Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2020, Blaðsíða 7

Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2020, Blaðsíða 7
Get on your knees, mortals, for now, it is time to talk about Hel—ruler of Hel, daughter of Loki and someone who is described on nearly all websites mentioning her as having a “gloomy, downcast appearance.” Gloomy and downcast To be fair, we understand why she’d be gloomy. Apparently, the deity was known for being partially decomposed with the legs of a corpse and the face and torso of a living woman. We don’t want to judge, but that probably limits her dating pool. We’d be gloomy, too. Along with the aforementioned gloomy exterior, it was also said in the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson that her expression is perpetually grim and fierce. We can only assume this was due to her parentage. See, Hel was the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, a giantess, and therefore the sister of wolf Fenrir and serpent Jormungand. Based on our intuition, we highly doubt this was a particularly nurturing and supportive environment to grow up in. In fact, we’d hazard a guess and say that it might have been a pretty chaotic place and the world should probably be grate- ful that Hel only ended up “grim” and “fierce” and not “a fucking serial killer.” Unfortunately, due to lack of info, we don’t know a ton about Hel’s daily activities. She’s rarely featured in most of the Nordic myths, which is probably due to discrimination against goths, and in fact, the only myth she plays a large part in is that of the Death of Baldr. The tale of the death of Baldr Baldr was a very cool god who everyone liked, much like Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep. Unfortunately, he died. The story of how he did so is super long and convoluted but the TL;DR of it is that Loki got this blind dude to slam dunk on Baldr with some mistletoe. Don’t ask questions. That’s what happened. So Baldr, now deceased via shrub, is sent to the domain of Hel. He’s followed by Hermod, his brother, who pleads with Hel to let Baldr—who is now also gloomy and downcast—go. Hel says that she will happily let him go if everything in the cosmos weeps for him. The Gods then go all Avengers, mobilise and get everything in the cosmos to weep for Baldr. Well… not everything. Loki, being a dick as usual, pretends to be the giant- ess Tokk and decidedly doesn’t weep for Baldr. Why does he do this? Prob- ably just to be a dick. That said, maybe he just wanted his lovely daughter Hel to finally have a super cool friend like Baldr for all of eternity. Wouldn’t that be sweet? It would, but we still think he was probably just being a dick. And with a father like that, who can blame Hel for being gloomy? We certainly won’t. Loki was probably a distant and untrustworthy caretaker, so it’s natural this Goddess would be full to the brim with Daddy Issues. That said, we’re a magazine, not a tabloid, so we won’t speculate. We’ll just wait until we die and journey down to Hel to ask the woman herself how she feels about Lana Del Rey. Then we’ll know. Anyway, that’s the story of Hel. All hail the goth queen. 7 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10— 2020 KARÍTAS - The Girl That You Want Last year, she made us sad with her de- but EP ‘Songs 4 Cry- ing’. Now she’s back with an equally sad number. “The Girl That You Want” is a dreamy slow-burn harmonic/trap bal- lad that’ll bring you back to when you were insecure and went for bad people and went through heartbreak, dra- matic and low-key self-destructive. We wish we didn’t relate, KARÍTAS, but we so do. HJC Fortí! - Son of a Bar- ren Land Fortí! is a project by Einar Eldur Thor- berg, an elder of the Icelandic metal scene known for his work in groups like Potentiam (their track Báls"n” is an absolutely must-listen for any foreign metalheads reading this article). But in contrast to Potentiam’s synth-y melancholy, Fortí! has a more rocking black/death metal sound and “Son of a Barren Land” jumps between beautiful atmospheric sec- tions and furious traditional black metal like the best of ‘em. Ain’t nothing better than some good ole’ internal turmoil, right? HJC Röskva - Laug The title track of Röskva’s new album, “Laug” has energy, but in the most se- rene way: electronic and synth-y with enchanting vocals. Sometimes dance-y, sometimes eu- phoric, sometimes reflective—the release has it all. Röskva’s bandcamp reveals, “This album was never meant to be released,” but I’m really glad it was. MM Herdís Stefánsdót- tir - "oka The nuanced ethe- real soundscape of Herdís Stefáns- dóttir’s “#oka” manages to feel at once both deli- cately toned-down as well as warmly imposing. Truly, the composer’s debut o$ her upcoming album is the per- fect soundtrack for early December. Let it play during a long snowy twilight walk and indulge in the beauty of nature and loneliness. HJC Atli Örvarsson - Fly- ing (Talos Remix) Atli Örvarsson dropped his first solo album ‘You Are Here’ back in July. “Flying”—a delicate, yearning piano bal- lad—has now been given a rather cin- ematic makeover by Talos. We particu- larly like the vocals, which have a sort of primal-pining feel that oscillates between strength and solemnity in a weirdly empower- ing manner. Also, you can dance to it, but in a very dance- til-you-die kind of way. Hey—remem- ber dancing? HJC GRAPEVINE PLAYLIST JUST SAYINGS The Icelandic honour system is compli- cated. If you have a shitty reputation, it will literally be more difficult for you to get a job than for those that have a good reputation. This can be especially true in smaller towns. But if you have been an idiot, pissing everybody off—or worse—there is still hope. The phrase “A! fá uppreisn æru” literally means restoring your honour. We even have this term integrated into our laws, in English that would be a pardon, but we use the legal term ‘uppreist æra’ when pardoning. Honour has always been a big thing in Iceland and many even quote a verse from our old Edda Poems, Hávamál, that says: “Or!stír: deyr aldregi: hveim er sér gó!an getur.” Meaning, your reputation will outlive you. In short; don’t be an asshole. VG First shop.gra shop.gra shop.gra * shop.gra shop.gra pevine.isshop.gra Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once Icelandic entrepreneur/politician, yesterday „A! fá uppreisn æru“ DEITIES OF ICELAND Superpowers: Owns a hellish underworld. Weaknesses: Susceptible to sulking. Very few friends. Half-zombie. Modern Analogue: Weird loner goth kid who becomes a dictator and punishes preps. Hel The %oth loner half-zombie Queen Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo: Adobe Stock Hella Good Time (sorry)


Reykjavík Grapevine

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