Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 36
The Reykjavík G rapevine Best of Iceland 2019 36 BEST OF ICELAND 2019 Westfjords The Westfjords are so foxy Best Tour Vigur Island Ísafjörður This tiny island, smack in the middle of Ísafjarðardjúp, has more avian res- idents that humans, including puffins. Reachable via boat from Ísafjörður or by taking a kayak tour—usually only in summer—it’s an afternoon trip full of birdwatching bliss. Also, if you’re into manmade rarities, this tiny island is home to Iceland’s only windmill, and the smallest post office in Europe. We’d recommend waiting for one of those rare clear winter days to ensure you get the best view. Make sure to pay attention to the shoreline, too—you might just see some sunbathing seals. D6 Runner Up Whale Watching Hólmavík In Hólmavík, you’ll probably see a hump- back no more than a stone’s throw from the town centre. The calm bay has smooth currents, so it’s a perfect place to see the giant marine mammals. Our panellists rec- ommend Láki Tours. “I don’t think they’ve ever not seen whales on that tour,” they said. F8 Runner Up Hornstrandir Northern Westfjords Lying at the northernmost point of the Westfjords, Hornstrandir is a deserted re- gion that is inaccessible except via boat, or a days-long hike. There are no roads, no hotels, no campsites—not even toilets. That said, you’ll be rewarded with an im- mersive tract of Icelandic nature. It’s not accessible in winter, but make sure to go in the warmer months. D5 Best Museum Samúel Jónsson Museum Brautarholt, Selárdalur Imagine this: You’re driving through one of the most isolated areas of Iceland on an unserviced 25km dirt track. Suddenly, you come upon a house surrounded by bizarre, brightly coloured, cartoonish sculptures. Well, welcome to the Samúel Jónsson Mu- seum. Samúel was a self-taught artist and a hermit who used his pension money for plaster, which he used to make the memo- rable oddities that litter the yard surround- ing his jaunty white and red house. “It’s wonderfully surreal,” said the panel. B8 Runners Up Arctic Fox Centre Eyrardalur, Súðavík Stopping at the Arctic Fox Centre is a mag- ical afternoon for adults and kids alike. Arctic foxes are, in fact, the only terrestrial mammal native to Iceland. Famously elu- sive, they’re also amongst the hardest to spot in the wild, so the centre is your best bet to get close to one. D7 Sea Monster Museum Dalbraut, Bíldudalur There’s no better place to learn about Ice- land’s supernatural sea creatures than the tiny coastal town of Bíldudalur. Indeed, Arnarfjörður is said to host many of them. This museum is dedicated to studying this branch of folklore with a loving, academic touch. It’s open all summer but by appoint- ment by winter. B8 Best Road Trip Southern Westfjords Brjánslækur to Dynjandi The southern Westfjords contain some of the most breathtaking scenery in Iceland. Start at Brjánslækur, where the ferry from Snæfellsnes comes in, and drive west on Highway 62 to the Rauðasandur red sand beach. Next, turn onto Highway 612 for the beautiful bird cliffs of Látrabjarg, be- fore heading up to Patreksfjörður to check out the Húsið art space. Take Route 63 to the Samúel Jónsson Museum, then cross Dynjandisheiði for a perfect finale at the incomparable Dynjandi waterfall. C9-C8 Runners Up Súðavík To Þingeyri Súðavík To Þingeyri Here’s your itinerary: Start with the foxes in Súðavík, go to Ísafjörður for a snúður at the Old Bakery and lunch at Tjöruhúsið, head to Suðureyri for a soak at the pool, jaunt to Flateyri for a pint at Vagninn, and end with some coffee and waffles at Sim- bahöllin. Now that’s a day well-spent in Iceland. D7-C7 Strandir Route 643 “If you want remote, this is it,” said the panel of the Strandir road. “It’s only for confident drivers, but you’re treated to sheer cliffs with mist clinging to their tops, waterfalls, beaches, and total solitude for hours.” Stop at the Djúpavík factory to see their latest exhibit, and finish at Krossneslaug. F7-G7 WELCOME TO ANOTHER WORLD An unique escape, tranquility and beautiful nature. A charming atmosphere, renowned on-site restaurant with exquisite cuisine and personal service. Hótel Búðir features all the comforts you need and there are plenty of activities to choose from in the vicinity. Let us provide the doorway to your adventure in Iceland. – a remote +354 435 6700 Check out our selection of gift cards on A great idea and well rembered for any occasion.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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