Reykjavík Grapevine - Aug 2022, Page 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - Aug 2022, Page 21
21The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08— 2022Art Picks Art Exhibitions Gallery openings, happenings, showings and pop-up exhibitions all around the capital region. Send details of yours to: Ongoing REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS Erró: The Power of Images Erró is undoubtedly Iceland’s best- known visual artist. The Reykjavík Art Museum is custodian of nearly 4,000 pieces of the artist's work after he began donating them in the 1980s, and this exhibition of more than 300 of them is the most extensive showing of Erró's works ever seen in Iceland. Videos, graphics, and collages—with larger works in public spaces, and paintings of all scales— showcase Erró’s eclectic appropriation of imag- ery from every possible domain. • Runs until September 29th ÁSMUNDARSALUR Essentially untitled The multidisciplinary French artist Claire Paugum's exhibition focuses on questioning. With common rules and representations in mind, she confronts sensitive experiences, demonstrating the unstable nature of images. Exploring themes of shapelessness, entropy, disorder, and letting go, her art lives in the space as living beings would. Some crawl on the floor and walls, some become fluid matter, integrating seamlessly into the space yet chal- lenging the spatial perspective. • Runs until August 14th WESTFJORDS NR. 4 Umhverfing “Akademía Skynjunarinnar”, which can be translated to “Academy of Perception”, is hosting their fourth edition of their annual “Umhverfing” art journey. The aim of the project is to promote local culture through art in both traditional and unconven- tional ways and spaces, stimulating discussions about art and life with the local community. For this year’s edition they estab- lished collaborations with 125 art- ists who will showcase their work. All have roots leading back to these locations, thus reconnecting artists with origin. The exhibition takes the viewer on a literal journey through art, culture and nature with the help of GPS points. More information about the diverse programme can be found on their website. • Runs until August 27th MUSEUM OF DESIGN & APPLIED ART Bathing Culture The outdoor geothermal pool is the most interesting public sphere in Iceland. A place where strangers cross paths and acquaintances meet, it is a source of wellbeing and a major part of everyday life for many. This exhibition traces the development of Icelandic bathing culture, showing how architects and designers, pool staff and the public have together shaped the story. • Runs until September 25th Virtual waters Taking a philosophical approach to the Iceland bathing culture, Hrund Atladóttir describes diving into wa- ter as entering another dimension full of contradictions. In connection with the museum’s current ‘bath- ing culture’ exhibition, this work challenges viewers to dive into this dimension through virtual reality and experience the effect water can have on perception. • Runs until October 23rd REYKJANESBÆR ART MUSEUM Orbit/Ellipse Gabríela Friðriksdóttir and Björn Roth approach the world of colour- ing books from a philosophical and creative perspective, musing on whether having to draw within the lines influences a child’s creativity negatively. The artists created their own colouring book that doubles as the exhibition catalogue and is available as a numbered art work. Breaking free from having to draw within the lines, they present their own coloured-in versions to explore boundaries by crossing them. • Runs until November 13th I8 GRANDI In Relation To The Sun i8 Grandi is a new exhibition space, the unique concept of which is to focus on year-long shows by single artists. The exhibitions will evolve while on view, allowing their cre- ators to reflect how the passage of time alters their work and encour- age repeat viewings to observe those changes. This inaugural exhibition by Alicja Kwade encom- passes installation, sculpture and work on paper. Its title—initially “In Relation To The Sun”—will change as the nature of the pieces on display evolves. • Runs until December 22nd NATIONAL LIBRARY Sir Joseph Banks - Iceland Expedition Joseph Banks joined Captain James Cook on his first voyage around the world. Barely a year after they returned, he led the first British scientific expedition to Iceland in 1772, exactly 250 years ago. The National Library opens up an exhibi- tion to celebrate the anniversary of his voyage. • Runs until November 20th HAFNARBORG In the Depths of Your Own Awareness This retrospective exhibition fea- tures works spanning Gunnar Örn Gunnarsson’s almost 40-year career. His first exhibition raised existential questions regarding modern soci- ety and set the precedent for what would be his lifelong inspiration: human existence. This retrospective exhibition features works spanning his career, embodying the artist’s spiritual search. • Runs until August 28th HVERFISGALLERÍ Inner Space Three-dimensional wall works, reliefs, and a colour palette ranging from untreated wood, to principal colours, to neon. Belgian artist Jeanine Cohen’s solo exhibition explores the effect colours and shapes can have on our spatial experience. While each piece is a stand-alone work of art, she uses the exhibition space to stimulate a collaborative dialogue between them. • Runs until September 29th KJARVALSSTAÐIR Stitches and Threads Local artists explore and confront social issues, the poetry of everyday life, and the tenderness of nostalgia through embroidery and use of needlework. The exhibition focuses on this sub-discipline within textile art, and where some honour its heri- tage traditionally, others approach it via progressive mixed media experiments. • Runs until September 18th Heads from Clouds Jóhannes S. Kjarval, one of Iceland’s most beloved painters, is known for his portraits and artistic interpreta- tion of Icelandic nature. He started his career in 1923 and won the heart of the nation when he started depicting the “common people”. The connection he establishes between his portraits and Icelandic nature is something he is still known for today. • Runs until September 28th REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Spatial Infractions Rósa Gísladóttir exhibits her work in conversation with that of Icelandic sculpture pioneer Ásmundur Sveins- son. Rósa is best known for her creations in the medium of plaster, but she often references architec- ture in her work and here will use Ásmundarsafn, the museum building itself, as a sculpture. • Runs until August 7th NATIONAL GALLERY Liðamót / Ode to Join Margét H. Blöndal’s exhibition hon- ours connections. The title refers to the result of movement when three or more joints come together. Ode to Join consists of drawings made with powdered pigments and oil, and three -dimensional works that were made within the space of the museum. Each individual work of art is intended to work in combination with the surrounding pieces, be- coming almost a symphonic poem where all are joined together. • Runs until October 2nd Jewellery of Dieter Roth Mostly known as a visual artist, mu- sician, poet, thinker, and trailblazer, Dieter Roth’s creation of innovative jewellery is often overlooked. This exhibition showcases his unique and experimental approach to jewellery-making and bears witness to his unconventional methods that make him the versatile artist he is known as today. • Runs until September 23rd REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Light Space - Shadow Space Ester Jóhannesdóttir’s work explores how abstract forms and shadows can be transformed into clearer, graspable imagery through photography and the use of natural light. The exhibition displays her photographs of buildings, shot both inside and outside at different times of day, exploring the relationship between opposites as darkness re- treats with increased natural light. • Runs until August 16th GERÐARSAFN We can talk This exhibition marks the end of a collaboration between prominent cross-disciplinary festivals and institutions located in five Nordic countries, initiated by Platform GÁTT. Nine artists showcase their work, re- flecting on what it means to be part of the Nordic Region and exploring both the positive and the negative aspects of a shared identity. • Runs until September 4th ALDA Challenging the boundaries between visual arts and dance, ALDA draws upon the history of women's collective physical labour through repetitive movement and song in order to initiate an intimate convergence. ALDA is the result of a collaboration between choreogra- pher Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, designer Eva Signý Berger, and Baldvin Þór Magnússon. • Runs until September 4th August 5th—September 1st FROM THE SHORE TO THE MUDPOOL Until August 31st - Verksmiðjan - Hjalteyri A 'desire path' represents the shortest route between origin and destination. The exhibition, curated by SPIT Collective, places the concept of desire paths in the context of Queer ecology. Referring to NYC’s waterfront pier's popularity among the queer com- munity of the 70s as origin, and the old factory in Hjalteyri as desti- nation, the artists explore how their practices are linked to 'cruis- ing' by reclaiming spaces through wandering and showcasing dif- ferent mediums of work such as performances, writings, read- ings, and walking to create a dialogue with the space. The show's ultimate inten- tion is to launch discussion and research, explor- ing the place of outcasts within today’s society, and the percep- tion of public spaces related to the queer com- munity and wom- en, referencing NYC’s waterfront community of the 70’s as archetype for human and artistic expres- sion. KW Voyage Until September 18th - Glérhúsið Glérhúsið is a new exhibition space that recently opened on Vesturgata 33b in downtown Reykjavík. Berghall are Olga Bergmann and Anna Hallin and their most recent collaboration includes video work called “New Wil- derness”, accompanied by various sculptures and drawings. “Voyage” aims to inspire an active dialogue between art and its environment. Open on Sundays. KW MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART GARÐATORG 1 210 GARÐABÆR OPEN TUE–SUN 12–17 WWW.HONNUNARSAFN.IS Instagram Facebook honnunarsafn EXHIBITIONS BATHING CULTURE UNTIL 23.10. THE PLATFORM HRUND ATLADÓTTIR VIRTUAL WATERS UNTIL 23.10. RESIDENCY HÖGNA SIGURÐAR DÓTTIR ARCHITECTURAL MODELS UNTIL 31.08. BEHIND SCENES TIDY UP UNTIL 31.12. Some Recent Work Until October 2nd - National Gallery of Iceland The museum showcases a selec- tion of new works that were gifted over the past four years, reflecting the complexity of contemporary Icelandic art. While many topics are explored through various media, systems and repetitions are the selection's guiding principle. KW Drawings Until September 10th - Hverfisgallerí The gallery’s founding member Edda Jónsdottir displays 50 framed pictures created over the last two years. With paper, watercolour and pencil, she experiments with how drawing the same image can have different outcomes and hide dif- ferent meanings when touched by repetition, emotion and everything else life has to offer. KW


Reykjavík Grapevine

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