Reykjavík Grapevine - aug. 2021, Side 2
First 06: COVID Strikes Back
06: Saga's Turning Blue
07: Nordic Gods & Finnish
Rock Gods
20: Queer Teens Werk It
24: Mannveira... \m/
Andie Sophia Will Not Shut Up
A recent comment on one of our YouTube videos complained
that I should shut up about being trans and nonbinary; that
it’s in fact straight cis people who are actually marginalised,
and “freaks” like me are taking over.
There’s an old saying that goes: “when you’re accustomed to
privilege, equality feels like oppression.” I would argue that
even pushing for equality also gets framed by the privileged
as oppression.
When I see how trans issues are framed by mainstream
media, especially in the US and UK, as a journalist I am
constantly astounded at how editorial standards go right out
the window when covering this topic. Seldom, if ever, are any
actual trans people interviewed for these pieces. Repeatedly
debunked cranks are given uncritical platforms for their
hate. Small wonder that anti-trans legislation in the US,
and hate crimes both there and Europe, have been running
But we would be kidding ourselves if we believed this can’t
happen in Iceland. There is a small cadre of bigots forever
yelling about “only two genders” and “you can’t change
your sex”, and we would be doing ourselves a disservice by
pretending it’s not happening.
This is why I will not shut up. This is why Pride is still impor-
tant everywhere. So we hope you’ll enjoy the perspectives
of three nonbinary Icelanders in this issue’s cover story.
Through listening and learning, tolerance can flourish.
Hannah Jane’s Sentimental Sermon
Last year, Andie Sophia and I wrote our joint Pride editorial
at the tail end of the widespread Black Lives Matter protests.
I remember sitting at this same desk thinking that the hatred
gripping our shared birth country couldn’t possibly get more
extreme. If you had told me that in months, insurrectionists
would storm our Capital Building encouraged by our then-
President, I would not have believed you. But here we are.
This year, the news is currently dominated by the Delta vari-
ant. Cases worldwide are exploding and the topic of social
revolution has retreated once again to the background.
For me, Pride 2021 was a light at the end of the tunnel, but
now it’s, once again, a quiet affair. So how does one celebrate
Pride by their lonesome? Well, by remembering that Pride
was not originally a party. It was a protest.
Queer and reproductive rights in European countries have
continued to decline horrifically. There’s been a massive
uptick in anti-Asian and anti-Semitic crimes in the US and
trans women continue to be murdered at a disproportionate
rate worldwide. QAnon—and its hateful cousins—still flour-
ish in the darkest corners of the internet, leaving a trail of
victims in their wake.
Bigotry is a rabbit hole and while it might not always be
front-page news, it’s always there. So love and listen to your
neighbours. Humanity need not be so cruel.
Andie Sophia Fontaine & Hannah Jane Cohen
Grapevine Goddesses and co-editors of this issue
John Pearson is a Rey-
kjavík resident who
combines writing with
professional back-
grounds in music,
broadcasting, scuba
diving, engineering
and underwater
photography. He loves
puns, alliteration and
lists that have three
things in them.
Hannah Jane Cohen is
based out of Iceland
by way of New York.
She's known for her
love of Willa Ford,
David Foster Wallace,
and other such
"intellectuals." Her
visionary work is
known for expand-
ing the definitions of
emotion, introspec-
tion, and above all
else, taste. Hannah is
also the current Drag
King of Iceland, HANS.
Poll! is a hard-work-
ing journalist by day
and an enthusiastic
ball-catcher by
night. A four-year-old
dachshund mix with
an IQ of a five-year-
old human, Poll" has
been the o#cial
Chief Of Morale at
the Grapevine for
eight months and is
a regular contribu-
tor to the Grape-
vine Newscast on
YouTube. Woof.
Alina Maurer is a
media studies intern
at the Grapevine. She
studied all things
Icelandic at HÍ and
can finally distin-
guish Marvel’s Thor
from the real $ór.
A%er a year’s break
in Germany she came
back to Iceland due
to missing the ocean
and Icelandic ice
cream. She loves
pretzels, clay art and
boiling in hot tubs.
Catharine Fulton is a
writer and editor who
has been involved
with the Grapevine
for many years, from
being our online
news editor to sta&
journalist. She is
now our beloved
copywriter. Outside
of dealing with our
writers turning in
work late, she also
has two extremely
cute kids.
Erik Pomrenke
collects graduate
degrees and is cur-
rently studying litera-
ture and historical
linguistics at HI. His
MA thesis is probably
going to be about
law and memory,
but it changes every
week. In his spare
time, he likes to
memorize inflection
paradigms and chill
to death industrial
and harsh noise.
Andie Sophia Fontaine
has lived in Iceland
since 1999 and has
been reporting since
2003. They were the
first foreign-born
member of the
Icelandic Parliament,
an experience they
recommend for
anyone who wants
to experience a
workplace where
colleagues work tire-
lessly to undermine
each other.
Brittnee Kiner is an
American political
science student–
turned temporary
resident of Iceland,
seeking asylum from
the quagmire of US
politics. Riding her
horse-drawn wagon
from the Oklahoma
prairies, she found
refuge on an Atlantic
island. A rock climber
from the plains, she's
got a serious so%
spot for ice cream.
Valur Grettisson is
an award-winning
journalist, author
and playwright. He
has been writing for
Icelandic media since
2005. He was also a
theatre critic and
one of the hosts of
the cultural program,
'Djöflaeyjan' on RÚV.
Valur is not to be
confused with the
dreadful football club
that bears the same
31: Reykjanes Revelry
27: Style Straight From
The Non-Straights
26: Saga Cowboy
Photo by Art Bicnick.
On the cover: Ari Logn,
Regn and Reyn, three
nonbinary Icelanders,
enrobed in a nonbinary
pride flag.
OPEN EVERYDAY 6.30 - 21.00