Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Blaðsíða 63
D. Magic
OrmSt 521, 522, 524; ForSarHr 95 ch. 3; HålfdB ch. 8; Sigt ch. 25; SkåldH 18
ch. 6; Vald 63 ch. 1; Mågus ch. 61. Cf. StrombåckSejd 21 (ad Ls 24) and 160
ff. ch. IV »Sejd och hamskifte«; Reuschel 114; Schlauch 124; MC 46; Saussaye
298 f.
D631. Size changed at will. Cf. F451.
D631.1. Person changes size at will. Cf. F451.; F531.6.5.2.
D631.3. Size of object changed at will.
D631.3.1.1. Compressible ship. Can be put into vest pocket. Ys ch. 7, Gylf ch. 26
(43), Skåldsk ch. 44 (35), Vries 256, MC 109: Ski6bla5nir; cf. D1123.
D631.3.5. Compressible hammer. Skåldsk ch. 44 (35), MC 79: Mjollnir.
D631.3.8. Spear large or small at will. SturlSt 625-26 ch. 17.
D640. Reasons for voluntary transformation. Cf. D2031.4.2.
D641. T. to reach difficult place. Skåldsk ch. 6 (58), MC 54, Saussaye 261: Loki, cf.
D641.4. T. to travel to otherworld. Historia Norvegiae in Monumenta Hist. Nor-
vegiæ 85 f., cf. Trolldom 156.
D642. T. to escape difficult situation. Ls in BuggeE 122 = Gylf ch. 36 (50), MC 146:
Gylf ch. 34 (49); Herv 83, 140 (FAS I 487-88); Sigt 172 ch. 25; SigrgFr 83 ch. 11.
D642.2. T. to escape death. Skåldsk ch. 6 (57); Ldb ch. 272; Gullb ch. 10, 20; KetilH
131 ch. 5.
D644. T. to travel fast. Knyti ch. 3.
D651. T. to defeat enemies. Cf. D199.2.1; D659.2.
D651.1. T. to kill enemy. Cf. F531.1.8.5. KetilH 116 ch. 3; ForstVik 403 ch. 8;
GHrélf 318 ch. 28; HjOlv 506 ch. 20.
D651.5. T. to spy enemy's camp. Knyti ch. 3; ForstVik 417 ch. 13.
D657. T. to steal. See Al 54.2.
D658. T. to seduce. Cf. G303.3.1; K1311.
D658.2. T. to husband's (lover's) form to seduce woman. Fi5r I 319-20.
D658.3. T. of sex to seduce. Saxo lib. VII c. IV 2.
D658.3.1. T. to seduce man. Vols ch. 7.
D658.3.2. T. of animal to woman to seduce man.
D658.3.2.1. God as mare seduces stallion. Cf. K2115; T685. Gylf ch. 25 (42), Saussaye
261: Loki.
D659. Miscellaneous reasons for voluntary transformation.
D659.2. T. to animals to fight. Cf. D651; G211.9; G225.5. HålfdE XX 3-4, 8-9
(FAS III 549-50); SturlSt 613 ch. 12; Fertram ch. 12; all the references to D112.1,
113.2, 114.3.2, 127.5, 133.2, 141, 152.3, 191, and 199.2.1.
D659.4. T. to act as helpful animal.
D659.4.4. T. to eagle in order to guard princess. HHj in BuggeE 172.
D660. Motive for transformation of others.
D661. T. as punishment. Cf. D471.1. Gylf ch. 36 (50); ForstVik 431 ch. 17-19:
HjOlv 515 ch. 22 and IllGr 657 ch. 5; Ålafl VIII 3-IX 5; Ulfh ch. 1, 4; Kéngab