Fjölrit RALA - 22.03.1979, Blaðsíða 16
flavors, on the other, by method Y. Three evaluations
were done. First, B^, and B? v?ere compared to Cj,
then B2, Bg and Bg to Cg and finally Bg, Bg and Bg to
C3 •
(3) A comparison of 6 beverages by method Y. D^, D^ stored
at room temperature for 3 weeks and D^ stored in a re-
frigerator for 3 weeks. E^ and E^ stored at room
temperature for 3 weeks and stored in a refrig-
(4) erator for 3 weeks. A comparison of the beverages D5+, C^, C2, Cg and
(5) C4 by Y. A comparison of the beverages D5+, Cy, C10’ C11
(6) and Cg by Y. A comparison of the beverages D++ , C^ , C12 ’ C13
(7) and C14 by Y. A comparison of the beverages D5+ , ’ C18’ C15
(8) and C15 by Y. A comparison of the beverages Dg and D 4 (fruit
wheys containing Ag and A^) by methods Y and Z.
(9) Comparison of D^ and Dg by methods Y and Z.
4. Chemical Analyses
All materials used in the analyses were chemically pure
(pro analyse) and purchased from Merck or BDH.
Instruments used in the analyses:
Unicam SP190 Atomic Absorption Single Beam Spectrophotometer,
Pye Unicam, Ltd., Cambridge, England.
Flame Photometer no. 866150, Evan s Electroselenium Ltd.,
Essex, England.
Fluorometer, Spectra patent no. 905588, Evan s Electro-
selenium Ltd., Essex, England.
Kj eldamatR Modell, Darmstadt Gerhardt, Germany.
Methods of analvses used:
Drv Matter: Approximately 5 g of sample were weighed
in a 50 ml Pyrex beaker. They were heated in an incubator
for 4 hours at 98-100°C, then cooled in a desiccator and
immediately weighed again.