Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.02.2015, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.02.2015, Blaðsíða 15
 Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15 febrúar 2015 • 15 ONLINE MAGAZINE: WWW. HEIMSKRINGLOG.COM annual giving Mail or fax the completed forms to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 100-283 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Canada Telephone: 1-866-564-2374 | Fax: (204) 284-7099 | Email: lh@lh-inc.ca or donate online on our secure website: www.lh-inc.ca HEIMSKRINGLA The Icelandic Community Newspaper LÖGBERG Pre-Authorized Payments Available Please contact: audrey@lh-inc.ca or call Tel: (204) 927-5645 Fax: (204) 284-7099 Toll-free: 1-866-564-2374 (1-866-LOGBERG) Cheque (Payable to Lögberg-Heimskringla, Inc.) Credit Card Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Credit Card # Expiry Date / Cardholder Name Signature Name Street Address City, Province/State, Postal/ZIP Code Home Phone Business Mobile Date Email My total Annual Gift will be: $ Contributions will be: Monthly Annually Beginning / / Plague and famine followed the robbers, and Iceland seemed to be accurst of God and men. Cruel laws made by Norwegians or Danes oppressed them, and life must have been horribly drear to the unfortunate islanders. The long-forgotten national life of the people was galvanized into fresh existence by the grant of a constitution in 1848, and when, in 1874, the King of Denmark granted them a new, full, liberal constitution, it seemed as though Iceland had started on a fresh career of prosperity. But laws cannot make sterile lands fertile; man-made laws cannot hinder storms; constitutions are excellent things in their way, but they are poor apologies for climate and fertility. The Icelanders celebrated the gifts of a new constitution and their 1000th anniversary of political life together, but now the entire population wants to go to Canada! The constitution has failed, and 1000 years of national life have not satisfied the yearnings of this God- fearing people for creature comforts. They are simple, honest, earnest people, and will make good colonists, and they would have been a great acquisition to New South Wales; but Canada is nearer to them than we are, and Canadian winters will remind them of their Icelandic home. This history is indeed a strange one, and it may be, as Emerson says, that: “Deep love lieth under these pictures of time They fade in the light of their meaning sublime.” Down Under ... from 15 The Svartárkot Culture-Nature project (SCN) is a educational program inspired by Svartárkot farm in northern Iceland and managed by the Reykjavík Academy in cooperation with Svartárkot’s farmers. SCN will host a unique graduate summer course in Bárðardalur from June 5 to 15, 2015: “Understanding the Human Dimensions of Long- Term Environmental Change: Transformations of Iceland from the Viking Era through the late Medieval Period (CE 850-1500).” This is an intensive ten-day summer course for masters and doctoral students who wish to supplement their studies with a unique site-specific curriculum in the environmental humanities and social sciences. The course involves multiple excursions and lectures in the field and integrates perspectives, theories, case studies and methodologies from the following disciplines: literary eco-criticism, environmental history, environmental archaeology, environmental anthropology, integrated digital and environmental humanities, historical ecology, saga studies, and palaeo-ecology. The course consists of a series of seminars, lectures and field-study visits on closely related research topics and themes within the environmental humanities for the benefit of approximately 20 international participants. The cost of this program is $2,950 (US) per person, which includes room and board, excursions, lectures, and on-site materials. Please note that airfare and other transportation costs are not included. The deadline for registration is March 15, 2015. Further information is available at the SCN website: scn.academia.is. Here are the highlights of the Icelandic National League of North America’s executive meeting on January 22, 2015. This information can be shared freely via newsletter, email, discussion, or at club websites. Convention in Minneapolis – May 14 to 17, 2015 Early bird registration for the convention will be $170 (US) to end March; after that, the standard rate of $180 will apply. Late registration will cost $200. The hotel is now open for booking at a rate of $95 per night. This year’s convention will feature three concurrent sessions and Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, who was president of Iceland from 1980 to 1996, will be a special guest. A bus from Winnipeg is being organized for convention-goers from that city, nearby communities, and attendees who would find it convenient to travel to Winnipeg and take the bus from there. The bus will leave Winnipeg on Thursday, May 14, at 6:00 a.m. and return to the city immediately after the convention on Sunday, May 17, arriving around 10:00 p.m. The trip is about 8 hours each way and costs $180 (Canadian) roundtrip. The charter requires 35 travellers. To book, contact Pat Odegard (pat_odegard@hotmail. com) or call Vi Hilton at 204-889-9995. Financial News The executive thanks all member clubs for the good effort selling calendars and paying dues. The INL of NA has a small surplus. Ron Goodman reported that dialogue continues with the Canadian government to ensure that there is no overlap in issuing receipts for contributions when chapters also have charitable status. Merchandise DVD sets of Egill Helgason’s documentary, Vesturfarar (Westward Bound) sold out fast. The INL of NA has ordered 200 more sets for sale here. Vesturfarar is a ten-episode tour of Icelandic settlements in North America, which appeared on the television station RÚV last year, where it received rave reviews. The DVD set includes a bonus 1976 feature, Western Icelanders. Details about pricing and how to order your own set can be found at the INL of NA website. Clubs accessing the Donald K. Johnson Film series for local presentation are reminded to acknowledge the INL of NA and the generous support of Donald K. Johnson. Next year’s INL of NA calendars will be printed in Minnesota and should be ready in time for the Minneapolis convention. Ron Johnson was praised for his excellent work in selling calendar ads. INL of NA executive meeting highlights Human dimensions of environmental change to be explored at Svartárkot



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