Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.02.2015, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.02.2015, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • February 15 2015 VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA One of my early surprises during my days as a parish minister was how bent out of shape some congregants became when they discovered we didn’t agree about some thing or another. It didn’t even need to be very important. There are obviously times when it’s essential to agree, even if it’s only the proverbial agreement to disagree. But the insistence upon being in agreement all the time is a thinly-veiled demand for conformity – and the society in which we live is simply too complex to settle for that. I won’t deny that I like it when I find myself in agreement with someone else, especially if it’s someone I admire or wish to have as a friend. But I also happen to like many people with whom I frequently disagree. In some cases, I don’t just like them; I love them. “Though we cannot think alike,” observed John Wesley, “may we not love alike?” My experience has taught me that the answer is yes. Still, I’ve had people approach me over the years – some reluctantly, some awkwardly; some boldly, some angrily – saying, “I can’t agree with you on that.” When I’ve shown myself to be unperturbed by the disagreement, some have been relieved while others have become even angrier than they were when they first approached me. I’m almost always happy to engage in a real conversation about ideas and values, unless the conversation doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but I’ve never felt obliged to take responsibility for anyone else’s emotions, except when I have concluded that I’ve been unnecessarily provocative. Truth be told, sometimes I don’t even agree with myself. I’m sure you know how this goes: a thought enters your head, sometimes with a passionate intensity, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, a contrary thought enters your consciousness to challenge the original one. Sometimes my brain moves involuntarily towards ideas or feelings that I don’t really like, or words pop into my head that would make me blush if I said them out loud. In other words, sometimes I even offend myself. So I have a question for L ö g b e rg - H e i m s k r i n g l a ’s readers: may I offend you? I’m not asking you to allow me to be willfully insulting, or vulgar, or intemperate, or rude. I’m simply asking whether or not the readers of this paper are open to seeing a diversity of viewpoints and opinions expressed on its pages, some of which may make us a little uncomfortable from time to time. Or have we Icelandic descendants become so thin-skinned that we can’t talk openly about some subjects anymore – like politics or religion? Is Icelandic culture so fragile that it can’t withstand the light of scrutiny? Are the actions of Icelanders on both sides of the sea so perfect that they are never worthy of even the slightest hint of criticism? Another way to ask my question is this: should Lögberg-Heimskringla be a vehicle for open, honest, and friendly communication and commentary, or should it restrict itself to only communicating things that are likely to generate universal applause? I’m not looking to encourage controversy for controversy’s sake. I see Lögberg-Heimskringla as mostly a vehicle for showing our community’s essential unity, sharing news and feaures about our ancestral homeland, and informing readers about the activities of Icelandic groups and individuals in North America. But in doing so, can we not also produce a paper that is engaging and balanced, provocative and civil, lively and comprehensive? Silence should not be confused with balance; silence generally indicates acceptance or betrays avoidance. I am temperamentally conflict avoidant, but I’ve learned in life that conflict cannot always be avoided. I rarely seek to be gratuitously offensive – it would be a lie to say that I never do – yet I have been startlingly successful at offending people at times. When that does happen, I like to think I’ve been sincerely offensive, rather than gratuitously so. That’s because I have opinions and I don’t generally hesitate to express them, although I do strive to be nuanced and precise when doing so, instead of polemic and blunt. What I do know from my lived experience is that it’s virtually impossible to avoid giving offense. The perfectly inoffensive person is also the perfect wallflower: they avoid offense by avoiding relevance, candor, and controversy. It is dull to be inoffensive all the time, so I hope you’ll bear with me on those occasions when something I’ve written or allowed to appear on the pages of this paper offend you, even as I hope you will find the paper’s contents to be mostly entertaining, informative, and even inspiring. May I offend you? Lögberg- Heimskringla Published 24 times a year by Lögberg-Heimskringla, Incorporated Heimskringla stofnað 9. september 1886 Lögberg stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Sameinuð 1959 508-283 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Phone: (204) 284-5686 Toll free: 1-866-564-2374 Fax: (204) 284-7099 www.lh-inc.ca lh@lh-inc.ca Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER Audrey Juve Kwasnica (204) 927-5645 • audrey@lh-inc.ca EDITOR Stefan Jonasson stefan@lh-inc.ca PRODUCTION MANAGER / LAYOUT and DESIGN EDITOR Catherine McConnell (204) 927-5644 • catherine@lh-inc.ca ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE / PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Jodi Dunlop (204) 927-5643 • jodi@lh-inc.ca VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Linda Hammersley and Alicyn Goodman PRINTING: The Winnipeg Sun Commercial Print Division PM No. 40012014 The L-H gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage L-H gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Government of Iceland. Please return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 100-283 Portage Ave., Wpg, MB R3B 2B5 Archived issues spanning 1886-2005 may be viewed at www.timarit.is SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIPTION: 24 issues/year Canada: $50 USA: $60 US Iceland: $70 US L-H online is free to all print subscribers Online only: $35 CAD, payable in advance DONATIONS All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001 Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS First 200 words and a picture are free of charge over 200 and pic $25.00 300 words and pic $50.00 400 words and pic $75.00 500 words and pic $100.00 750 word maximum and pic $150.00 Send to catherine@lh-inc.ca BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: J. Peter Johnson PAST PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson TREASURER: Dan Snidal SECRETARY: Alicyn Goodman BOARD MEMBERS Shawn Bjornsson Claire Eckley Bruce Eyford Elva Jónasson Margaret Kernested Garry Oddleifson Erna Pomrenke Robbie Rousseau Oskar Sigvaldason Helgi Gunnar Thorvaldson Brian Tomasson Canada Karen Botting Winnipeg MB Joel Friðfinnsson Geysir MB Margret Grisdale Calgary AB Stuart Houston Saskatoon SK Signý McInnis Arborg MB Paul Park Ottawa ON USA Shirley J. Olgeirson Bismarck ND Rob Olason Bellingham WA Steingrimur Steinolfson Bloomington MN Julie Summers Portland OR ICELAND Kent Björnsson Garðabær Ísland ASSOCIATE EDITORS Stefan's Saga Stefan Jonasson Editor L-H DEADLINES EDITORIAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR MARCH 1, ISSUE 5 TRAVEL ISSUE Monday, February 2 FINAL EDITORIAL DEADLINE – BREAKING NEWS ONLY Tuesday, February 17 Please advise the editor in advance if you are sending a submission for the final deadline FINAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE Tuesday, February 17 EDITORIAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR MARCH 15, ISSUE 6 Monday, February 16 FINAL EDITORIAL DEADLINE – BREAKING NEWS ONLY Monday, March 2 Please advise the editor in advance if you are sending a submission for the final deadline FINAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE Monday, March 2 First Lutheran Church 580 Victor Street Winnipeg R3G 1R2 204-772-7444 www.mts.net/~flcwin Worship with us Sundays 10:30 a.m. Pastor Michael Kurtz Need a ride to the INL of NA Convention? The Icelandic Canadian Frón is arranging a bus tour to the Icelandic National League of North America Convention in Minneapolis May 14th, 2015 - Departs from Winnipeg, MB at 6:00 am to Minneapolis, MN Bus leaves Winnipeg at the Scandinavian Centre (764 Erin Street) May 17th, 2015 - Departs from Minneapolis, MN and returns to Winnipeg, MB with an ETA of 10:00 pm Registration Deadline is March 6th, 2015Only $180 Each! *minimum of 35 registrants needed To Register Please Contact: Pat Odegard at pat_odegard@hotmail.com or Vi Hilton at 204-889-9995 ARBORG PHARMACY Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. noon - 4 p.m.Pharmacist: V. T. Eyolfson Box 640, Arborg, MB R0C 0A0 Ph: 204-376-5153 SHARED WISDOM • SHARED COMMITMENT • SHARED VALUES Do you have a travel story? The annual travel issue is coming on March 1. If you have a travel story about Iceland or an Icelandic community in North America, this is your chance to share it, along with a photo or two. What impressed you? Who did you meet? Where did you visit? What led you there? Did a funny thing happen along the way? Send your stories and photos (by February 16) to stefan@lh-inc.ca



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