Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Side 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Side 18
A Productive Drinkin! Session Things you can do while drunk, ft. Jerry Seinfeld Words: Valur Grettisson Photo: Íris Dögg Einarsdóttir Feel like getting drunk “just be- cause” is not a good enough reason any more? My, my, someone’s a fan- cy drinker. But we understand. We get you. You are not alone. To help you out, our drinking department spent an entire month drunk to de- termine what activities you can do to avoid looking like an alcoholic, just a cool guy. Party Bingo @ Sæta Svíni" Hafnarstræti 1-3 Sæta Svíni! is not only a fine gas- tropub, but it’s also home to some surprisingly rowdy weekly events. Our favourite is Sigga Kling’s weekly Sunday Party Bingo. There, the only open sorceress of Ice- land—don’t worry, we only burn warlocks—draws balls for some prizes that include everything from gift cards to various restaurants around Reykjavík to... insole con- sultations. If numbers aren’t your thing, she also determines winners by things like moaning competi- tions and random talent battles. So practice your yodeling and, uh, moaning. Darts/Pool @ Papaku Reykjavík Klapparstígur 38 Ever fancied throwing sharp things around while drunk? Who hasn’t? Lucky for you, Papaku Reykjavík now offers complimentary darts to its drinkers, as well as a pool table to knock heavy things around on. Both are great activities for those competitive drunks; ones that will no doubt cause less ego death than the usual arm wrestling, which in- evitably always leads to Kyle punch- ing a wall. Just please, don’t con- fuse the noble sport of darts with lawn darts—that’s just flat out dangerous. Karaoke @ Gaukurinn Tryggvagata 22 Some people like to hijack air- planes. Others like to hijack clubs with their mediocre vocal skills. Gaukurinn is basically the hijacked airplane of karaoke, where every Tuesday, you can jump piss drunk onto the stage and scream out your favourite Taylor Swift song (“You Belong With Me,” obviously) in front of a massive crowd of people pretending to like it. So just go for it. No one will laugh at you. We promise. Quizzes & Wine @ Röntgen Hverfisgata 12 So, you’re one of those “intellectu- al” hipsters that likes Seinfeld more than Friends. Whatever. Nobody cares. That said, Röntgen recently hosted Reykjavík’s annual Seinfeld pub quiz, and it got pretty competi- tive, so we’ll stop being a Soup Nazi and admit that drinking a lot while arguing about semantics with your friends for more beer is fun. Check Röntgen’s Facebook for upcoming quizzes. On another note, the bar also hosts natural wine presenta- tions every Tuesday, where you can taste and learn about the hottest vino on the market. The last one is not a quote from Seinfeld, by the way. Drag Game Night @ Fjallkonan Hafnarstræti 1-3 Drag Queen Gógó Starr is a sassy, classy, and a bit gassy performer who just started holding Tuesday Drag Game Nights upstairs at Fjall- konan. Show up, sit down, and en- joy a few cocktails while you wow your friends with your dildo golf skills, decimate a lip sync for your life battle, or just answer inane questions about drag for klout. Prizes include gift cards, makeup, skincare products, butt plugs, and vibrators. We’re not joking. Expand your mind. Wing Binge @ BrewDog Frakkastígur 8 Let’s stop pretending that this ac- tivity thing is anything else other than a lame excuse to drink your beer. So here you go: an honest excuse. The Reykjavík outpost of BrewDog has excellent all-you-can- eat buffalo chicken wings or cauli- flower wings on Wednesdays—and everyone knows you can’t eat wings without beer. Look, if you think we’re in the grey area of activities here, just challenge your buddy to an eating contest and call it a tour- nament. We don’t care, we just like binge eating. And remember what Seinfeld said: Women don’t respect salad eaters. BEST OF REYKJAVÍK Best Burger Joint winners: Le Kock Tryggvagata 14 O burgers, glorious burgers! If there were a national dish, burg- ers would be it for Iceland. And at Le Kock, their irreverence is thankfully a social media strat- egy only. When it comes to the food, it is still the ‘gourmet tuck shop’ the founders envisioned. The potato roll game is strong and holds up despite their re- cent defeat at the hands of the sauce puddle muddle (a beast so savage, hardly a burger in town hasn’t succumbed. Grab those extra napkins, you’ll need them. Better yet, ask for just a smidgen of sauce). Singed with smoke and magic, a classic cheeseburger is still the top dog here. Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar Multiple locations An oldie but a goodie, Búllan slings a solid burger that seals Iceland’s reputation as a worthy burger destination. With mul- tiple locations you are always close to one. A lil’ birdie on our panel whispers that, ‘the Tom- mi-owned Höf!i location is ex- cellent with kids’, and another swore by the Geirsgata location for the ‘Steak Burger’. Also worth trying are the Tuesday 1190 ISK deals. Newcomer: Yuzu Hverfisgata 44 The citrus fruit extract might be a tad too pronounced in their mayo, but the steamed bread burgers at Yuzu have got everyone at the Grapevine of- fices converted. They arrive in a cane steamer and it's best to make quick work of the delicious treats, easy if you’ve got the Kim- chi burger. 18The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2020Best of Reykjavík Gógó Starr, thinking about all-you-can-eat bu$alo wings Joy, Sustainability & Honesty Kaupvangur 17 - Egilsstadir tel: +354-471-2450 Happy Hour all days 15 - 19 Best selection of Icelandic Beers in the East Private rooms & dorms Homemade cakes & soups, vegan & friendly food PRESSURE Alexander Jean de Fontenay Anna Róshildur B Böving Arnar Hjartarson Aron Freyr Kristjánsson Elza Sarlote Matvaja Joe Keys Lúkas Björn Bogason Maxime Smári Olson Móna Lea Óttarsdóttir Paula Zvane Ragnhei!ur Stefánsdóttir Saga Gu!nadóttir Tryggvi "ór Pétursson Unnur Birna Jónsdóttir Victoria Verseau "órunn Dís Halldórsdóttir Opening 17.01. – 01.03.2020 Skaftfell - Center for Visual Art Austurvegur 42, 710 Sey!isfjör!ur -


Reykjavík Grapevine

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