Reykjavík Grapevine - Oct 2021, Page 9

Reykjavík Grapevine - Oct 2021, Page 9
9 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10— 2021 The similarities of storytelling through music and television gave Gu!rún a soft place to land. While her first album focused on emotions and aspects of her personal life, she set out to tell a story with her second album. “I wanted to create an atmosphere where you would listen to the song and see it in front of you,” she explains. “It's always about love, but it's put into this costume of a story. I was trying to paint a picture for someone to inter- pret into their own life and emotions. I feel as though my music and this show are like a mirror.” When it came time to don the role of Gríma in the ashen landscape of Kalta, inter- preting emotions came as second nature. Gu!rún shares, “The first day I was kind of stressed because I didn't know if I was going to see the cameras and become all stiff. I was worried if it was going to work. Then, as soon as we started, I realised that it's kind of the same as being on stage, performing music for a live crowd, because you're just trying to get your emotions to the audience.” “When you're acting, you have this emotion and you’re just trying to deliver it to the camera so you kind of forget everything that's around you. It’s just so pure. I think that the reason it went so well is because of my music experience. I’ve been performing music on stage since I was five years old. It’s really similar but at the same time, it’s really different—I realized I could use so many things I’d learned through performing music and apply them to acting.” “It’s like performing a cover of a song that really resonates with you, and the things that are being told are not your story but you’re trying to perform it as if it is your story. When I was doing the part of Gríma, I tried to find the things that were alike between us, like she’s really proud and strong. She doesn’t have any attitude, but she really goes for things and she gets stuff done. I know that feeling, so I was like, ‘you go, girl!’ On the other hand, when I found things that were different, I would try to dig deep into those things to understand the core of it and apply it to myself.” Goading Grief So much of the series is centered on grief— not only personal grief, but the trauma of an entire community. Gu!rún took such care to research the experience of trauma and what it does to a person that she often had restless nights, dreaming of traumatic events that left her unable to sleep. “You watch the show and it’s so much about the personal journey. It really makes you wonder, ‘if everything you wish for would come true, is it really what you wanted?’ Or do you need to look inside of yourself and try to understand how you can move forward. It's like a sci-fi show, but in the end it really gets you thinking about ourselves as people, our community and the trauma in our lives.” “It’s so funny to think of the contrast between the first day of shooting and the last because the difference is gigantic. It was like I got an acting crash course. I feel like there was a point where it clicked and I just kept growing and growing and growing. I think “I didn’t realize that it could actually happen—to be a musician like this, but I’m so thankful for it. I just stumbled upon the right self in life.” “I always want to try some- thing new and expand myself as an artist. I don’t want to get stuck in one place just because it's selling.” there’s nothing more rewarding as an artist than when you feel this growth.” When asked if the eruption of Fagradals- fjall on March 19th, just three months before the release of Katla, felt like the greatest teaser trailer of all time, Gu!rún shared “It felt like the best PR move ever. It's not an eruption that's dangerous, it's just pretty so we were like, ‘wow, this is meant to be.’” Industry Equality In 2017, the landscape of many industries, especially in entertainment, began shifting with the virality of the #metoo movement. Gu!rún entered the scene in the midst of all this. Simultaneously she noticed the vast presence of men in the industry and an underrepresentation of women and non- binary people. Luckily, she felt the public was ready for a dynamic shift. “People were happy to see a young woman unafraid of expressing herself in this way. Now there's so many young women that have so much talent who are stepping up at the moment,” she shares. Gu!rún credits Ragga Gísla, Birgitta Haukdal and Sigrí!ur Thor- lacius, among other female Icelandic musi- cians, as inspiring her to believe she had this potential from a young age. “I hope I’m help- ing to pave the way for other women.” “It's so important to have women and non-binary people in the music industry to show people who have dreams that this is possible, that you can step up. I want people to think, ‘If they can do it, I can do it.’” Covid And Community Gu!rún speaks with such infectious positiv- ity, it’s easy to forget that we’re in the midst of a pandemic—but she doesn’t shy away from its impact on her. “Of course living through the pandemic is hard but I don’t think I would’ve had this growth as a person without this experience. I think a lot of people feel this way,” she muses, “ Everything stopped and we were kind of forced to look at our lives and reconsider things. A lot of people are always looking at the future, one step ahead of themselves, and Covid forced us all to live more in the moment.” “People realised they needed change—for themselves and for their communities—and the time is now, you can’t wait for the future to happen. With movements like Black Lives Matter, we’re all realising we have to make changes now. So of course, Covid has been devastating but if you want to be super posi- tive, you can take away so many good things from this time.” Inspiration Abounds “It’s been a bit hard trying to record another album. For the longest time, having written an album but being unable to perform it felt like I’d walked through a door but that door was still open behind me. I was so proud of this album, but I hadn’t closed the door on it yet,” she shares. ing gigs were cancelled. In terrible irony, the album had been recorded with as many live instruments as possible—an attempt to be able to offer live shows as true-to-sound as the songs fans streamed at home. Now the potential for live shows has disappeared. She equated the experience to walking through a door but not being able to close it behind you. While the future of live music hung in the balance, Gu!rún sought out positivity wherever it sprouted. Making Music, Making Moves Gu!rún credits her smooth transition from music to television to her performance in the National Theatre of Iceland’s 2019 produc- tion of ‘Shakespeare in Love.’ Not only was the play’s director, Selma Björnsdóttir, also casting director for Katla—the experience itself introduced Gu!rún to the acting world through music. “I was on the side playing violin the whole time and I would occasion- ally come out to sing,” she says, “I was really comfortable. I got to kind of dip my toes into this whole world without diving into it.” One day Selma reached out about a Netflix show she was scouting for Baltasar Kormákur. “At first I thought, ‘I'm not an actress’ but then I realized I have nothing to lose. If I get the part, which I really want, it’s going to be incredible. If not, then it’s amaz- ing they wanted me to audition at all.” She recalls, “I was so stressed about the audition, I decided to dress in all black so they wouldn't see if I was sweating. And honestly, I don't really remember how it went, I just kind of blacked out.” Luckily, her nerves didn’t show and she was offered the lead role of Gríma after reading with Íris Tanja Flygen- ring, the actress who would come to portray her sister Ása in the show. Capturing Katla Filming began for the Netflix sci-fi series in February 2020, and the cataclysmic downturn in Icelandic tourism in the early days of the pandemic actually worked out well for shoot- ing. “It was pretty amazing because most of the story happens in Vík, which is usually a tourist place, but it was just empty. The series is supposed to happen where everyone has moved out of the town, so it was just perfect.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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