Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 15

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 15
15 'A+i—c) 1 - («0+«i(Ai—c))(x «g(^i - c))(x—AQ8+.. ■ M'-l- c)+{fio+Wl - c))(x - h) + (Pl+Mh - C))(x- Al)s+... then we are able to arrive at a solution of the problem by a similar procedure to that above described; we have only to substitute «„ (^i—c) + «„-i for «n and Pn(h—c)-\-pn-i for /?n. Obviously this procedure can be extended to the case where y does not at all vanish at the limits of integration. When the limits are x = ci and x = c2 it may easily be shown that we can substitute (+—Ci) (+—c2)an + (2Ai—ci—c2)an-i + a„-2 for «n and, similarly (+ — Cl) (Ai — C2) + (2/l — Cl — C2) /ín_ 1 + fin-2 for fin, We shall now proceed to illustrate this method by a few examples: F. Let p dx dx and y vanish at one of the limits y * fio while the other limit is x = c. Then we have: dy «o(Ai —c) + ao(x—Ai) dx. y /^o(^i—c) + +(x— Ái) From the relations (16a—e) we gather: «o(Ai—c)+/?o 0, /j«0+/5o(Ai—c) = 0, A3a0+2/2//o = 0 etc. whence h—c = í 1+2 or c = Ái + //2 «0 4-1 - 2 and /3 — and so on. t*o Vh ’ P' We could have obtained the same result by integration: /’CVJ re( p+»/)c ev C / e(p+'',I< dx = — ---------r— J c P+’? C (c-l),/++ _ + +■ — e p / 2p 3pj Hence /1 = c— x =1 2 p8’ 2 P8 /3 = — r§ etc< which is in complete agreement with our former result.


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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