Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Síða 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Síða 2
First 06: Reykjavík Is Officially Trash08: Elves Are Real, We Promise 10: CORONAVIRUS!!!!! 15: 'Polishing Iceland' Is Not-To-Miss16: The Return of JFDR18: Fun Thigns Too Do Whne Ur Drnuk Af So, here we are in history, with another global health crisis on our h a n d s . I t ’s not the first time we have faced a quickly- spreading new virus, and it’s not the worst that the world has seen. Well, hopefully. T h e b u b o n i c p l a g u e i s believed to have killed up to 200 million people in the 14th century. HIV has killed 36 million since 1981. You have to go back to the Spanish flu in 1918 to find a higher death rate from a 20th century pandemic. The death toll then was from 20 to 50 million over a two year period. What’s alarming is that COVID-19, is eerily similar to the Spanish flu. Both were Corona- viruses, and in both cases the resulting pneumonia was often the killer. Then again, that’s specula- tion. For there is one thing that separates historic pandemics from the Wuhan coronavirus: we have never had so much science on our side. Techni- cally, we are always as good as we can be in science when a new outbreak pops up. So that alone is not gonna save the day. Far from it. We also have to rely on responsible politicians, and count on other members of the general public to do the right thing and heed the latest warnings from the Directorate of Health and the World Health Organisation. The global spread of COVID- 19 is made even more fright- ening by the misinformation circulating as fake news on social media. Leaders, like in the USA as well as in Iceland, are trying to use the virus as a polit- ical weapon. They will not be the only ones. And the saddest thing is that it will be utilised at the cost of human lives. What's more, outbreaks like this unveil a country’s short- comings, like their broken health care system and the true state of their democracy. Or does anyone truly believe that only six individuals have contracted COVID-19 in Russia, which shares a not insignificant lang border with China? Does anybody truly believe that citi- zens of the US, or other coun- tries with a privatised health care system, will go to a doctor to confirm if they have the virus at the cost of thousands of dollars? Will those infected get paid to be home on sick leave? These are simple yet significant questions and an important moment for people to self-reflect. Because the answer could determine just how long this virus is able to spread. It’s time for responsible politics again. VG The True Impact Of Coronavirus Elín Elísabet is an illus- trator and cartoonist born and raised in Borgarnes. At the tender age of 15, Elín moved to Reykjavík and hasn’t looked back, except for the annual springtime impulse to move someplace quiet and keep chickens. Elín likes folk music, stationery, seal vid- eos, the country of Ireland, and eggs. Hannah Jane Cohen is based out of Iceland by way of New York. She's known for her love of Willa Ford, David Foster Wallace, and other such "intellectuals." Her visionary work is known for expand- ing the definitions of emotion, introspec- tion, and above all else, taste. Hannah is also the current Drag King of Iceland, Hans. Alexander Jean Edvard Le Sage de Fontenay is a Reykjavík-born part- time DJ (under the pseudonym Bervit), event-planner and lover of art, creation and aesthetics. Most recent endeavors in- clude co-producing The Grapevine’s own Grassroots concerts at Húrra and LungA Art Festival’s busy event schedule. Ragnar Egilsson is a writer, transla- tor and massive foodie. He's been reviewing for the Grapevine for many years. Ragnar is from Hafnar#ör!ur but is currently studying food science in an Italian town with the exact same number of inhabitants. Sveinbjörn Pálsson is our Art Director. He's responsible for the design of the magazine and the cover photography. When he's not work- ing here, he DJs as Terrordisco, hosts the Funk$átturinn radio show, or sits at a table in a Laugarda- lur café, drinking copious amounts of co%ee and thinking about fonts. Samuel O'Donnell Sam is an English major from The United States. He has his Bachelor’s Degree, and keeps telling himself that this is the year he will begin pursuing his Master’s. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, writing short horror stories, listening to all kinds of metal, and reading. Andie Sophia Fontaine has lived in Iceland since 1999 and has been reporting since 2003. They were the first foreign-born member of the Icelandic Parliament, an experience they recommend for anyone who wants to experience a workplace where colleagues work tire- lessly to undermine each other. Rex Beckett has been a fixture in the Reykjavík culture scene for over a decade. A longtime music/art journalist for the Grapevine, she's also known for her music project, Rex Pistols, as well as her generally cool hair, cat photos, and aging goth realness. She's also weirdly into glitter. Josie Gaitens is a freelance arts project coordinator, musician and writer from the Scottish Highlands. She was once errone- ously referred to as the Queen of Scotland by a Malaysian news- paper and has been falsely using that title ever since. COVER PHOTO: Rut Sigur!ardóttir ART DIRECTION: Sveinbjörn Pálsson ABOUT THE COVER: Hrönn Sveinsdóttir, the managing director of Bíó Paradís, is facing the fight of her career as she leads the crusade to save this Reykjavík cultural landmark. The cover is based on a faint, faded recollection of the Casablanca movie poster, and the effects of time and light on printed objects, such as movie posters. EDITORIAL 36: Reykjanes Via Car, Very Nice 35: Eiriksson Brasserie Is Fancy And So Are We 38: Horror-Scopes For more information and bookings: +354 519 1616 +354 760 1000 Breathtaking Experience is a A journey into ARHÓLSHELLIRRAUF The highlight of our Iceland trip! Reviewed on TripAdvisor


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