Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : B-flokkur - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 10

Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : B-flokkur - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 10
8 At anaphase-I and metaphase-II the distribution of chromosomes was studied in 250 PMC’s. In 211 cells it was found to be 18:18. (Fig. 4), in 23 cells it was 17 : 19 (Fig. 5), in 9 cells it was 16 : 20 and in 7 cells it was 17:1: 18, i.e. one chromosome was found lagg'ing between the plates. Thus, in as many as 15.6% of the cells the number of chromosomes at anaphase-I and metaphase-II is not 18 in both the plates. Inversion bridges with fragments (Fig. 6) were relatively common, having been observed in all the plants studied in a frequency varying between 0.3 and 7.1%. As the size of the fragment was clearly different in different plants it might be considered that more than one inversion is met with in the material studied. The distribution of chromosomes at anaphase-II was found to be somewhat irregular in some of the ptants investigated although only a few exact countings were made. In the letrad stage soine irregularities as e.g. dyads and pentads were observed. TABLE 1. The chromosome pairing in Cakile edentula. Configuration. liv + 16n 2IV + 3iv + 12n 4IV + 1°II 5IV + 8II 6IV + 6II liv + 15II + 2I 2IV+ 1III + 1 2II + 3IV + 1 1II + 2I Number of PMC. 15 48 66 93 42 24 2 1 3 Total: 294 cells. Average frequency of quadrivalents per cell: M ± m = 3.56 ± 0.01. 3, Fertility of pollen grains. The apparent fertility of pollen grains of C. edentula was studied in aceto-carmine-glycerine on material froni Suðurnes at Seltjarnarnes in the vicinity of Reykjavík. The percentage of filled pollen grains observed in 610 different plants is given in Table 2. The average fertility was 84.38% of filled pollen grains.


Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : B-flokkur

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