War News - 29.06.1940, Page 2
glance suggests to observers,
that Russian claims had been
advanced in connivance with
Germany and Italy. There is,
however noted that there is no
special novelty in Russian de-
mands. It has long been re-
cognized in diplomatic circles,
that Russia had never foregone
her claims to the lost province
of Bessarabia. Although reports
of additional claims for the delta
of Danube are unconfirmed this
also expresses her traditional
wish as Black Sea power to con-
trol outlet of the river which con-
tributes so much to navigation
and commerce of that sea.
Russias ultimatum has natur-
ally caused a stir in neighbour-
ing countries, especially Bul-
garia and Hungary. In these
countries developments in Ro-
mania are watched with anxi-
ety. — It is pointed out, that if
Romania has to cede Dobruja
to Bulgaria Romania will be
completely cut off from her sea-
board, i. e. if the Russians con-
trol other parts of the coast.
Hungary has also claims on
Romania. The Hungarians want
revision of common frontier in
Transylvania. It is understood
that Nazi Germany which re-
gards herself as friend of Hun-
gary and has lately been openly
acclaimed as such by Hungari-
an statesmen has advised the
government in Budapest not to
press these claims too urgently
at the moment.
Later news confirm that a
23.000 tons Turkish battleship
and 3 small warships have been
ordered to the Black Sea for
patrol duty on the Turkish
Coast. Turkish planes are circl-
ing over Instanbul. — It is also
confirmed that troops have
been called up in Turkey.
German air raids on
Germans bombers raided
Britain again last night. Many
of the bombers hurried home-
wards when intercepted or after
having hurriedly dropped their
bombs. There was very small
damage done in the raids. —
During the last 10 days the
Germans have made 7 night-
raids on Britain, and used up
to a 100 machines in each raid.
In these raids 30 civilians have
been killed and 130 wounded. —
The Germans have lost 19
bombers and their crews either
killed or taken prisoners.
British bombers make contu-
ally raids on military objects
in Germany, especially oil refin-
eries etc., seaplanebases in Hol-
lands etc. Great damage has
been done. — Wednesday and
Thursday daylight raids were
made on oil refineries near
Bremen and Hannover.