Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1976, Blaðsíða 162
1. Einarsson, Tr., 1968: Submarine Ridges as an Effect of Stress Fields. J. Geo-
phys. Res., 73, 7561-7576.
2. Einarsson, Tr., 1962: Upper Tertiary and Pleistocene Rocks in Iceland. Soc.
Sci. Isl. 36, 1-196. (As the description of the lava is not clear enough, the
following shall be stated. 1) This lava dammed up the river in the valley
for some time. 2) The dammed lake was filled with river gravel and the
river transported material over the dam, wiping away the scoriaceous top,
and leaving a hummocky surface. 3) Finally, the river eroded a gorge at
the side of the lava dam, in which the lava is seen to rest on unconsolidated
postglacial river gravel. [Most of the lake filling was then carried away.
3. Einarsson, Tr. 1958: Development and Age of Topography in the mountains
between Skagafjördur and Húnavatnssýsla. Náttúrufræðingurinn, 28, 1-25
(Icelandic with English Summarj').
4. Einarsson, Tr., 1959: The Pleistocene volcanism in the north of Skagafjördur,
and the paleomagnetic dating of topography in Middle Northem Iceland.
Náttúrufræðingurinn, 29, 113-133 (Icelandic with English Summary).
5. Everts, P., L. E. Körfer, and M. Schwarzbach, 1972: Neue K/Ar-Datierungen
islándischer Basalte. Neues Jb. Geol. Paláont. Mh., 5, 280-284.
6. Einarsson, Tr., 1967: The Icelandic Fracture System and the inferred causal
Stress Field. In: Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridges. Soc. Sci. Isl. 38. Ed. Sv.
Björnsson. 128-139.
7. Einarsson, Tr., 1965: Remarks on Crustal Structure in Iceland. Geophys.
J. Roy. Astr. Soc. 10, 283-288.
8. Björnsson, Sv., 1971: Reykjanes. Full Report on the investigations of the
Thermal Area. Icelandic Energy Authority, Section on Thermal Energj'.
122p about 50 diagrams and maps (Icelandic).
9. Einarsson, Tr., 1972: Eðlisþættir jarðarinnar og jarðfræði Islands. Alm. Bóka-
félagið (Textbook on physical Geoscience and Icelandic Geology. In Ice-
10. Einarsson, Tr., 1965: On the Geology of Stapafell-Súlur and the surrounding
area. Soc. Sci. Isl., Greinar IV, 1, 49-76.
11. Einarsson, Tr., 1960: The Plateau Basalt Areas in Iceland. In: On the Geo-
iogy and Geophysics of Iceland. Guide to Excursion No. A2, Intem. Geol.
Congr. Norden 1960, Ed. S. Thorarinsson. Further in Geograf. Annaler,
1959, 2-3, 135-139.