Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1951, Page 41

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1951, Page 41
A REPORT ON THE FRENCH-ICELANDIC GRAVITY MEASUREMENTS IN SOUTHERN ICELAND IN 1950 BY T. EINARSSON, TH. SIGURGEIRSSON, and G. BÖDVARSSON. With a map of Bouguer-isogals for Southern Iceland. In the spring and autumn of 1950 a gravity survey was made in southern Iceland by a joint undertaking of French and Icelandic authorities. When the French Polar Expedi- tion, under the direction of M. Paul-Emile Victor — Expedi- tions Polaires Frangaise (Missions Paul-Emile Victor) — stayed for a few days in this country en route to Green- land in the spring of 1950, the present writers contacted M. Victor with the wish that the gravimetry section of his expedition collaborate with us during their stay in Iceland. M. Victor, M. Munck and M. Joset, in charge of the gravimetry section, consented cordially to this proposal. Previous work on gravity in Iceland is: 1. At two points, Reykjavik and Akureyri, made by Johansen in 1900 with a pendulum. 2. Pendulum measurements by E. Ansel and gravi- meter measurements by A. Schleusener in 1938 on a line about 100 km. long from Akureyri to Grimsstadir in northeast Iceland. Gravimeter measurements were made at 39 point, only two of which were appreciably (20 km.) outside the mentioned line. (1) (1) O. Niemczyk, Spalten auf Island. Stuttgart 1943 (Zweiter Teil: A. Schleusener, Die Gravimetermessungen).


Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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