Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2020, Blaðsíða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2020, Blaðsíða 27
Our Picks 27The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 07— 2020 Art Listin!s Events are listed by venue. For complete listin!s and detailed information on venues, visit !!. Send your listin!s to: listin!s@! OPENING GER(ASAFN GER%UR Exhibition The exhibition GER(UR will focus on Ger#ur Helgadóttir‘s iron sculptures from the ‘50s. Ger#ur was the first Icelandic artist to use iron in her artwork and was a pioneer of three- dimensional abstract art in Iceland. The exhibition is an extension of the exhibition GER(UR: a retrospective, held in 2018. Ger#ur's creativity and experimental nature is a motif within the museum and reflects it‘s the unique position of being the only museum founded in honour of a female artist. Her early ironworks she makes with thin iron plates, lac- quered in black in geometric forms that build into the space of her sculptures. A couple of years later she created works out of fine steel wires, composing delicate composi- tions in space o%en with cosmic reference. Opens September 23rd Running until June 21st, 2021 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND THREADS OF ART The centenary of the birth of textile artist Ásger#ur Búadóttir provides a welcome opportunity to explore weaving and textiles in contempo- rary Icelandic art and how artists have used the versatile medium of fibres: spinning, dyeing, weav- ing and shaping them in count- less ways. Textile is an extensive art form with a long history and a multitude of specialised techniques that generally demand great skill and expertise. Today, textile art is a flourishing field both in Iceland and abroad, with younger generations of artists taking a keen interest in the medium of fibre and yarn, partly reflecting the blurring of boundar- ies between di$erent artistic media in recent decades. Opens September 12th Running until January 24th, 2021 ONGOING NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Solastalgia In this immersive installation, explore a mix of augmented reality with contemporary art, multisenso- rial e$ects and cutting edge sound design. Enter a mysterious future in a post-human Earth where only a mysterious digital cloud has survived. Do you still have faith in technology? (No.) Runs until January 10th, 2021 Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collec- tion displays the evolution of art since the 19th century. Runs until October 4th, 2020 High Plane VI Katrín Sigur#ardóttir has for some years been exploring the e$ects of perception in her installations and works. Here, she dismantles a classic theme of Icelandic paintings: mountains, the blue of distant vistas and the obsession with Icelandic nature. Runs until January 3rd, 2021 Electromagnetic Objects The "Electromagnetic Objects" are a collection of works by Woody Va- sulka and audio artist Brian O'Reilly. According to O'Reilly, “the works use sources excavated directly from the output of the Electromagnetic Objects, as well as further manipu- lations using Tom Demeyer's ImX so%ware, developed with input from Steina [Vasulka]." Sounds compli- cated, but we still stan. Runs until December 31st, 2020 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Exhibition As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ) ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky Ásmundarsafn is named a%er sculp- tor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This new permanent exhibition presents the artist in a new light. What dialogue does his works provoke? Runs until September 30th, 2020 Ásmundur For Families Children get free entry to learn about Ásmundur Sveinsson, a%er whom the museum is named. Runs until September 30th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Distance and Propinquity: Contem- porary Icelandic Photography In the exhibition Distance and Propinquity: Contemporary Icelandic Photography, we hear the voices of some of those who have made their mark on contemporary Icelandic photography over the past two decades. Currated by Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, the exhibition features the works of Agnieszka Sosonowska, Bára Kris- tinsdóttir, Bjargey Ólafsdóttir, Bragi *ór Jósefsson, Claudia Hausfeld, Daníel *orkell Magnússon, Einar Falur Ingólfsson, Gu#mundur Ingólfsson, Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir, Hallger#ur Hallgrímsdóttir, Katrín Elvarsdót- tir, Kristinn Ingvarsson, Kristleifur Björnsson, Orri, Pétur Thomsen and Spessi. Opens September 20th Running until December REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fish- eries from row boats to monstrous trawlers. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here with two images of di$erent origins against each other. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ) HAFNARHÚS Erró: Cyborg This series of the great Erró was inspired by technology, science and the combination of the human and the mechanic. In particular, it examines how technology invades the body and how the human body adapts to the machine. The images o$er questions concerning the borderlines between human beings and technology. Runs until December 31st, 2020 Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibi- tion For over five decades, British artist duo Gilbert & George have shaped contemporary art. At this special exhibition, come challenge the pre- vailing bourgeois ideas of taste and decorum while empowering gays and other minority groups. What else could you want? Runs until January 3rd, 2021 GALLERY PORT Teikn á Lo&i The exhibition includes works by Arnar Ásgeirsson, Styrmir Örn Gu#- mundsson and *orvaldur Jónsson, who all work with drawing in various forms and media. The drawings are colourful and playful but also far- fetched and deal with the nightmar- ish reality of today. In an obsessive way, all sorts of confusing forms freeze out of me. Icons, gra+ti, wildlife and figures. Running until September 17th WIND & WEATHER WINDOW GALLERY Hljó#aklettar Arngunnur ,r shows a painting, oil on wood and painted rocks in the unique gallery, of Wind and Weather which is located at Hverfisgata 37. The aim of the window gallery is to connect art in the urban setting of Reykjavik with the people on the street. Running until October 1st REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ) KJARVALSSTA(IR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: At Home Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval (1885- 1972) was one of the pioneers of Icelandic art (the museum is literally named a%er him) and is one of the country‘s most beloved artists. His connection to and interpretation of Iceland’s natural environment is thought to have taught Icelanders to appreciate it anew, and to have encouraged pride in the country’s uniqueness and the world of adven- ture to be discovered within it. Runs until December 31st, 2020 What It Seems – Reality on Canvas 1970-2020 Many painters seek to achieve an impression of realism in their works. But is everything what it seems in paintings made in a realistic style? We don't know, that's why they made an exhibit about it. Runs until October 4th, 2020 N,LÓ Heartbeat The exhibition Hjartsláttur (heart- beat) brings together works from Ásta Ólafsdóttir's more than 40-year career, from her years of study to the present day. They all reflect in their own way the tireless pursuit of Ásta in various dimensions of reality, especially what we can not touch and have to ignore in today's semester and bustle. The silence, the emptiness, the sound and the emotions, but also the power, bal- ance and other cultures. Power sup- plies that leave traces. Then the fact becomes clear that man is part of a larger whole and nature is never far away. It is stable and ever-changing at the same time, a reliable travel companion. Like art. Running until October 4th September 11th—October 9th Ger#ur Helgadóttir | GER%UR September 23rd-June 21st - Listasafn Kopavo!ur The exhibition will focus on Ger#ur Helgadóttir’s iron sculptures from the 50s. As the first Icelandic artist to use iron in her artwork, Ger#ur was a pioneer of three- dimensional abstract art in Iceland. The exhibition is an extension of the exhibition GER(UR: retrospective. Ger#ur's creativity and experimen- tal nature is a motif within the museum and reflects its unique position of being the only museum founded in hon- our of a female artist. Using iron plates or steel wires, the artist created delicate compositions in space, o%en with a cosmic reference. The artist’s work evolved continu- ously throughout her career and was o%en shaped by her various interests. Ger#ur is considered among the most important 20th Century sculptors in Icelandic art history. CM Gilbert & Geor!e: THE GREAT EXHIBITION Until January 3rd, 2021 - Hafnarhús Perhaps two of the most influen- tial contemporary artists of the last five decades, Gil- bert & George are known for their pioneering per- formance pieces, bold photo-based graphics and anti-elitist “Art for All” ethos. Their style is constantly evolving and pushing creative boundaries. PA Hvammstan!i International Puppet Festival October 9th-11th - Hvammstan!i The brand new puppet festival celebrates live action contem- porary puppetry in theatre and film. 12 produc- tions will be fea- tured, represent- in! artists from nine nationali- ties, alon!side a selection of workshops and masterclasses for all a!es, and live action pup- petry films. CM Hljó#akletta by Arn!unnur 'r September 4th-October 27th - Wind And Weather Window Gallery The window gal- lery connects art in Reykjavík’s ur- ban setting with the people on the street, exhibiting local art, this time by Arngunnur ,r, who likens paint- ing to geology. Things get added, taken away and sometimes happy accidents occur. CM Gar!atorg 1· Gar!abær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: 100% Wool Opening 19th of September Bird Artist in Residence Opening 17th of September


Reykjavík Grapevine

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