War News


War News - 29.06.1940, Page 4

War News - 29.06.1940, Page 4
4 WAR NEWS Developing & Printing Kodak films and cameras. THE KODAK HOUSE (Hans Petersen. 4 Bankastraeti) PROVISIONS of all kinds; Salmon, Eggs, Bacon ,all kinds of Meat and Vegetables, and Rhubarb. t6mas jOnsson PROVISIONS MERCHANT, Lauga- veg 2 and 32, BrseSraborgarstigur 16. LEIF'S CAFl The Fish Hall Skolavordustigur, 3. (FISKHOLLIN) TASTE MEALS AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY. — Jon & Steingrimur Recommend their first Moderate prices. quality fish, most English spoken. varieties daily. Cooperative Society KEMIKO of Reykjavik and neighbourhood. Laugavegur 7 - telephone 2742. Head office: FIRST CLASS CHEMICAL SkolavorSustigur 12. DRY-CLEANING and Telephone 1727. PRESSING. C^kaupfdaqid Hr We Collect and Deliver. Salmon & Trout Rodfishing. If you are interested consult Phones: 3244 2400 (private) P.0. Box 553 S. ARMA1U1U VARDARHUSID (near the Quay)


War News

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