Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1951, Side 57

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1951, Side 57
51 — 24. Markarfljótsbrú. 30 m. west of bridge on Markarfljót. — 25. Álabrú. Crossing of road to Austur-Landeyjar. 1 km. west of river Álar. — 26. Miðey. Gasoline tank at farm Miðey. — 27. Hólmar. Gate of farm Hólmar. — 28. Búðarhólsvatn. At crossroads on west bank of lake. — 29. Kúfhóll. At the farm. — 30. Hallgeirsey. Ca. 500 m. west of farm. — 31. Bergþórshvoll. East end of bridge across Affall near Berg- þórshvoll. — 32. Kanastaðir. Gate of farm Kanastaðir. — 33. Þverá. 30 m. west of bridge across Þverá. — 34. Eystri-Rangá. 10 m. east of bridge. — 35. Hróarslækur. 12 m. east of brigde. — 36. Sog. Where the river Sog comes close to the road, ca. 5 km. south of Ljósifoss. — 37. Ljósifoss. Pole at entrance of Power Station. — 38. Kaldárhöfði. Where road comes close to lake Þingvalla- vatn, ca. 1 km. north of outlet. — 39. Miðfeil. Telephonepole, bend of road. — 40. Hrafnagjá. Where road is closest to lake. — 41. Vatnskot. Gate of farm. — 42. Almannagjá. Lower end of bridge on Drekkingarhylur. — 43. Kárastaðir. Crossing of by-road to farm Kárastaðir. — 44. Stóralandstjörn. Close to the pond. — 45. Leirvogsvatn. East end of bridge on outlet from the lake. — 46. Mosfellsdalur. East end of bridge on Norður-Reykjaá. Hveravellir: No. 1. Same as Reykjavík—Þykkvibær—Keflavík No. 1. Same as Reykjavík—Þykkvibær—Keflavík No. 14. — 2. — 3. Svínavatn. — 4. Tungufljót. — 5. Sandá. — 6. Hvítárbrú. — 7. Vatn á Kili. — 8. Hveravellir. On the northwestern bank of the lake Svina- vatn, close to the farm Svínavatn. On the road some 250 metres north of the bridge on the Tungufljót. On the road at the western bank of the river Sandá. On the southern end of the bridge across the river Hvítá. On the northern bank of the lake close to the road on Kjölur. 50 metres in front of the hospice on Hvera- vellir. — 9. — 10. — 11. — 12. — 13. — 14. — 15. Same as No. 8. Same as No. 7. Svartá. At the bridge across the river Svartá. Hvítárnes. At the hospice in Hvtíárnes. Same as No. 6. Litla Grjótá. On road at the river Litla-Grjótá. Sandvatn. At the east end of lake Sandvatn.


Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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