner, a farmer, or just an ordinary person. Every detail has been considered by the charming hosts. There’s a range of trips and activities on offer, and you’ll have access to a bath house with a sauna. Map square: E10 Fancy Option Fosshotel Fáskrúðsfjörður Hafnargata 11-15, Fáskrúðsfjörður A beautiful, historic hotel in the old hospi- tal in Fáskrúðsfjörður, which was originally built to service French fishermen. Their cul- tural impact remains in the small museum, and the more-than-decent wine list. The hotel itself is a delight—charming, cosy, and a welcome change from the Nordic minimalist zeitgeist. I10 Budget Pick Hallormsstaðaskógur Campsite Fjarðarbraut 37a, Stöðvarfjörður These two campsites—Atlavík and Höf- davík—are located in the largest Icelandic forest, covering an area of 740 hectares, right by the famed Lagarfljót lake. Qui- et-seeking travellers can listen to the rich birdlife, walk in the forest, sit on the banks of the lake and look out for the infamous Lagarfljót Worm. Blissful. I11 Best Meal Norð Austur Nordurgata 2, Seyðisfjörður This restaurant in the remotely cool fjord is reputed to make the best sushi in Iceland. This is what happens when you import expert chefs from overseas and let them run wild with fresh Icelandic seafood. “The sizzling salmon, served on a hot stone, was so good I almost cried,” said the panel. It’s worth the drive—local fisherman deliver unusual catches to the restaurant, so ex- pect some curious specials. It’s not open in the winter, but again, it’s so good we felt idiotic not giving it respect. I8 Runners Up Vallanes Organic Farm Vallanes, Egilsstaðir Home of Móðir Jörð, the Icelandic brand that produces organic vegetable-based products. The food is always fresh, tasty, local, vegetarian or vegan, and seasonal. Enjoy it in a newly built house made entire- ly of Icelandic wood, or in the greenhouse whilst chatting with the owners. G9 Síreksstaðir Farm Síreksstaðir, Sunnudalur At this family-run farm restaurant, every dish on the menu is made up of fresh homegrown vegetables and free range meat. Their organic home-cooked meals are made with love—and also some seri- ous know-how. “Happy just tastes better,” enthused the panel. F7 Must-See Spot Mjóifjörður Mjóifjörður, Fjarðabyggð One of the most remote fjords in the East, the drive to Mjóifjörður is an adventure in itself. Following the steep slopes down to a tiny village of about 20 inhabitants also provides you with astonishing views of the surrounding mountains and the beauti- ful Klifbrekkufossar waterfalls. Also highly recommended is a trip to the Dalatangi lighthouse. Don’t rush it: life out East is slow, so sink into the rhythm and enjoy it all the more. Check in advance. I7 Runners Up Kárahnjúkar Dam The Highlands It’s not the most beautiful place in Iceland, but seeing the country’s largest and most notorious hydroelectric dam is a sobering experience. After driving across a dusty Highland desert—check road conditions beforehand—the hard lines of the dam ap- pear from the wilderness like a remnant of a lost civilisation. E10 Hellisheiði Eystri Off Route One towards Vopnafjörður This road is not for the faint-hearted, the off-season, or reckless drivers—but if you’re prepared to cry your eyes out for a good view, this is a must. The dirt track crosses some alarmingly high scree slopes, and on a clear day offers views north all the way to Langanes, and south over to the glorious Dyrfjöll. Again: please do not attempt this in winter. You might die and we will be held liable. H13 Discover Iceland's only geothermal floating pools Located 5 km northwest from Egilsstaoir. East lceland @E� +354 4709500 hello@vok-baths is Egilsstaðir Center of East Iceland Welcome to comfortable stay wifi, access to kitchen, open all year tel +354 860 2999 bookable on websites &
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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