Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.04.2019, Blaðsíða 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.04.2019, Blaðsíða 46
46 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06— 2019 WAR OF THE NERDS Battle Of The Populists IceExit on the horizon Words: Valur Grettisson Photo: Art Bicnick Fine. Let’s get into the Third En- ergy Package. There is no way around this, I guess. The debate about the European Union’s gas and electricity market legislation has proven to be the biggest popu- listic debate in Icelandic society for a while and has even been nick- named IceExit in the spirit of the mother of all messes, Brexit. In short, Iceland, as a part of European Economic Area (EEA), needs to adapt all EU regulations, good or bad, or risk endangering the EEA agreement. This is, of course, part of the debate; that is, if the agreement will be in dan- ger if the Icelandic government doesn’t adopt it. Iceland has already adopted the first and second part of the EU’s energy package. Like with all great movies, the third one is always the best. Right? The Third Pack- age is, more or less (and keep in mind, this is a grossly simplified explanation), about giving con- sumers more rights. But the real problem here is that an interna- tional institution, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regula- tors (ACER), would have ultimate authority if two signatory coun- tries get into a dispute over cross- border energy trade. Still with me? Everybody that lives in Iceland, of course, would point out that Iceland does not export its energy for obvious reasons. We live on an island and in the middle of the goddamn Atlantic ocean. It would cost 800 billion ISK to build a cable between Iceland and the UK. And then you have the incredibly tech- nical complications of transport- ing the energy. So on to the battle of the populists. There has been an intense debate around the issue, where Sigmun- dur Davið Gunnlaugsson, chair- man of the Centre Party (you remember him from such docu- mentaries as The Panama Papers), leads an interesting pack of popu- lists who believe that the evil EU are after Icelandic energy sources. Of course, like good populists, it came to appear in Stundin, a local news magazine, that none other than Sigmundur Davíð and his band of populists actually wanted to agree to the Third Energy Pack- age when he was Prime Minister in 2015. Not only that, they reject- ed the Left-Green proposal about making specific precautions about transporting the energy out of the country, so the regulation would not apply to Icelandic conditions. So what's the real debate here? Well, there are two answers for that. First—and this is the obvi- ous one—the Centre Party are try- ing to seduce the conservatives from the Independence Party to their side. And second, they want to go down a dangerous and un- precedented road with the EEA agreement, which has given Ice- land the opportunity to be com- petitive within the larger Euro- pean market. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Third-Wheeling And Hot Dogs Words: Aliya Uteuova Any tips on how to quickly determine if a familiar face in public (e.g. at the grocery store, pool, restaurant or on the street) is an actual acquaintance or just a famous person? I can't count the number of times I nearly approached someone to say ‘hi’ only to realise that I only know them from politics or TV. I used to stroll around the university waving at strangers thinking they were my friends. Then there were days when I ignored my friends’ eye-contact and hellos. The honest excuse for me is my poor vision, but perhaps you could borrow it next time you bump into a local celebrity. How does one properly hotdog in Iceland? With a selfie and plenty of gum afterwards. How do you become a hot air balloon pilot? It is one of the toughest jobs to get into. The competition is super high, you wouldn’t believe how many proficient third wheelers there are. But if you have valid experience of staying stoic while a couple has their romantic moment three inches from you, you might have a chance. How do you avoid former lovers in a city as small as Reykjavík? Do you stop going out or do you go full stalker? Since Iceland is a big village, it ’s probably impossible to avoid your ex. Embrace the uncomfortable hello or hide inside a puffin store, either way, you’re bound to have something to talk about with friends over some hotdogs. Just be sure to carry gum, you never know when you might want to kiss your next ex. Send your unsolvable (UNTIL NOW) problems to or tweet us at @rvkgrapevine. The EU is not after our waterfalls.... yet? Beautiful Reykjavík ArtisAn BAkery & Coffee House Open everyday 6.30 - 21.00 Laugavegur 36 · 101 reykjavik


Reykjavík Grapevine

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