Reykjavík Grapevine - okt. 2021, Síða 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - okt. 2021, Síða 21
Art Picks 21The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10— 2021 Art Listin!s Events are listed by venue. For complete listin!s and detailed information on venues, visit !!. Send your listin!s to: events@! Opening ICELANDIC ART CENTER Time Has Come The 10th Sequences art bien- nial returns, curated by "óranna Björnsdóttir and "ráinn Hjálmarsson. Creative energy abounds in dialogue between featured artists specialis- ing in various media. At times, this interchange between moment, environment and context rises to the level of art itself. Take part in this multi-day interdisciplinary event showcasing 35 local and interna- tional artists. • Opens on October 15th, 2021 • Runs until October 24th, 2021 MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART Sunna Örlygsdóttir: Fashion Designer in Residency What you wear o#en reveals who you are. Sunna Örlygsdóttir under- stands this as well as anyone. Her fascination with the process of garment making is evident in her curious and captivating creations. From the luxurious to the peculiar, Sunna experiments with it all. • Opens on October 8th, 2021 • Runs until December 30th, 2021 FOLD GALLERÍ Double Opening Fold Gallerí—auction house, and purveyors of fine art since 1990— presents a new exhibition featuring Hrafnhildur Inga Sigur$ardóttir and Rósa Sigrún Jónsdóttir. Hrafnhildur Inga is an oil-on-canvas artist who predominantly features water in her art, be that a river, a waterfall or any kind of rivulet inbetween. Rósa is a visual artist who o#en utilises the tension of di%ering textiles in her sculptures and installations. • Opens on October 30th, 2021 • Runs until November 19th, 2021 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Of The North 'Of the North' (2001) is created from Steina Vasulka’s archive of video recordings of Icelandic nature, shot from macroscopic and microscopic viewpoints. So from microbes to crashing waves and melting ice, this is a visual document of the forma- tion and destruction of our planet. • Runs until January 9th, 2022 Hello Universe It's 2021, and we're so over Earth; cue the entrance of Finnur Jónsson. The avant-garde art of Finnur—the first Icelandic artist to address outer space in his works, in the early 20th century—presents the artist's unfettered interpretation of the marvels of the celestial bod- ies. Always remember: we are but matter experiencing itself on a pale blue dot. • Runs until January 9th, 2022 Muggur Gu$mundur Thorsteinsson, widely known by his artist name, Muggur, was also known for his captivating personality. While his artistic career may have been relatively brief—he died at the age 32—he lived a full and adventurous life. This fact is evident in this exhibit which depicts scenes from his travels around the world, as well as around his native Iceland. His worlds of fantasy are also on display here, among works showcasing various other themes. • Runs until February 13th, 2022 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition In 1909 Einar Jónsson—described on the museum's website as "Ice- land's first sculptor"—o%ered all of his works as a gi# to the Icelandic people, on the condition that a mu- seum be built to house them. The resulting edifice, constructed just over the road from Hallgrím- skirkja, now contains close to 300 artworks. There is also a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures to enjoy. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Exhibition This exhibition— where Viking ruins meet digital technology—provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. Archaelogi- cal remains uncovered on site dat- ing back to 871 AD surround you. I8 Elisions This new show gathers together pieces by American artists N. Dash, K.R.M. Mooney, B. Ingrid Olson and Carrie Yamaoka, who use paint- erly, photographic and sculptural methods to explore the concept of ‘Elision’. This word conveys the sense of something missing, truncated, compressed, or contracted. To quote the promotional material supporting this launch: “Removal is additive, just quietly so.” Quite so. • Runs until October 30th REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisheries from row boats to monstrous trawlers. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here. with two images of di%erent origins against each other. GER&ARSAFN Debatable Lands: Dialogues from Shared Worlds This is a mid-career retrospective of the 20-year collaboration between art- ists Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson. Snæbjörnsdóttir and Wilson approach their art partnership with an ecological and pluralistic view. In a research-based practice, they prompt discussion and thought about our changing world, and our own human role in those changes. • Runs until January 9th, 2022 HVERFISGALLERÍ Below / Beyond Largely inspired by conceptual and minimalist art of the 60's and 70's, British artist Perry Roberts' new exhibition at Hverfisgallerí features works on paper and paintings on canvas. Laid out with the intent to tell a story uninterupted, his paper works in particular flourish within the delicate intermix of existence and nothingness. • Runs until November 6th, 2021 MUTT GALLERY Wild About You Pop artist Tinna Royal o%ers a contemporary take on romantic relationships and consumerism through the lens of WWII comics. The Arkanes-based artist spent years scouring the public domain to pro- cure these images, o#en highlight- ing romance, heroism and gender roles perhaps considered outdated today. Her modern perspective on what underlies these images is undoubtedly worth a visit. • Runs until October 9th, 2021 Y GALLERY The Oldest Spark Energy can be explosive, but it can also be subtle. Regardless—demure or dynamic—it courses around us every day. Whether it's fluttering between two bodies or coursing between currents, Elísabet Bryn- hildardóttir reminds us of that—and in doing so, begs us to consider even the most minute implications of that very first spark. • Runs until October 16th, 2021 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY The Return of the King Artist and photographer Sigmur$ur Unnar Birgisson marries floral images by the late photographer Hjálmar R. Bár$arson with strikingly simple photographs of eldery Ice- landic men. The union feels a touch unusual, but at the same time quite harmonious. • Runs until December 12, 2021 Reunion Shi#ing angles can change so much of how we view our enviornment. This exhibition, featuring the works of Anna Elín Svavarsdóttir, demon- strates this while showcasing an aesthetic instantly identifiable as her own. • Runs until October 31st, 2021 NORDIC HOUSE Time Matter Remains Trouble The interplay between matter and time is the focus of the newest exhi- bition at Nordic House featuring art- ists Alice Creischer, Anna Líndal, Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir, Bjarki Bragason and nabbteeri. Here we're urged to remember that creation, preserva- tion and decay is a natural progres- sion faced by humans, objects and ideas alike. • Runs until December 21st, 2021 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ' HAFNARHÚS I"avöllur: Icelandic Art in the 21st Century This year Reykjavík Art Museum is focusing on the creative microen- vironment, with an aim of display- ing the growth of the Icelandic art scene. The whole of Hafnarhús is being used to exhibit new works by leading young artists. • Runs until October 17th, 2021 Gu"n# Rósa Ingimarsdóttir: opus- oups Gu$ny lives and works in French- speaking Belgium. The word 'opus' denotes a piece of artwork, while 'oups' is French for 'oops'. Paired to- gether the words demonstrate that art that can come from seemingly inconsequential things. O#en em- ploying found, forgotten or formerly used materials, Gu$ny brings the essense of 'opus-oups' to life. • Runs until January 16th, 2022 FOLD GALLERÍ Entropy Rune Werner Molnes' photographs of stand-alone homes and barns present a sense of both abandon- ment and strength. • Runs until October 18th, 2021 Echoes of the Mind Margrét Sossa Björnsdóttir's work largely features the human form, at once lively in content and subdued in style. • Runs until October 23rd, 2021 HAFNARBORG Community of Sentient Beings This year´s autumn exhibition at Hafnarborg is 'Community of Sen- tient Beings', curated by Wiola Ujaz- dowska and Hubert Gromny. They have invited various professionals to participate in the exhibition with the aim of creating a space for multiple voices to come together, reflecting di%erent ways of voicing, hearing and sensing. Makes sense, right? • Runs until October 31st, 2021 October 8th — November 4th Augmented Reality Disorder Weekends from Oct. 9th to Oct. 30th - Midpunkt, Hamrabor! 22 Since social media began taking over the world, the impact of our digital lives on our real-life selves has been a constant topic of discussion. The recent hours- long blackout of Facebook and Instagram proved just how intertwined these features are with our lives. This fact is not lost on Hákon Bragason and Katerina Blahutova, whose forthcoming exhibition, ‘Aug- mented Reality Disorder’, tackles that very dynamic. A body segment- ed at the waist is omnipresent in the space as you follow the journey of this exhibition, demonstrating a person suspend- ed between two worlds. Come by Midpunkt to con- nect, disconnect or forge your own path between the two. What- ever you choose, your mind will be opened to a new world. There’s just no telling which one. DT In Media Res Until Nov. 6th - BERG Contemporary, Klapparstígur 16 The artistic journey Hulda Stefánsdóttir took in publishing her book ‘Time Map’ inspired the cre- ation of her new- est exhibition. The pandemic has, for better or worse, made all of us stop and recon- sider time—likely more than ever before. For Hulda, it’s no di%erent. Pay a visit to BERG Contemporary to press pause on your own timeline. DT MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART GAR!ATORG 1 210 GAR!ABÆR EXHIBITIONS ARCHIVING ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OF HÖGNA SIGUR!AR DÓTTIR UNTIL 27.02.22 KRISTÍN "ORKELSDÓTTIR UNTIL 30.12. BEHIND SCENES THE RESIDENCY OPEN TUE–SUN 12–17 WWW.HONNUNARSAFN.IS SUNNA ÖRLYGSDÓTTIR FASHION DESIGNER UNTIL 30.12. Instagram Facebook honnunarsafn The Portrait Collection Until January 2nd, 2022, National Museum of Iceland, Su$urgata 41, Up to 2.000 ISK Composed largely of donations from private individu- als, the National Gallery of Iceland is showcasing the depiction of humans through various media, be it painting, photography, needlework or sculpture. Are you interested in seeing the oldest known Icelandic portrait? Stop by for sepia-toned insight into fellow (and former) Icelanders. DT Complete Spaces Until Oct. 10th - Ásmundarsalur, Freyjugata 41 Artists Anna Hrund Másdóttir, Jóhan- na Ásgeirsdóttir and Daníel Mag- nússon worked together on an open art-maths lab in preparation for this interac- tive exhibition. By employing mathematics, among other inspirations you wouldn’t imme- diately connect with art, they’ve created their pieces for this ce- rebral experience. Arithmetic and art? Don’t mind if I do. DT


Reykjavík Grapevine

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