Reykjavík Grapevine - jan 2020, Qupperneq 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan 2020, Qupperneq 26
Takin% Out The tRASH Hide your flag, grab your spikes and get trashy Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo: Isaac Eastgate Fashion collection tRASHY CLOTHING x HATARI collection online @ “It was insane,” Palestinian fash- ion designer Shukri Lawrence says, looking back on the moment Hatari pulled out their Palestinian flag live at Eurovision. “I remember going on Instagram and literally every story was that one photo.” But for Shukri, the act was more than just a political stunt, it was the beginning of a beautiful rela- tionship between Iceland’s premier anti-capitalists and his fashion brand, tRASHY clothing. Now, the two have teamed up for a joint col- lection. Two trash worlds The 2017 origins of tRASHY lie in the dichotomy Shukri experienced between his daily life as a Pales- tinian photographer and videog- rapher and the brands his subjects were often wearing. “Everything I was shooting was related to what was around me in the Middle E a s t , exc ept t he clothes were from abroad,” Shukri ex- plains. “That’s not bad but it’s not relat- able to the subject. I thought, something’s missing.” To br i d g e t h e chasm, Shukri decided he’d make his own brand, and promptly be- gan working on a line of t-shirts. Enter tRASHY. “I started with this project that was basically bootlegging brands like Marc Jacobs and Nike and tak- ing issues that are related to the Middle East and sticking both in a juxtaposition,” he explains. His most famous design fea- tures a selfie of a group of women, each wearing a Niqab, above the Marc Jacobs logo. “These two dif- ferent worlds that the West might not be used to. You know, Niqabi shoppers exist,” he emphasises. Tween trash From there, the tRASHY team grew to include Omar Braika, Reem Kawasmi, Luai Al-Shuaibi, and Sereen Khass. Then, in 2020, tRASHY was contacted by Hatari to work on a clothing collaboration for Eurovision events, press con- ferences, and such. It was a match made in trash heaven. From the moment they ar- rived, Hatari began wearing bits of tRASHY clothing in all their ap- pearances. “We tried to make it like hints,” Shukri reveals. “Hatari are wearing these earrings, but who are they from? They were always wearing Palestinian designers and repping Palestine, even before the flag.” tRASHY then got the band to work as models for their SS19 ‘XD’ collec- tion, which was inspired by the in- ternet in the year 2010. “It ’s a l l a b out this confusion of tween days seeing emo/tumblr cul- ture going on, yet there was this whole other world we were living in,” Shukri explains. “The war and the occupation. So this collection was a phase of those scene kids colours, screen reflec- tions, and online superficial stuff.” Hatari proved ideal subjects. “Seeing their spikes and emo-es- que scene aesthetic, they were the perfect models,” he concludes. Trash code Now, the two groups have re-unit- ed for a joint collection, entitled tRASHY x HATARI, with profits going to Rainbow Street Org, ben- efitting queer and trans youth in the Middle East. The line is directly inspired by Hatari’s run at Euro- vision. “We took inspiration from the flag moment specifically, so we did these flag hider pants, flag hider skirts, and a tube flag holder bag,” he says. “We also took inspira- tion from ‘Hate Will Prevail,’ and [changed it] to ‘Love Will Prevail,’ and ‘Hate Won’t Prevail.’” But the graffiti-esque designs go deeper, Shukri re-iterates. “If you look closely, there are referenc- es to older news, etc. Everything is a secret code,” he reveals. “I am waiting for someone to crack it.” Trashy insanity tRASHY will be travelling to Ice- land in March for a fashion show of their own. Considering their past shows have included things like makeshift border walls in front of the audience, it’s sure to be a flag-raising spectacle. “It will be insane,” Shukri says, somewhat cheekily. “And that’s all I am going to say.” following breadcrumbs on the earth. I'm braiding many things together as one.” Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android storesArt “Everything I was shooting was related to what was around me in the Middle East, except the clothes were from abroad.” Palestinian fashion coming to Iceland Kiss the Day Goodbye 12 December 2019 - 1 February 2020 CHARLES ATLAS i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 VISIT !ÓPAVO"#$ C#LT#$E HO#SES AND EXPERIENCE IMPRINT 17.01%15.03.2020 & MENNINGARHUSIN. K O P A V O G U R . I S Hamraborg 4–6'Kópavogur Bus 1,(2,(4,(28,(35 & 36 G er )a rs af n' Kó pa vo gu r A rt M us eu m G er )a rs af n' Kó pa vo gu r A rt M us eu m GER*UR 17.01%15.03.2020 & MORE Salurinn'Concert Hall Náttúrufræ)istofa Kópavogs'Natural History Museum of Kópavogur Bókasafn Kópavogs'Kópavogur Public Library


Reykjavík Grapevine

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