Sunday Post - 15.09.1940, Qupperneq 4

Sunday Post - 15.09.1940, Qupperneq 4
4 SUNDAY POST Inuasion? Now? or Never? By the time this paper is on the streets the first serious attempt to invade Eng- land for nearly a 'thousand years may have started. There are three important reasons why Hitler must make this attempt now if he is to make it at all. Weather Conditions. Firstly the weather. If the attempted invasion is to have even the remotest chance of success it must be carried out at night and the troops must be trans- ported in a large number of barges and other small vessels. Large transports would have little hope of reaching our closely-patnolled and strongly-defended coasts, Before a landing can be attempted under these conditions there must be a reasonable certainty of two or three days at least of calm seas. Good weather con- ditions are also essential for the large- scale air operations which would be used to cover the landing of the invading force. In the summer months the nights were too short to permit a crossing under cover of darkness; after the beginning of Octo- ber the sea will be too rough. If the ele- ments are to favour the Nazis it will probably be this month. Britain's Growing air Strengtat. Secondly if the attack is not made this year the invader will have to reckon with an air force which is not only his superior in qualty but at least his equal in quanti-


Sunday Post

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