Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2022, Blaðsíða 7

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2022, Blaðsíða 7
In many languages that have gendered nouns, the sun is often gendered male; this is the case in Latinate languages, for example. However, in many Germanic languages that still retain gendered nouns, (English apparently having moved beyond this concept), the sun is female, and Icelandic is no excep- tion. In fact, to Norse pagans the sun wasn’t just a feminine noun; she was a goddess in her own right: Sól. Sól had an auspicious beginning. Fathered by Mundilfari, (whose name has the perplexing meaning of “the one moving according to particular times”), along with her brother Máni (which literally means “moon”), it wasn’t her original intention to become a goddess. She was just so beautiful that Mundilfari named her after the sun. This didn’t sit well with certain other gods, who decided to punish Mundilfari by making Sól carry the literal sun in a chariot across the sky. Which, when you think about, doesn’t seem like much of a punishment. She took to the job as if she were made for it. In a way, you could say she was destiny’s child. But if you’ve ever wondered why time flies so quickly, it’s because Sól is relentlessly pursued by a wolf named Sköll. Like Beyoncé, yes, Sól has a dedicated hater. On occasion, he even catches up with her, which is why we have solar eclipses. During Ragnarök—a kind of Nordic End Of Times event—Sköll eventually catches Sól and swallows her whole. However, a daughter of Sól, who is reportedly just as beautiful, takes up the crown and continues the sun’s jour- ney again. The entire myth just shows that you can’t keep a good woman down for long. And if you think you can, well, you must know nothing about her. 7 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 01— 2022 Ægir ‘Tem End Lopo’ This four-track release takes as its theme the cyclical rhythms created by a piece of vinyl once the stylus is sitting in that perpetual loop next to the label. Using that sound as a foundation, Ægir morphs samples from the record into fever-dream soundscapes that you can’t bear to be in, but won’t contemplate leaving. JP Brynjar Da!ason ‘Pretty Late’ Brynjar’s debut album is an engaging set of sparsely arranged pieces for electric guitar. Having studied composition in Reykjavík, he then enlisted some of the country’s best-respected musicians, including bassist Skúli Sverrisson, to work on this project. Radiohead’s Johnny Greenwoood is cited in Brynjar's biography as an influence, but his gentle, precise playing style is also occasionally reminiscent of The Durutti Column's Vini Reilly. And that's praise indeed. JP Gy!a Valt"sdóttir ‘Ox’ Gy!a’s latest album may be her most personal work to date, and that’s saying a lot for a composer known for the warm intimacy of her work. This is music for a candlelit night at home with a loved one, or for staring out of the window at the rain by yourself. It will warm your heart, and cleanse your soul. ASF NEW MUSIC PICKS JUST SAYINGS There are a few ways to carry on. You could do it like a proper Englishman and keep calm at the same time. But if you’d rather eschew all that posh nonsense, we have the solution for you. The saying "Áfram me! smjöri!" liter- ally means "forward/on with the butter". Icelanders are, of course, a nation of farmers and we have so many sayings connected to butter that it’s almost sad. But the saying "on with the butter" just means to carry on. Icelanders use this saying often and they love to translate it, since it makes absolutely no sense in English. VG First Important note; there is no salt in this butter "Áfram me! smjöri!" GODS OF ICELAND Superpowers: Literally brings us the sun Weaknesses: Wolves Modern Analogy: Beyoncé PRAISE THE SUN Sól, Goddess of the Sun Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Image: Creative Commons* Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once


Reykjavík Grapevine

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