Reykjavík Grapevine - aug. 2022, Síða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - aug. 2022, Síða 20
i8 Grandi Marshallhúsið Grandagarður 20 101 Reykjavík Iceland +354 551 3666 Alicja Kwade In Relation to the Sun, to Sequences of Events, i8 Grandi — 22.01.22–22.12.22 09.06.–18.09.2022 Open daily 10h00–17h00 #reykjavikartmuseum Kjarvalsstaðir Flókagata 24 105 Reykjavík +354 411 6400 Stitches and Threads Agnes Ársælsdóttir, Anna Líndal, Anna Andrea Winther, Eirún Sigurðardóttir, Erla Þórarinsdóttir, Guðrún Bergsdóttir, G.Erla – Guðrún Erla Geirsdóttir, Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir, James Merry, Kristinn G. Harðarson, Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir, Loji Höskuldsson, Petra Hjartardóttir, Rósa Sigrún Jónsdóttir Weaving Through Time ‘A Rainbow Thread’ serves to remind us that queer people have always played a role in history Words: Josie Anne Gaitens Photos: Emma Ledbetter “Who belongs to the Icelan- dic nation?” the opening page of ‘A Rainbow Thread’ asks. The pamphlet is the physical version of a guide created by the National Museum of Iceland in collaboration with Samtökin '78, The National Queer Organisation of Iceland. In seeking to answer that first ques- tion, it offers a queer reading of the museum’s permenant exhibition, ‘Making of a Nation—Heritage and History in Iceland.’ “It opened in 2018, for the forti- eth anniversary of Samtökin '78,” Anna Leif Auðar Elídóttir, who is in charge of the museum’s educa- tion programme, explains. “It was an idea that came from the grass- roots of the organ- isation.” Strong language ‘A R a i n b o w T h r e a d ,’ w h i c h in addition to the booklet is available as a free down- loadable audio guide, seeks to chal- lenge the incorrect assumption that queer identities are only a feature of modern life. With thoughtful and questioning text, the guide encourages visitors to re-examine the artefacts and exhibits in front of them from a post-heteronormative perspective. “It’s interesting because the National Museum is an institu- tion—it’s part of the establish- ment,” Anna says. “But the guide uses very courageous words.” “It uses the F-word,” her col league, Communications M a n a g e r S t e i n d ó r G u n n a r Steindórsson, adds. “It struck me a little bit because I wasn’t expect- ing it. But I thought, ‘wow, this is great.’ This is progress.” “I’m quite proud of it.” Anna says with a smile. “It’s a conversation starter.” “Silence” The guide traces Icelandic queer history from the beginning of settlement, right up to present day. However, there are significant and notable absences, and unlike other readings of the past, ‘A Rainbow Thread’ confronts them head on. A section of the guide is simply called “Silence,” and it discusses how a lack of research and repre- sentation mean that little is known about queer lives and identities between the middle ages and the 19th century. “There were centuries where the creators of the guide didn’t have anything to talk about,” Anna says. “But they didn’t want to leave a gap, they wanted to acknowledge the silence. It also speaks to the absence of queerness as a decision of governments in some countries.” A gay national hero? Also mentioned in the guide is the fact that some evidence suggests that one of the first curators of the museum, Sigurður Guðmundsson, was himself queer. Sigurður was a hugely influential figure in Icelan- dic culture, and is responsible for designing the Icelandic national costume. Despite his respected position in society, there were always rumours that he was effemi- nate and possibly attracted to men. “They don’t have definite proof that he was gay,” Steindór says. “But there are signs. He sent drawings of a penis in a letter to his friend, for instance. He was into dresses and known for not being a particularly masculine man—he was in touch with his feminine side.” “We don’t know for sure how he identified,” Anna adds. “This is based on rumours. Perhaps he was just ahead of his time,” she laughs. Starting a conversation Both Anna and Steindór are delighted with the response they have received to the exhibition so far, and hope to see the project continue and develop over time. “This is just the start of some- thing,” Steindór says enthusias- tically. “We will probably add to it—hopefully Samtökin '78 will come back to us with fresh ideas and updates.” “But we are also looking forward to other kinds of collaboration,” adds Anna. “Not only with people from this organisation but from different groups in society too.” “It's very important,” she contin- ues. “And that’s what museums are for: to be a part of the community that we live in. A neutral place for different conversations.” Thready or not Flying the flag for queer rights 20The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08— 2022 “That’s what museums are for: to be a part of the community that we live in” Art


Reykjavík Grapevine

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