Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Síða 17

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Síða 17
17The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 01— 2020 Br!kfast count Make OPEN 07:30 ! 21:00 WWW.STOKK.IS | +354 595 8576 | LAUGAVEGUR 95!99, 101 REYKJAVÍK LATTE BREAKFAST BUN SMOOTHIE GRANOLA YOGHURT POT Fuel Up Sw " t Tr! t R efr esh Wa ke Up 590 ISK 900 ISK 600 ISK 600 ISK WWW.LOA. IS - +354 595 8575 LAUGAVEGUR 95-99, 101 REYKJAVÍK L IGHT B ITES HAPPY HOUR & L IVE MUSIC SHOUT OUT: HÁTI!NI Words: Hannah Jane Cohen In 2017, Post-dreifing member Snæbjörn Helgi Arnason Jack wanted to have a party, but his tiny, fruit fly-filled basement apart- ment proved to not be the most auspicious venue. Solution? Rent a community centre in the coun- tryside, grab some friends, invite a few bands, and have fun. “It ended up that only the bands showed up with a few people,” Snæbjörn reminisces, laughing. Nevertheless, it was at the fate- ful January soirée where the seeds were planted that would eventually flourish into the Háti!ni festival. In July 2019, the second iteration of the festival hosted a crowd of 300 in Bor!eyri, cementing the Post- dreifing crew as party role models. TEAM D.I.T. The beauty of Háti!ni—and the reason it garnered a Grapevine Music Awards Shout Out—comes from the modus operandi of the festi- val and of the Post-dreifing collec- tive itself: Do It Together (D.I.T.). “The way we view this festi- val is the same way we view every show, which is that the people are not just a passive audience but are active participants in the event,” explains fellow Post-dreifing-er Bjarni Daníel. “Everyone takes part. Random guests were doing the rounds in the campsites picking up trash or helping in the kitchen. Even though the music is great and the creative aspect is super impor- tant to all of us, the most impor- tant part is the community we’ve created collectively. That is what people will remember.” COFFEE? The other pinnacles of Háti!ni are safeness and inclusivity. It’s an all-ages festival for those of all- incomes. While the ticket price was approximately 3,000 ISK, no one was turned away for being unable to pay. In fact, many chose to give more. Others resorted to, well, more creative means. “A group of teenagers showed up from a nearby town. They only had coffee and were like, ‘We heard you needed coffee and we were wondering if we could use this to get into the festival,’” another member of the collective, Örlygur Steinar Arnalds, adds, laughing. “So then we had some coffee. It was a nice moment.” “I’m getting goosebumps!” Snæbjörn says, thinking back to the many wholesome moments of the festival. He emphasises that while Post-dreifing did make some mistakes this iteration, they’re still learning, and hope that Háti!ni 2020 will be even better. “We want to be party role-models,” he concludes, though from where we’re sitting it seems they already are. SHOUT OUT: HALLDÓR ELDJÁRN Words: Inês Pereira When two seemingly opposite interests combine, the result is something out of this world. This year, programmer and musician Halldór Eldjárn—together with the help of his trusted computer and NASA’s infinite media library—gave us ‘Poco Apollo.’ To make the experimental album, the artist created a programming system that transformed pictures of the moon into musical notes, tones, and chords. The end result is Halldór’s interpretation of the sound of the moon. MACHINE FEELINGS “The system analyzes each image and looks for hardpoints in the picture,” Halldór explains. “So if there are certain changes in texture or colour, then the algorithm will set a point there.” The goal is then, as he emphasises, to “get the feel- ings out of the machine.” “I’ve been a lunatic all my life,” he confesses, referring to his fasci- nation by all things moon-related. This obsession led to him combing through NASA’s archives, where he became especially passionate about the release of the Apollo manned lunar landing mission photos in 2015. ”It was so fasci- nating when they released this library online of all the photos,” he says. “I always felt a really strong connection [to the moon landing], so getting to dive into the library of never-before-seen pictures was really fun for me.” SHOOT FOR THE MOON Halldór admits to being a nostalgic person, he ties his nostalgia espe- cially to the 1969 moon landing and the movie “Apollo 13”, which he watched almost daily when he was a child. It was also at a young age that he started to dream of setting his own foot on Earth’s only natu- ral satellite, he confesses to having not given up on the journey, prom- ising to give the Grapevine the streaming right when he does. In 2020, Halldór will partici- pate in Reykjavík’s annual Design- March, where he will be working with generative plants in the basement of Ásmundarsalur. In the music department, he is plan- ning to play some more gigs and continue working on a new album. “I’ve been a lunatic all my life.” “We want to be party role- models.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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