Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Síða 19

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Síða 19
Bára Halldórsdóttir Bára Halldórsdóttir is perhaps best known for being the whistleblower in the notorious Klausturgate scandal, but she is also an activist for dis- abled people’s rights and an artist. Here, she details what her perfect day in Reykjavík would be like; “a world where I am not chronically ill and can just do whatever.” Morning Freyja, my old cat and friend, gently nudges me awake to feed her break- fast. I have slept so well and am feel- ing rested and ready for my perfect day. I hug my wife and give her a light kiss and then we get up and feed the animals, I eat two slices of toast with bananas. While I am chomping down on the toast I make some cof- fee with a dash of cocoa almond milk. I then sit in the living room and do a short media browse while I finish the co"ee. Mid-morning A#er I drop my wife, Hrafna, o" at her work, I take my dog, Kíra, on a long walk at Geldinganes. It is sunny and bright with a slight breeze. Kíra finds all sorts of interesting new smells and meets fun doggos to play with. On the way home from the walk we stop at Gælud"r where Kira gets to go in and snoop around while I buy pet treats for all my pets and also buy extra food to be given to Villiket- tir and Kattholt. We drive home and I take o" to grab lunch. Lunch I meet my oldest and closest friend Sunna at Kaktus Espressobar on Vi- tastígur, Sunna orders a yummy sweet potato soup with bread, and I have the delicious scones and a latte. We talk about nothing and everything for about an hour. Afternoon Sunna heads back to work and I take up my computer and keep develop- ing my art show for this summer’s Reykjavík Fringe Festival and do a little writing. I also check my email and see an invite from Stephen Fry to a lovely weekend at his summer cottage in the south of England, he tells me that Sandi Toksvig, Alan Da- vies, Hannah Gadsby, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams and Ed- die Izzard will be there, along with some other friendly intellectuals and thinking people. I hurry to accept, of course! Once in a while I take a pause just to look out the window and around me. It is an e"ortless relaxed a#ernoon. Evening I pick Hrafna up from work and tell her about the invitation, she is over the moon. We stop by Jömm at the foodcourt in Kringlan and get our- selves some juicy vegan food. I love their burger and there must be some- thing illegal in those potatoes. We decide to take an evening drive like we love. Kíra joins us, she loves driving. We drive an illogical route to Krísuvík and Kíra gets to fetch fris- bees we throw out into the lake. Then we drive to Reykjanesbær and drop in for a while to visit my an- gel of a grandchild and the family. In the heat of the night It’s closing on eleven when we arrive in Reykjavík and decide to catch the end of a Drag-súgur show at Gauku- rinn. It is perfect as usual. On our way home we stop at the roundabout on the westpoint of Seltjarnarnes. We walk on the shore for a while and I find an interesting stone When we are just about at our car we see a large owl perched on a manmade hill close by us. We watch in awe and Hrafna sneaks a few brilliant pictures. The owl glides away a#er a short while, but we are elated. At home we fin- ish packing for the trip to New York tomorrow (it will be another perfect day). Alarms set and we float into dreamland, endlessly satisfied. Perfect Day A face of the downtown scene tells us how to spend a perfect day in Reykjavík Vital Info Reykjavík Map Best Of ReykjavíkPlaces We Like January 10th—February 6th In Your Pocket Venues The numbers on the right (i.e. E4) tell you position on the map on the next page Austur Austurstræti 7 D3 American Bar Austurstræti 8 D3 Andr!mi Berg!órugata 20 G6 B5 Bankastræti 5 E4 Bar Ananas Klapparstígur 28 E5 Bíó Paradís Hverfisgata 54 E5 Bjarni Fel Austurstræti 20 E4 Bravó Laugavegur 22 E5 Boston Laugavegur 28b E5 Dillon Laugavegur 30 E5 Dubliner Naustin 1-3 D3 English Pub Austurstræti 12 D3 Gaukurinn Tryggvagata 22 D3 Hard Rock Café Lækjargata 2a D3 Hressó Austurstræti 20 D3 Húrra Naustin D3 I"nó Vonarstræti 3 E3 Kex Hostel Skúlagata 28 E7 Kaffibarinn Bergsta"astræti 1 E4 Kaffi Vínyl Hverfisgatur 76 E6 Kiki Queer Bar Laugavegur 22 E5 Loft Bankastræti 7 E4 Mengi Ó"insgata 2 F5 Nordic House Sturlagata 5 H2 Paloma Naustin D3 Priki" Bankastræti 12 E4 R6013 Ingólfsstræti 20 E4 Reykjavík Roasters Kárastígur 1 F5 Stofan Café Vesturgata 3 D3 Ölsmi"jan Lækjargata 10 E3 Tivoli bar Hafnarstræti 4 D3 Tjarnarbíó Tjarnargata 12 E3 Museums & Galleries ART67 Laugavegur 67 F7 Open daily 9-21 ASÍ Art Gallery Freyjugata 41 G6 Open Tue-Sun 13-17 Aurora Reykjavík Grandagar"ur 2 B1 Open 09-21 Ásgrimur Jónsson Museum Bergsta"astr. 74 G4 July 8-Sep 1, Mon-Fri Berg Contemporary Klapparstígur 16 E5 Tu-F 11-17, Sat 13-17 The Culture House Hverfisgata 15 E5 Open daily 10–17 The Einar Jónsson Museum Eiriksgata G5 Open Tue–Sun 10–17 Ekkisens Bergsta"ast. 25b F4 Gallerí List Skipholt 50A H10 M-F 11-18, Sat 11-16 Hafnarborg Strandgata 34, 220 Open Wed-Mon 12-17 Hitt Húsi" Pósthússtræti 3-5 D4 Hverfisgallerí Hverfisgata 4 D4 Tu-Fri 13-17, Sat 14-17 i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 D3 Tu-Fri 11-18, Sat 13-17 The Penis Museum Laugavegur 116 F8 Open daily 10-18 Kirsuberjatré" Vesturgata 4 D3 M-F 10-18, Sat-Sun 10-17 Kling & Bang Grandagar"ur 20 A4 W-Sun 14-18, Th 12-21 Listastofan Hringbraut 119 Open Wed-Sat 13-17 Living Art Museum Granadar"ur 20 A4 T-Sun 12-18, Th 12-21 Mokka Kaffi Skólavör"ustíg. 3A E5 Open daily 9-18:30 Museum of Design and Applied Art Gar"atorg 1 Open Tu-Sun 12-17 The National Gallery of Iceland Fríkirkjuvegur 7 F3 Open daily 10–17 The National Museum Su"urgata 41 G2 Open daily 10–17 The Nordic House Sturlugata 5 H2 Thu-Tu 11-17, W 11-20 Hafnarhús Tryggvagata 17 D3 Open 10-17, Thu 10-22 Kjarvalssta"ir Flókagata 24 H8 Open daily 10-17 Ásmundarsafn Sigtún Open daily 10-17 Reykjavík City Library Tryggvagata 15 D3 Mon-Thu 10-19, Fri 11-18, Sat-Sun 13-17 Árbæjarsafn Kistuhylur 4 Open daily 13-17 The Settlement Exhibition A"alstræti 16 D3 Open daily 9-18 Reykjavík Museum of Photography Tryggvagata 15 D3 Mon-Thu 10-18, Fri 11-18, Sat-Sun 13-18 Saga Museum Grandagar"ur 2 B2 Open daily 10-18 Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum Laugarnestangi 70 Open Tu-Sun 14-17 SÍM Hafnarstræti 16 D3 Open Mon-Fri 10-16 Tveir Hrafnar Baldursgata 12 G4 Open Fri-Sat 13-16 Wind & Weather Window Gallery Hverfisgata 37 E5 Venue Finder Useful Numbers Emergency: 112 On-call doctors: 1770 Dental emergency: 575 0505 Taxi: Hreyfill: 588 5522 - BSR: 561 0000 Post Office The downtown post office has moved to Hagatorgi 1, open Mon–Fri, 09:00–17:00. Pharmacies Lyf og heilsa, Egilsgata 3, tel: 563 1020 Lyfja, Laugavegur 16, tel: 552 4045 and Lágmúli 5, tel: 533 2300 Opening Hours - Bars & Clubs Bars can stay open until 01:00 on weekdays and 04:30 on weekends. Opening Hours - Shops & Banks Most shops: Mon–Fri 10–18, Sat 10–16, Sun closed. Banks: Mon-Fri 09-16 Swimming Pools Sundhöllin, the downtown pool at Barónsstígur, is an indoor swimming pool with hot tubs and a diving board. More pools: Open: Mon-Thu from 06:30–22. Fri from 06:30–20. Sat from 08–16. Sun from 10–18. Public Toilets Public toilets in the centre can be found inside the green-poster covered towers located at Hlemmur, Ingólfstorg, by Hallgrímskirkja, by Reykjavík Art Mu- seum, Lækjargata and by Eymundsson on Skólavör!ustígur. Toilets can also be found inside the Reykjavík City Hall and the Reykjavík Library. Public Transport Most buses run every 20–30 minutes Fare: 470 ISK adults, 220 ISK children. Buses run from 07–24:00, and 10–04:30 on weekends. More info: t Photo: Art Bicnick t +354 552 1890 Skólavör!ustígur 19 • Borgartún 31 BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THEM Bar & Restaurant Bar & Restaurant Hverfisgata 26


Reykjavík Grapevine

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