Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2020, Blaðsíða 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2020, Blaðsíða 26
The Bell Curve Of Emotions ‘Transmutants and Emotional Curves’ plays with feelings Words: Sam O’Donnell Photo: Art Bicnick Art Book 'Transmutants and Emotional Curves' is available for purchase at Reykjavík Art Museum, Gallerí Port on Laugavegur, and Books in the Back on Freyjugata. Arnar Ásgeirsson and I meet in his studio to talk about his new book of illustrations. On a table is some- thing else he poured his soul into: carvings on giant bars of soap. I can see he has a distinct style—an- gular, intricate, and ancient-look- ing. There is also a level of absurd- ity to it. Carving a complex design into something as impermanent and fragile as a bar of soap has a very dadaist feel. This style is mag- nified in his book, wherein he ex- plores the absurdity of how nature plays with our feelings. Chronic drawing “I’ve always been a chronic draw- er,” Arnar says, explaining he would draw so much in school, his teachers would take all of his paper away, so he would draw on the ta- ble. “This project started like that,” he says. “The first one I drew from this series were these two entan- gled snakes,” he says, showing me a print that reminds me of Ourob- oros. He says he remembers trying to draw how he felt when he drew the snakes. It was such a success that he kept doing it. Capturing a mood Every time Arnar would begin drawing, he would try to capture a mood or emotion. “But when you’re drawing so much, you’re also taking from something you see that day,” he smiles and shows me a print of another pair of snakes, tangled up together in what looks like a Celtic knot. “I re- member I saw something similar to this on an Irish pub. So I tried to memorise it and draw it the way I remembered it.” Indeed, the artists draw inspi- ration from many things he en- counters in his daily life: Signs on pubs, tattoos at the pool, nature, animals. Arnar would take these influences and his mood that day and combine them on paper. Then he put the drawings in an order that fit a curve of emotions, starting low, going high, then back down low again. The Læg! Anyone who has spent a winter in Iceland knows that there are days of low energy and mood, where even leaving the house can feel like a chore. There is a word for this feeling in Icelandic: “læg!,” which literally means “slump.” It’s a mood that affects thousands of people throughout the country. “A lot of people ask me if I’m de- pressed when I show them this,” he says, laughing. “Which, I’m not.” Arnar has played with this seasonal emotion in his book by drawing ancient-looking snakes, birds, flies, and crabs in a style that is almost Lovecraftian, and juxtaposing them with chopsticks, cigarettes and smiley faces. In this way, the prints are of- ten dark and scary, but they also have a humorous undertone. One is a snake tangled up in itself with the caption “but chill out.” Anoth- er print is someone trying to hold onto a runaway noodle with chop- sticks. Another is an ancient magic symbol with a smiley face on it. “I probably drew it wrong, which is fine,” he says with a smile. Moving along the curve The images also relate to one an- other in some ways. Some will look similar, or have the same caption. Ar- nar says it’s anoth- er way the book fol- lows a curve. “You hit one point here and on the way back you hit the same point in the curve. It repeats itself. Sometimes you’re on your way up, and sometimes you’re on your way down, but you always hit the same point.” Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android storesArt “There is a word for this feel- ing in Icelandic: ‘læg!.’” As an artist, he has not o"en been described as "sni#y," so we'll do that now. Stúdíó Ólafur Elíasson The Marshall House Grandagarður 20 Tuesday - Sunday 12-6pm and Thursdays until 9pm i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 VISIT !ÓPAVO"#$ C#LT#$E HO#SES AND EXPERIENCE IMPRINT 17.01%15.03.2020 & MENNINGARHUSIN. K O P A V O G U R . I S Hamraborg 4–6'Kópavogur Bus 1,(2,(4,(28,(35 & 36 G er )a rs af n' Kó pa vo gu r A rt M us eu m N át tú ru fr æ )i st of a Kó pa vo gs ' N at ur al H is to ry M us eu m o f K óp av og ur MANY FACES OF NATURE & MORE Salurinn'Concert Hall Bókasafn Kópavogs'Kópavogur Public Library


Reykjavík Grapevine

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